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Canadian teen held by 'bizarre' Cuban law

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Now back on topic please...

Hi Mod 11... the topic is this article which Doc posted as a thread about a teen having problem in cuba.... a country he clearly stated which he didn't like.
So to me it's still on topic since Doc is making a point about 'not going to cuba' with this thread by giving reasons which can't be imputable only of Cuba.

Therefore I am pointing at the fact that what can happen in another country, could also be happening here in Canada if we're not vigilent.

So if we read properly this thread it should be about 'making sure of knowing the laws wherever we go before going and thus it is the responsibility of every traveller to familiarize himself with the laws of the country to be visited.' and not about 'Cuba being a country to avoid.'
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