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Céline Dion to buy the beloved Montreal Canadians?


May 7, 2006
TORONTO (Hollywood Reporter) – Canadian pop star Celine Dion, Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte and Quebec cable giant Quebecor Media have emerged as potential bidders for the Montreal Canadiens NHL team.

Quebec broadcaster Radio-Canada said Wednesday that the Bank of Montreal has signed confidentiality agreements with 10 potential suitors who have until 5 p.m. Thursday to submit formal bids to 80 percent majority owner George Gillett, a Denver-based sports team and events promoter.

Other interested parties include U.S. investment firm Spectrum Equity; Montreal businessman Stephen Bronfman of Claridge Investments, a cousin of Warner Music Group chairman and CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr.; and the Caisse de depot et placement, a provincial pension fund giant.

In addition to picking up the hockey team, a Canadiens buyer would acquire the Bell Center arena in Montreal and a concert promotion division.

Gillett also owns Richard Petty Motorsports and the U.K.'s Liverpool soccer club.

(Editing by Sheri Linden at Reuters)


What does this ************, music slaughtering , annoying person got to do with hockey. ?

We all remember what a great job she did with the Nickels franchise.

EDIT: Keep the racial slurs out of this discussion.

Mod 8
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
O Vay :rolleyes: ..........

centaurus said:
TORONTO (Hollywood Reporter) – Canadian pop star Celine Dion, Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte and Quebec cable giant Quebecor Media have emerged as potential bidders for the Montreal Canadiens NHL team.

Quebec broadcaster Radio-Canada said Wednesday that the Bank of Montreal has signed confidentiality agreements with 10 potential suitors who have until 5 p.m. Thursday to submit formal bids to 80 percent majority owner George Gillett, a Denver-based sports team and events promoter.

Other interested parties include U.S. investment firm Spectrum Equity; Montreal businessman Stephen Bronfman of Claridge Investments, a cousin of Warner Music Group chairman and CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr.; and the Caisse de depot et placement, a provincial pension fund giant.

In addition to picking up the hockey team, a Canadiens buyer would acquire the Bell Center arena in Montreal and a concert promotion division.

Gillett also owns Richard Petty Motorsports and the U.K.'s Liverpool soccer club.

(Editing by Sheri Linden at Reuters)


What does this ***********, music slaughtering , annoying person got to do with hockey. ?

We all remember what a great job she did with the Nickels franchise.
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Active Member
May 23, 2005
I'd rather see Joey Saputo buy the team

elvix1 said:
he just mis typed his name... Celien is the brother of Marcel Dionne, a Former L.A. Kings.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Damn, I missed the racist slur... ;)

What about Nickel's? Céline Dion was no longer part of Nickel's for a while when they had tax evasion charges against them. For now, Nickel's seems to fare as good as any restaurant business around. Céline Dion still have no interest whatsoever in Nickel's since quite a long time.

Music tastes are each other's preferences. On who's authority are you allowing yourself to qualify Céline Dion's work so harshly? Personally, I don't like her voice but I don't go around bashing her! Hey, What about Country-Western?

What do they have to do with sports? What was Teacher's (Ontario teacher pension plan) goal in trying to acquire BCE (Bell Canada Enterprises)? They have nothing to do with communications, they are about teachers! Well, it's all about MONEY! Who said Angelil/Dion would have any interests in managing the sport aspect of the club? And Angelil/Dion's company would gain the spectacle side of the deal with the Bell Center.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I wonder how the NHL would look at either Angelil or Laliberte as potential owners of the them seeing as they are both well known for their gambling habits, mainly for their losses.

But look at it this way...if they combined their efforts they could at least insure that the Bell Centre would always have the ability to put on a sell out show when business is slow. :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Techman makes a valid point. Both Angelil & Laliberte are poster boys for the evils of big-money gambling.

Leafs nation are sending a warning to Habs fans: get ready for an ownership group (or billion-dollar company) who will purchase the Habs with strictly profits in mind. Leafs fans have had difficulty accepting this mind-set from its own team, owned by the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund, whose sole objective is to make as much money as possible for its shareholders.

If i were a Habs fan, i'd be wishing that the team be purchased by a single owner (like it was with George Gillette) instead of either an ownership group or conglomerate like Quebecor.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Considering how well the last sports franchise in Montreal that was controlled by an ownership group worked out, I am inclined to agree with you, Doc.

