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Any suggestions for Las Vegas adult entertainment?

brock landers

New Member
Dec 15, 2005
As the title suggest, I'm looking for suggestions as i'm taking a last minute trip to Las Vegas next week... In particular Porn stars and SP's. Feel free to pm me if you'd prefer not to post



New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
brock landers said:
I`m looking for suggestions

I`d start with a simple search for "Vegas", where you`d find a number of threads discussing some of what you are looking for. My search turned up this thread.

I`d do my research on TER & BigDoggie, since they have specific Las Vegas boards. In addition, TER has a Pornstar section where you can ask your question.

IMHO Las Vegas is one big B&S/Ripoff city unless you get verified info from reliable sources.


GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
My suggestions.

If you go to vegas, forget about SPs and MPs, take a vacation and hobby when you get back. See the sights, gamble, take advantage of the shows and events, try the $8.99 buffets that are all over LV, they are 10 times better than you can find anywhere else. Hobbying is one of the most expensive things you can do in LV. a skank SP will set you back $300 for a quicky, the SWs wil go for about $100 a BJ, then you run the risk of LV cops. I once saw LV police pull a guy out of a car and push him to the ground, step on his neck and stick a gun in his face. Just because he was with a SW. Do something exiting and unique when you are there, take a helicopter ride over the near by grand canyon, just taking a car trip out into the dessert and walking around is a special experience for us Canucks. I hear Elton John does 4 shows a week in Vegas, go see him.
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Jul 26, 2006
GTA is absolutely right

SP's and MP's quality of services in Vegas is very very bad compared to what we get in Montreal. They are obsessively money driven, and the ladies I met really do not enjoy what they are doing. It's a different world. I did not try the upscale 500-600/hour ladies there...I doubt they are any better. It's a culture thing. Montreal is the best place I know for hobbying in terms of choice, and quality of services; the prices are the best in North America.
For your limited time, take a tour of the Cirque du Soleil shows, "O", Love, Ka, (Zumanity was good initially, over time it has been sanitized to a point where it's disapointing). Elton is very good. Helicopter flying of the Grand Canyon is a must, If you have never done it.
SP's ?The worst thing that city has to offer.


time is precious
Dec 30, 2008
I am 100% in agreement with my collegues. Avoid the SP scene in Nevada at all cost, you will be certainly disapointed. The reality of the situation is most of the girls went to Vegas in search of stardom, becoming a Las Vegas show girl is a very sought after career for many ladies. As you can imagine most don't make it and fall into this world as matter of surviving, most are bitter at life's unfainess and it will show in the service that they offer.

I have been to Vegas once a year for the past 15 years, on rare occaisions I have seen SP's there and have always been left feeling disapointed. Now this includes such places as the Bunny Ranch which I had tried one of the high priced dolls, beautiful but without life or enthusiame.

As I have mentioned to another, gamble your heart away, win, and spend that money in Montreal.

C Dick

New Member
Mar 1, 2007
Go to the legal brothels outside town, in Pahrump. You may or may not decide to pay, but it is worth a visit as a cultural experience. You can hang out in the sports bar and watch the ladies and customers come and go.

Also, I enjoy going to the firing range to shoot handguns, it is so casual there, you just walk in and ask for what you want, and in two minutes you are firing away.

brock landers

New Member
Dec 15, 2005
Voyager, already checked those threads, I was looking for a more up to date reccomendation, thank you for your, and everyone else's input. I'm thinking it may be more enjoyable (and cost effective) to bring a friend or two from here lol


Active Member
Nov 24, 2006
How about pick up?

There are so many nightclubs in Vegas. How about doing pick ups there instead of calling SP, which is full of B/S and you also risk being caught by police?


New Member
May 23, 2005
I always tell people in Canada to forget the U.S. SP scene. It is awful. Take a vacation from hobbying while in America and enjoy the wonderful SPs in Canada.

I cannot imagine a Canadian being anything but disappointed when putting up with all the BS in the states. Plus, the risk of arrest when hobbying in the U.S. can be very real, and you don't want to be arrested in a foreign country.


