Cette question a ete demandee ici auparavant: Combien de femmes as-tu "fait la connaissance"?
This question has been asked here before: how many women have you "met"?
J'ai trouve des statistiques sur Youppie des nos freres francophones europeens qui peuvent etre interessantes.
I found statistics on Youppie of our European francophone brothers which might be of interest.
De 192 mecs qui ont repondu. Of 192 dudes who responded.
Premiere colonne: combien de femmes, deuxieme colonne: combien de mecs repondent. First column: how many women, second column: how many dudes responding.
1 - 10 >>>>> 25
11 - 20 >>>>> 20
21 - 50 >>>>> 43
51 - 100 >>>>> 30
101 - 200 >>>>> 31
201 - 300 >>>>> 9
301 - 400 >>>>> 6
401 - 500 >>>>> 5
501 + >>>>>>>> 23
Le sondage n'est pas encore termine. This survey isn't over yet.
Personellement, j'ai fait la connaissance d'environ 300 femmes. Personally, I have met about 300 women.
This question has been asked here before: how many women have you "met"?
J'ai trouve des statistiques sur Youppie des nos freres francophones europeens qui peuvent etre interessantes.
I found statistics on Youppie of our European francophone brothers which might be of interest.
De 192 mecs qui ont repondu. Of 192 dudes who responded.
Premiere colonne: combien de femmes, deuxieme colonne: combien de mecs repondent. First column: how many women, second column: how many dudes responding.
1 - 10 >>>>> 25
11 - 20 >>>>> 20
21 - 50 >>>>> 43
51 - 100 >>>>> 30
101 - 200 >>>>> 31
201 - 300 >>>>> 9
301 - 400 >>>>> 6
401 - 500 >>>>> 5
501 + >>>>>>>> 23
Le sondage n'est pas encore termine. This survey isn't over yet.
Personellement, j'ai fait la connaissance d'environ 300 femmes. Personally, I have met about 300 women.