I guess there was not enough hobbyists around right now in Quebec, they had to pick a retired guy from France for the interview. I know most guys are not gonna be willing to talk to reporters, but still... Nothing against the man (hey, if you're here, hi!) and kudos for contacting the reporter.
So many guys are pro-SW (we're biased, I know), if we could voice our opinion without fear of retribution, there wouldn't be any place for populist gimmicks like the war on massage parlors, C-36 and the "every SW is an exploited drug addict victim" propaganda.
Very early on, I realized that the typical client is: everyone. By that I mean, not literally everyone, but every type, all ages, races, looks, social status, marital status, etc. If overnight that hobby became public instead of underground, society would be in for a major freakout.