Montreal Escorts

Comments on recent trip: Sp pricing, Hotel


Dec 24, 2005
Hey guys, just want to share some general comments on my recent trip to Montreal.

I am not local and come from a distance away for some fun and am very much an intermittent hobbyist. So when I plan a trip I need to have the best time possible and minimize the chance of having a bad time. So let me share a few things that might help those traveling hobbyist as well as be of interest to local hobbyist who indulge on a rare occassion.

Money is tigher than in the past and I was looking to find the best deals and the most bang for my shriveling american dollar. I use to go to toronto exclusively for a fun weekend. But via Terb I found Merb and my destination has changed.

Prices at Toronto hotels can be found still very reasonably using standard web sites as well in Montreal. But the SP prices in Toronto (and Montreal) have gone up. I think a year ago you could get a quality 2 hour visit with a Cupids girl for 400 now it is up to 500. Deals can still be found in Montreal though agencies and indys are raising their prices.

I stayed at the Sheraton on Rene-levesque and via priceline got the room for 88 which is pretty good deal I think. The hotel may not really be the ideal 4 star hotel but it does have everything you would want, decent room, gym, pool. good location. I asked them if they could give me a standard room not the smaller rooms I had read that they give priceline customers, but they would not accomodate me so I ended up with a smaller room. The room in fact was not bad, it was a bit small, but it had minibar and decent fixtures, and a mirror :). The hotel was not full and they could have given me a normal sized room but whatever.

I had annouced in the Lounge before my trip that I was really excited about my upcoming trip and I had 1000 to spend on fun and couldn`t decide. There are options in montreal and it makes it a real challenge to find the perfect date. Ideally I want to pre plan appointments b/c I hate having the luck of the draw.

Several independents PMd me after my post, some quite famous, 1 was seeminly brand new with no reviews. They wanted 250 to 350 per hour. They did not seem to offer discount for multiple hour meetings. I didnt book with them as I needed to stretch my dollar as much as possible.

I had pmd or emailed several agencies and asked if they would give a special rate for multiple hours being pre booked, I advised them I would book at least 2 girls for 2 hours over my stay. They were not receptive. I did find 1 agency that does not advertise here and they were willing to offer me a substantial deal for 130 per hour, I booked 5 hours with them after the first 3 went so well. They appear to be done with that special rate but still there current rate is below the merb average of 180. I had the best time with the discounted rate agency. I will have a review and comment on them in the future (assuming its not illegal to review agencies/girls that are not advertisers).

Here is a run down on my visits or nonvisits.

I was arriving late in the week, so Monday at 1pm I called eleganza to book with Jordan. After 3 days I got presumably John on the phone, and Jordan was on a please call schedule so I had to call the day of and hope to find her available. This is not a bad thing if you are local but if you only get to Mtl 1or 2 a year it is scary to not have your date locked down. On the day she was available I had other plans already made so never did see Jordan.

I had communicated with Nadya about seeing her speical duo girls, but luckily decided against it as I found a few negative comments here and now they appear to have a NRP. Im not reviewing anything as I didnt see them.

My star rating does not mean star rating it means something else, ill let you figure it out.

MSC | Donna Mae | Good time | **** | 2hours/320
Booked a day ahead of time. Will use this agency again.

GOF | Zoe | Bad time | * | 2 hours/360
Booked last minute after a cancellation, see review This was a disappointment as she was reviewed well here.

WOP | Lindsay | Great time | ** | 2hours/360?
See Review Will use again.

Agency X | Girl X | Excellent | ****** | 5hours/650
This agency and girl are not advertisers. I hope to post a review in the future if it is allowed. This agency was running a special rate for outcalls of 130, now their rate has gone up and I think is 150. This agency and girl were the most accomodating and fun. I planned days in advance and they had no problem taking a pre booking or meeting my request.

Yes I went over my budget, and yes I was exhausted, but happy.

Rates are going up in Toronto and Montreal, yet on this recent trip I have had the best time of my life with the most reasonably priced SP. The indys that wanted 250 to 350 an hour did not get a call from me. It be great to see more discounted pricing for multi hour pre bookings. At the same time market forces dictate pricing, they also dictate purchasing decisions to some degree. I assure you I will be contacting Agency X again, some others I will hesitate with.

Strip Club - I went into one of those strip clubs on St Catherine that you walk up off the street, I really was not impressed, had 1 beer and 3 dances and left. I know there are probable better strip clubs to check out.

I did go to a few night clubs and bars and had a fun time but did feel out of place as a anglophone. Had someone given me a good reason to study language back in school I might have paid attention.

I ate several times at an italian places called Mike`s on St catherine, casual, decent food, sports bar.

If you walk down St Catherines I think away from downtown you will find a shopping mall that has a Zellers, similar to a Target, they have alot of stuff that a hobbyist might need to pick up.

I had tentative plans to meet up with another merbite one night but that fell through, would like to meet some of my contemporaries sometime.

I did get hassled at customs coming into canada, I think due to I had some extra luggage. I guess id say travel light as possible.

I didnt bring a laptop for fear of getting it searched seized. But it really would have been helpful in making some last minute plans. See Poll.

Guys, listen up, if you have a bad experience or something was wrong that deviates from the stellar reviews posted here, post it. You might have booked just 1 hour and considered it a small lose, but for the intermittent hobbyist, it can ruin an entire night of a brief trip.
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A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Coca Cola,
we need more people like you in our daily life: As usual very interesting, honest, descriptive, useful infos. Hope to see you around soon.
PS: You're allowed to review non advertisers here, so let us what that XXX agency was + who's their girl you met?
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May 31, 2008
Moi non plus je n'aime pas beaucoup le fait qu'on n'aie pas ou presque pas de rabais si on prend des 2 heures ou plus, et je l'avais déjà mentionné ici. Mais c'est la vie!

Je sais qu'Annabelle l'indy (ancienne Celine's) est à 650$ pour 5 heures, donc M. CocaCola aurait pu avoir une excellente indy pour le même prix qu'il a payé avec l'agence!


Dec 24, 2005
Thanks for the kind words monk. A review will be coming of mystery girl x.

I will consider Annabelle in the future. Though I have to confess during my 5 hours with mystery girl x we did not eat anything, it was not a dinner date. I do like to book 2 hours b/c I am so virile. Im very humble, really.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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CC, thanks for sharing your report, sounds like an overall success for you. Also, I believe you're able to post reviews of gals even though they're not advertisers, I'm sure the Mods will correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't believe so.


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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A+ report. I dig your style and candor.

In regard to the laptop thing; unless you're packing kiddie porn and/or blueprints to power plants i can't see why they'd hassle you. I always travel with my faithful Mac G4 and it never occurred to me that it would ever be an issue.

Remember, what goes on between consenting adults in the privacy of your room is fine and "legal". Civilized rules for civilized people.

Sometimes I make 2 trips in 2 months and as I head north i wonder if they'll question my intentions. But the bottom line is you're bringing tourism dollars into the country and that's the best kind of revenue.

Last month on my way in they never even looked at my passport. On my way back into the US at the I-87 crossing the guard asked me what I'd been doing in Montreal. Told him I was sight-seeing. He asked me how were the sights and I told him the weather was great for sights. He just gave me a nod and passed me through.

Travel light. Use common sense. Don't carry anything you wouldn't carry in your own neighborhood (unless you live in some Texas border town). Keep your answers short and you'll breeze though.
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