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Before judging a book by its cover


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
There is a lot of hate going on, lots of so called white knights defender of women, offended, and more.

The thing is that in today world the woke society takes too much place, seems you cannot say anything anymore without being judge in every possible way.

I took the red pill at 45 years old, it was not easy but after sitting down one day after getting rejected by what was something below average with 2 kids that looked like a mountain bear in between jobs i realize that something was very wrong. Please do bare with me.

I was always an active person when i was younger i practice karate, competed in WTF tae kwon do, love pro wrestling, hit the gym everyday, but i felt that something was missing in my life, i wanted to fall in love have a girlfriend. I was rejected most of my teenage life i was skinny had acne etc you know where i am going with this.

At 18 it finally happen, i met my first girlfriend, WOW she had an amazing body she was a bomb in bed, but she had huge mental issues, control freak, after 6 months with her she chose who my friends would be and which ones to drop. I am going to leave it at that, but remember after she gave me permission to go to the arcade that i told one of my friend that for the first time in my life i was miserable. After all wasn't having a girlfriend supposed to make me happy?

My journey in dating had started and if i would have known for the most part i would have remained single. At 19 i met this other girl who was terrible in bed but wanted to get pregnant it did happen but with another guy.

Then i met the cheaters, the liers, and so on and at 23 after i got dumped once more i met a stripper at night school, she told me that the problem was not my looks because i was tall and built after all the years in the gym but that stupid good guy attitude, you know the attitude that all men think they need to be to get women, nice, buying gifts, defend women, stand up for women etc.... and she showed me the ropes and what real life was behind the scenes. With he i had the best sex in my life, she introduce me to the worst kind of women, married, fiance boyfriend and more. The hard truth is that women are going to cheat when they have the chance and it's all going to be because her boyfriend husband fiance didn't do this or that. They are never responsible for their acts.

Of course i am not saying all women are like that, some people meet good women and end up making it work, but to be honest i have not seen a lot of that lately.

I got into pro wrestling in the indies in Montreal back in 1998 and did that for 5 years and i also was going out with a firefighter best wingman ever. At 30 i made the huge mistake of dating a chubby obese women, who brought a picture of me in boxers half naked to show the girls in her accounting class, they all told her how can a fat whale like you get a guy like that, i remember that night she came back home pissed off and i almost dumped her for that idiot thing. Sadly being young i bought a house with her, she wanted kids yet could not even take care of a poor dog or hold on to a job, she was also a manipulating women like most of them. I ended up selling the house and losing a lot of money. Today she is 48 3 kids different father she just got divorced and she does not work due to all the alimony she gets, she is also morbidly obese.

Sadly at 32 i had not learn my lesson so i started dating a co worker she was thin active but she her head was always in the cloud she never seemed there, she never cared for me, when i lost my job due to depression the first thing she asked me was how i was going to pay for the bills instead of how was my health. When she got sick i took care of her provided paid etc. We where an active couple travelled a lot restaurants etc. After 9 years she had lost her job and i help her find one she dumped me for a co worker of hers, her soul mate she said, i never really loved you and she gave me 3 days to leave our house. Well i told her that i was not paying nothing if i left, she renovated the house paid a lot before the sale i ended up making a good deal of money and she lost money so i guess all in all justice got served for this one. I realize that staying with her was a huge mistake the red flags where everywhere yet i refused to see them for some odd reason i was determined to make this relationship work, even if i was with the worst women in the world who could not even offer a glass of water to my grandmother while she was waiting at home for me and my mom when we went to a doctor, my ex got home cooked supper for her drank a glass of whine and left my grandmother laying on the sofa not even offering her nothing.

I was 41 after she dumped me i lost a lot of weight and went to Cuba i had fun with girls half my age, yeah some of them cheated on there boyfriend what a surprise right.

I got back her hitting it off with a 26y old, then she told me age difference, ok one of my co worker introduce me to this 46 year old women who was mixed up not sure what she wanted. I went online dating got rejected like crazy by below average women who had nothing but baggage kids antidepressant and delusion.

I spent the best of 41- to around 45 trying to find a good women, i met a Romanian women who told me she had to get married to stay in Canada, a 50 year old women who was in demand men wanted her, she had followers on facebook and so many more like this.

At 45 i went on a date with a women that approach me via facebook dating site, in person she looked like a bear furry forearms, 2 kids full time in between jobs, but since i am not someone mean i decided to have lunch with her anyways then we could part ways. During lunch she insulted me saying i look older than my age and her ex boyfriend was hotter than me, the effect this as on someone is insane being insulted by the bottom of the barrel. I told her to look in a mirror paid my bill and left.

Back to my condo i sat down thinking about all this, and wondering why i was trying to meet someone that did not exist. I was always a good man to my women, i always took care of them but now it seems i was just not making the cut even if i was tall and fit. Those women that i been on date with i was not seeing any future, i was not even attracted to them, there baggage raising kids that were not mine? was this really the kind of life i wanted, misery was once again waiting for me, did i really need a women in my life to be happy?

