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Escort Website Design, Building Etc.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Ladies, I just want to point out that you need to be careful about where you spend your money.

There is a new company out offering their services, and I am all for free market, but I find $2,800/year for their VIP level service to be a bit pricey when their own business site gets a lower Alexa rank (traffic measurement) than a site I pulled together for a local SP for $100/year.

Do some comparison shopping before you decide. My experience tells me are the cheapest hosting, domain hosting and everything else site out there ($50/year with an anonymous domain), they have site building tools, and gmail is a great place to send your email from because they anonymize sending IPs so your privacy is kept safe.

Get yourself a copy of Firefox, install the Alexa plugin (use google to find them) and well, just be careful how and where you spend your hard-earned cash. Check people who want you to advertise with them. How much traffic do they really get? is it worth it?

Set up individual gmail accounts and measure how much traffic they send you. It is my experience that Annonces123 and Craigslist and Kijiji and yes, MERB are the very best value for money. Backpage is pretty darned good too, you don't need to spend too much to make enough business to keep you screwing like a little bunny.

It really isn't hard to get a website together, and there are always dorks like me around willing to help a pretty lady.

Just make sure you change your password on everything if you get someone to help you, and keep them in a safe place so no-one can screw around with your stuff afterwards.

YVO, your friendly neighborhood conscientious objector


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
A couple of little things to add...

Navigation: you should have links to each section on every page. This way people can always get back to the main page of the section they are in without having to click 'back' 20 times, not to mention jump right back to your home page if they do manage to get lost.

Photos: people are getting larger screens all the time. The standard is now 19" widescreen with a relatively high resolution. Many new systems are coming with 20" or 22" displays. Even laptops are equiped with hi-res widescreen displays from 15.4" all the way up to 19". Images that show up great on a 15" display are miniscule on a 19" or larger screen. No one enjoys looking at thumbnail sized photos. And installing java scripts to prevent people from downloading the photos is futile. All that does is cause some anti-virus programs to give a false virus warning. If someone wants to save the image, all they have to do is go into their browsers cache and pick it out from there anyways. If you put pictures on your site, protect them with a watermark and accept the fact that some people will be saving them and passing them around.

E-mail: pretty much well covered except for one thing...answer it in a timely fashion.

Flash: some people like to spruce up their site with Flash and it is convenient if you wish to have video content on the site. If you want to do that, go right ahead. But also have an option for a non-flash site on the main page of your site.

Security: if you will need to access your e-mail or administer your site from another computer, get a flash drive and load it up with portable apps. This is a free package that runs entirely from your flash drive, including the temp files, and leaves no traces on the system you are using. It comes with a number of portable applications such as firefox browser, thunderbird e-mail client, as well as Open Office. Many other apps are available including a portable version of Nero for burning cd and dvds and Pidgin instant messenger. There are also U3 flash drives available which are similar, but portableapps are a better choice IMHO. But be advised that this will not protect you from keyloggers.

YVO also mentioned Alexa. While it is a moderately useful app to have, take it's stats with a grain of salt. Alexa mainly collects statistics from people who have the Alexa plugin installed on their system. It is by no means the most accurate method of judging a website's traffic but it can give you an idea of the traffic a site is getting. Many anti-spyware programs also flag the Alexa plugin as spyware and remove it.

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New Member
Dec 19, 2005
j'offre mes services au besoin je suis webmaster depuis plusieurs années je peut vous monter des set-up clef en main et monter vos site pour que vous puissiez le modifier par vous même.
je peut offrir un cours de maintenance de votre site.
contacté moi par mp au besoin ca me fera plaisir de vous repondre


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh. said:
Hello merb,

can anybody clue me in with information about web design companies in Montreal who work with adult content.

I am looking for some changes, nothing from scratch.

If Mods have any information about what company is good in Montreal please kindly advise me.

And before you ask ---> yes I used a search button :)
Somebody told me that Montreal is a porno capital of Canada. It must be some companies who work professionally with flash, java and simple CMS implemented into website. As I said I look for some upgrades.

Offhand I can't suggest anyone specific, but I'd go to Craiglist and look around there, maybe post in the section. Ask to see samples of the designer's work, ask for references. Shop around on price, these days, designers, like escorts are feeling the pinch and you should be able to negotiate a fair price.


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
1. 'clicking' is so passé. Enlarge photo or do what you want to do when user passes the mouse over is much more convenient.

2. Music is nice, but for this kind of site, you might land the user in trouble once he opens the page at God knows where.

3. Simple html is easy, get/work with a designer who will not just make the site, but also teach you how to maintain it. Sites can and should be built to be real easy to maintain. Forget the designer who is looking for a lock-in for future biz (flash anyone? no, the designer won't give you the source file if you don't know enough to ask for it, he will give you just the web part... and when it's done... you are 'locked in' if you want to make updates.) Better to smooch up some nerd here to make you a site and can show/teach you how to update it. You can always chuck him later once you have the hang of it.

4. Think of the user when you design your site, not just 'cool' or 'pretty'. Do it this way and you will have no trouble coming up with the important things that a site should do, eg. like what mk1992 did to make that asservissante 'work'.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
hornypilgrim said:
Think of the user when you design your site, not just 'cool' or 'pretty'. Do it this way and you will have no trouble coming up with the important things that a site should do, eg. like what mk1992 did to make that asservissante 'work'.

Yeah, Asservissante's site is still my favorite. IMO it's the best for looks and for ease of use. Of course it relies on clicking, but I don't have a problem with that.
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