But the main thing is to keep the Quebec government out of it because the last thing we need is a hockey team that plays like a typical Quebec gov't 4 people standing around supervising while one does all the work.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Teams with single owners will almost always be able to do better that those run by consortiums or multiple partners over the long run. Everyone knows the clichee about too many chefs...



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Techman said:
But the main thing is to keep the Quebec government out of it because the last thing we need is a hockey team that plays like a typical Quebec gov't 4 people standing around supervising while one does all the work.

More like 4 people standing around and one looking for a consultant to do the work.

I wonder if the quote below is true:
The number of civil servants in Quebec per capita is roughly twice that of Ontario, says Pierre-Pascal Gendron, a professor of economics at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Toronto.

If so, it explains why our hospitals, roads and schools are so much better than Ontario's.


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
centaurus said:
Celine Dion...potential bidder for the Montreal Canadiens
Tickets at the bell would be a sell out from people wanting to hear her sing the national anthems. Everything she touches turn to gold. If she's in, boom, instant stanley cup.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If Celine ever buys the Habs, i can't wait for her to go down to the dressing room & give the team a dress down when the team starts slumping. Precious! :D

Hey, maybe she'll also sing the national anthems on most game nights. Can't wait to see little Rene-Charles skating with the team on practice day. Should be a lot of fun! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hey Doc if she does buy the team (which will NEVER happen) i will say the loudest GO LEAFS GO! that i ever have....... oh i really hope she does buy them HAHA!

Doc Holliday said:
If Celine ever buys the Habs, i can't wait for her to go down to the dressing room & give the team a dress down when the team starts slumping. Precious! :D

Hey, maybe she'll also sing the national anthems on most game nights. Can't wait to see little Rene-Charles skating with the team on practice day. Should be a lot of fun! :D


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
If she can't buy the Habs, she is perfectly capable of buying a new NHL team and set it up in Quebec city, yeah, bring back the Nordiques!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I Agree 100% that QC deserves a team! i go there for QMJHL games and they get 15,000 ppl a night give or take a few....... the atmosphere is amazing there just like for a Habs game at the Bell

Gotsome said:
If she can't buy the Habs, she is perfectly capable of buying a new NHL team and set it up in Quebec city, yeah, bring back the Nordiques!


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Gotsome said:
If she can't buy the Habs, she is perfectly capable of buying a new NHL team and set it up in Quebec city, yeah, bring back the Nordiques!

That would truly be great!!!

Minnesota got their team back why shouldnt quebec or maybe even winnipeg


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you no who would love that even more than us? Patrick Roy!, he is from there, lives there, and QC Hates the Canadiens,(and dont forget his past turmoil with Montreal) (he might get his jersey taken down from the Bell Centre however, HA!)

he would be the PERFECT coach to start with them, i wouldnt be surprised if he would end up some sort of owner if they ever did get a team again, a minority owner of course as he didnt make that kind of money when he was playing, but still, getting the Nordiques back would be amazing for the NHL! .......

plus it gives me even more reason to go back to one of my favorite cities :)

master_bates said:
That would truly be great!!!

Minnesota got their team back why shouldnt quebec or maybe even winnipeg


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
lgna69xxx said:
getting the Nordiques back would be amazing for the NHL! .......

plus it gives me even more reason to go back to one of my favorite cities :)
Well I recall from her last visit to Quebec to perform at the "400e anniversaire" that she loves the city too, If she were to expand the arena to house say 20,000 fans and promises to sing a pre-game song, guaranteed sell-out. Look what happened to Las Vegas in her 5 years. All the men would stop hating her, except in Montreal of course, and the wives would have a reason to see a game.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Laliberte pulls out

Guy Laliberte of 'Le Cirque du Soleil' has just pulled out of the competition. He listed time-constraints & other issues for his decision to pull out. He admitted that his initial interest in buying the team was solely for financial reasons, but then he realized he likely would have got emotionally involved in the team & his busy schedule didn't permit this.

So who's next to pull out? Celine? Le Senateur? Pierre-Karl?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
What idiot would spend nearly half a billion just to be a b*tch in the company that they paid for. Basically I think that in reality , Laliberte , Peladeau, and Dion all think that they are giving all their money fir some guy to play around with and they dont have any say in the company.
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