That day i plugged in my PS3 and started to play Medal of honor 2010 ordered some pizza and had a blast, i closed all online dating apps that i was part off and felt a huge sense of relief.

I started to watch red pill content on youtube, read books and realize that women today have change too much feminist and all bipolar disease etc and that i did not want to be part of the men who competed against other men for damage goods. No one likes to be rejected and i certainly did not like it.

I do not hate women, i have a few women friend, but i do understand there way of thinking. At 50 years of age now i decided that its best for me to save my money and try to retire early then go on date with damage goods get rejected and then wonder why i ever went on that date in the first place.

I no longer follow red pill knowledge MGTOW because i learn the knowledge i had too and i moved on to better things i will admit that some MGTOW and red pill are very frustrated against women, but for me it was more of understanding and realizing that in relationship i was miserable and i did not see a future in relationship with a women as i grow older.

Its easy in today world to judge people ho he posted this he is racist, or hates women or any other thing but it's when you dig deeper and walk in someone shoes that you see the reality and who those people turned into what they are today.

This is my life journey so far
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
feel bad for you buddy, there is a lot of smart beautiful woman out there don,t make this a thing about woman being damaged i actually think we are all a bit damaged men and woman and by the way i'm older than you are and woman are still attracted to me and most of them enjoy my company and i for sure enjoy theirs


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
feel bad for you buddy, there is a lot of smart beautiful woman out there don,t make this a thing about woman being damaged i actually think we are all a bit damaged men and woman and by the way i'm older than you are and woman are still attracted to me and most of them enjoy my company and i for sure enjoy theirs
My latest experience comes from online dating so i know you cannot base online and serious relationship. But yes i had some very rugged years and at my age i just decided to stop chasing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
My latest experience comes from online dating so i know you cannot base online and serious relationship. But yes i had some very rugged years and at my age i just decided to stop chasing.
You will be surprised that now that you have "stopped chasing" the attention you will have come your way.
If you have truly stopped the chase, truly, then just sit back and watch what happens.

When I stopped the chase things turned around for me dramatically. I met a few great woman ( a few crazies as well ) and eventually found the woman I always was looking for...and she is bisexual :)
Stopping the chase has also had positive results for other men i know, I don't know how to explain it. Karma? energy? Cosmic justice?
whatever it is it is real to me.

I hope it works the same for you.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
You will be surprised that now that you have "stopped chasing" the attention you will have come your way.
If you have truly stopped the chase, truly, then just sit back and watch what happens.

When I stopped the chase things turned around for me dramatically. I met a few great woman ( a few crazies as well ) and eventually found the woman I always was looking for...and she is bisexual :)
Stopping the chase has also had positive results for other men i know, I don't know how to explain it. Karma? energy? Cosmic justice?
whatever it is it is real to me.

I hope it works the same for you.
You need to accept the facts, ok i am 50 i am not 25 anymore, when i was younger i used to go out a lot now i don't go out anymore. 50y old guy in a club with younger women sorry not my bag.

I work night time, so my only possible contact with women would have been online dating. But we all know where that leads. I just accepted my faith i don't chase anymore but my chances of meeting someone is very slim since i don't go out anymore, and am alone most of the time.

But like i said its ok i have been single for 10 years now i develop passions, and live a more zen like lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Ya just gotta learn how to discern a girl that is to be rented or to buy. Many guys jumped into this blindly like an idiot going into a casino. It is not about looks and you don't marry for love outright from the front end. Front end love fades and it is built over time. You have to approach this in an objective/business sense. Also don't do this out of fear of being alone. Many relationships are shit because of this.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Ya just gotta learn how to discern a girl that is to be rented or to buy. Many guys jumped into this blindly like an idiot going into a casino. It is not about looks and you don't marry for love outright from the front end. Front end love fades and it is built over time. You have to approach this in an objective/business sense. Also don't do this out of fear of being alone. Many relationships are shit because of this.
at my age i have enough experience in life looks this is the main issue because in today standards all is based on aesthetics. After being with a selfish GF for 9 years believe me i know the red flags.... lts just say i won't stick around if i find out she doesn't care or invest in the relationship


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Well I got married at 41 promising myself I would never pull such trigger. LOL.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Well I got married at 41 promising myself I would never pull such trigger. LOL.
Listen i am not saying its impossible and if you found a good women then i am happy for you, i have a few friends who where lucky to meet good women, one of my best friend i speak to is wife a lot she is a wonderful women, intelligent nice friendly.

But sadly this does not apply to everyone, who knows i might be one of the unlucky ones always making bad choices in life etc... but what can you do i guess i learn to live with that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
People are unpredictable. That is just ways things are. One day everything is so in place and next thing you know it all falls apart. That is why you always hedge your bets and set things up if things do not go your way you can pick yourself up and move forward.
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