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
I agree with the replies. The last time I went I ended up in a nude strip joint. I was given a "private party" with a girl for $200 in a curtained off area, where I was promised all kinds of surprises. After a little gyrating from the girl she asked for $1,000 for a SOG. I pleaded proverty and got a naked dry hump for $200. If you're really keen make a friend of your taxi driver. They seemed to know where the action is. On the way back from this encounter my driver told me of some AMPs near the Palms that had extra services. Beware taxi drivers who might be getting get kick backs from SJ owners to driver tourists to their clubs. You of course may be rich enough to pay for a HDH. In which case have a good trip

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Visit site
BYOB if you go to Vegas. ( its cheaper )

Not.............Bring your own bottle. The SPs and Massage places charge 3 or 4 times the price that the SPs and massage places charge in Montreal. Along with the increase in price come the decrease in quality. HDH charge what they can get away with $600 per hour. (US dollars) Just enjoy yourself and save your hobby dollars for Montreal. If you do hobby, do it on some one elses dime. Like I did. It is amazing the comps and bribes you get from some companies.

The Teacher

New Member
May 6, 2004
Hmmmm.... I'm a former Las Vegas resident, go UNLV REBELS! Anyway, my advice is simple...forget the SP's in LV! I will give you a great tip....jump on Craigslist and search for girls in Casual Encounters! I know, you are all saying "That Teacher is an ass, we already know this shit"!!! LOL But, for some reason the girls in LV are very lonely and often desperate for a lil attention....Vegas can be a lonely place to live trust me! FROWN!!! With a lil effort, you can make friends with very attractive women and maybe even get a place to stay....happened 3x for me dudes....
The Teacher

The Teacher

New Member
May 6, 2004
You are 100% correct! A good SP can be found in LV, but you really gotta work at it! Montreal has spoiled me with the excellent service, ease of contact and beauty of the women....grrrrrr IMHO LV Sp's aren't worth the effort and 99% of the time, when you compare the hamburgers in LV to the filet mignon of MTL, you will be disappointed! We alllove a good burger, but most prefer the Ok, I have beat this analogy to a
The Teacher

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006

No time for CL... Don't want to waste hours and hours shopping the casino bars and negotiating... Take out from an SC can be fun, but also time consuming and can get very expensive. I have tried all of these options and depending on the circumstances all of them can work out. If you want a sure thing with no hassles my best suggestion is BYOSP... Bring your own SP from MTL. For $2000 and the price of a plane ticket you will have the best weekend ever.

You have to be sure to bring the right girl. If you have her lined up already, just go for it. In Vegas you can spend the same $2000 in no time and still end up jerking off in your room at 5am.




New Member
Nov 17, 2008
all in

brock landers said:
As the title suggest, I'm looking for suggestions as i'm taking a last minute trip to Las Vegas next week... In particular Porn stars and SP's. Feel free to pm me if you'd prefer not to post


VIVA LAS me you don't need help.even short ugly people get laid in vegas and it's very easy. first thing to do when you leave your room is go down to the casino and head towards the slot stay there 5 min with a drink in your hand but don't play the machines......within the 5 min you would probably refuse 3-4 sp and im not joking. it's 4 time's that i've been there and only get harrassed by sp's. but let me warn you that they say $250 but when you go up the price has already hit $750 to $1000 us. i would rather pull a wack then have to pay $1000. enjoy your stay, but if you decide to play texas hold'em, you must book a tournament in advance.

my 2 cents



New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
I still live in Vegas! F! the whole hobby in Vegas! I haven't hobbyed here since Homeland Security busted the whole FOB slave network. If you have Mega bucks, bring your own from Montreal! If you don't, save up & go back to Montreal when you can. If you have serious game, by all means get into any one of the hottest nightclubs in America...... see what money can build in Vegas. The nastiest nightclubs in Vegas, make Opera & Tribe look like skid row dive bars! If you don't have a ton of cash & wicked game forget about picking up chicks in the nightclubs, though. Buying a table for 4 can easily run $2000! Drinks run about $12 in the hot nightclubs! Cover is $20 & up. Everything is empty & expensive in Vegas!

If this hasn't swayed your mind..... & you don't have serious pickup skills or a ton of cash? My suggestion is to try to pickup a stripper for take out.... ask where they are from & forget about all the local girls...... work on the out of town dancers from nearby Phoenix or So. Cal or really anywhere else other than Vegas, who are there for the weekend or convention or whatever........ keep in mind if she takes less than $500, she most likely has a bad drug habit..... so watch your valubles when you get her out of the club! Good luck, but read this thread again, everybody is saying the same thing- DON'T DO IT!
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