Shucks, sure as hell doesn’t sound like you feel bad from your posting, lol.
This is my point exactly, why the fuck should I feel bad and why are people trying so hard to make me feel bad or responsible.
They can sing what ever the fuck they want it makes no difference to me.
I had fuck all to do with it, I was born white just like others were born black or a different colour.
I had nothing to do with slavery or the oppression of blacks in the US or anywhere.
Why should I now be told constantly that I am privileged, bla bla bla for the rest of my life.
Nobody ever gave me anything without me working my ass off.
So fucking priveledged that I spent years in refugee camps started over in different countries with nothing
I don’t treat anybody any different, I have friends of every colour and different nationalities even some English dudes, my neighbour in the back a dry sarcastic son of a bitch but an all round decent guy, can drink beer all day but give him two three shots of hard stuff and he is done.
I am not here to right the wrongs of the world going back ten years or hundreds of years.
My concern is my family and children