Hello all,
This is a selection of excerpts from a much longer article. I found several of the assertions and characterizations interesting and provocative, especially when comparing prostitution to marriage. Generally, these excerpts are about escorts rather than street walkers or other prostitution models. No comments from me for now.
Remember that I find the positions in the article interesting. Some of the terms used are distasteful, but inevitable in a frank article. So, what do you think about the assertions here???
Prostitutes are women who have a lot of sexual power.
Prostitution isn't just a money thing. It's also very sexual, very personal, and very intimate. It's a very different experience than what is depicted in the media. And, due to new technology and the Internet, you can now pick and choose who you are going to be with in a manner that is sexually satisfying for both of you. And you don't have to be a 20 year old Barbie to do this. You can be an unattractive heavy woman over 50, and there are still lots of guys out there who will pay you to have sex with them. Interestingly enough, guy will pay to have sex with someone who they would turn down in a bar for free.
Prostitutes are powerful women and having men pay you for sex is something that will build your confidence and self esteem. It will also shatter media myths that men only want a specific and rare body style. And sex as a prostitute has a quality that you just can't experience in free sex. And it's a quality that is very erotic for both men and women. The act of giving and receiving money for sex creates a highly charged sexual atmosphere. It is a very deliberate sexual act that eliminate many other extraneous factors that distract one's focus from pure sexuality.
As a prostitute, you are there for a pure sexual experience. It is a deliberate erotic act. It is a way for you to explore your sexual limits as a woman in an environment where you are not only allowed to, but are expected and encouraged to get as nasty as you always wanted to be. Things that you might find awkward or embarrassing to try with lovers, you can do in the sexual role of whore. Whores have a lot of sexual power and it gives a lot of women a sense of personal accomplishment to know that they can do it. Even if they only tried it once. And with the new technologies of the Internet, women can experience it in a much safer manner than ever.
Almost every woman I've ever known have a secret envy of prostitutes and have wondered what it would feel like sexually to actually be a whore. It is a very erotic concept for women to fantasize over. But in these fantasies, the man is an guy that she is sexually attracted to --- a mysterious stranger --- but someone of her choosing. Traditional prostitution doesn't give women the element of choice, thus there is a separation between the fantasy and reality. But, due to the new technology of the Internet, the element of choice is restored allowing women to actually do it, but with the type of guy who understands this as a form of sexual pleasure for women to experience.
Is it moral? Is it legal? I would argue that this is not significantly different than women who date only rich guys who buy them things. Is it "selling yourself"? I think selling yourself is getting married to a guy who you don't really love so as to be financially secure. This isn't even renting yourself, because you are choosing who you want to be with based on your attraction to him and that you have a sexual experience that you both understand you want. This article is about sexuality and not about income --- and is no different that other sex fantasy instruction sites that teach Bondage, Domination, and other forms of fancy sexual experiences. The information on prostitution here is focused on the female sexual experience element and having that experience in as safe and sexually satisfying way.
Many women become cyberwhores, not specifically for the money, but to fulfill their sexual fantasies about being a prostitute. A prostitute is a very powerful sexual role that allows women to experience sexual power in a new an adventurous way. You may have fantasies about what it feels like to be a prostitute, what he would look like, where you would meet, and what you would do. If your fantasy isn't too unreal, you can actually make it come true in the way you imagined it would. And to do that, your ad can be the first step in conveying a message that will lead to it happening the way always wanted it. The message in your ad sets the tone of the relationship.
This is a selection of excerpts from a much longer article. I found several of the assertions and characterizations interesting and provocative, especially when comparing prostitution to marriage. Generally, these excerpts are about escorts rather than street walkers or other prostitution models. No comments from me for now.
Remember that I find the positions in the article interesting. Some of the terms used are distasteful, but inevitable in a frank article. So, what do you think about the assertions here???
Prostitutes are women who have a lot of sexual power.
Prostitution isn't just a money thing. It's also very sexual, very personal, and very intimate. It's a very different experience than what is depicted in the media. And, due to new technology and the Internet, you can now pick and choose who you are going to be with in a manner that is sexually satisfying for both of you. And you don't have to be a 20 year old Barbie to do this. You can be an unattractive heavy woman over 50, and there are still lots of guys out there who will pay you to have sex with them. Interestingly enough, guy will pay to have sex with someone who they would turn down in a bar for free.
Prostitutes are powerful women and having men pay you for sex is something that will build your confidence and self esteem. It will also shatter media myths that men only want a specific and rare body style. And sex as a prostitute has a quality that you just can't experience in free sex. And it's a quality that is very erotic for both men and women. The act of giving and receiving money for sex creates a highly charged sexual atmosphere. It is a very deliberate sexual act that eliminate many other extraneous factors that distract one's focus from pure sexuality.
As a prostitute, you are there for a pure sexual experience. It is a deliberate erotic act. It is a way for you to explore your sexual limits as a woman in an environment where you are not only allowed to, but are expected and encouraged to get as nasty as you always wanted to be. Things that you might find awkward or embarrassing to try with lovers, you can do in the sexual role of whore. Whores have a lot of sexual power and it gives a lot of women a sense of personal accomplishment to know that they can do it. Even if they only tried it once. And with the new technologies of the Internet, women can experience it in a much safer manner than ever.
Almost every woman I've ever known have a secret envy of prostitutes and have wondered what it would feel like sexually to actually be a whore. It is a very erotic concept for women to fantasize over. But in these fantasies, the man is an guy that she is sexually attracted to --- a mysterious stranger --- but someone of her choosing. Traditional prostitution doesn't give women the element of choice, thus there is a separation between the fantasy and reality. But, due to the new technology of the Internet, the element of choice is restored allowing women to actually do it, but with the type of guy who understands this as a form of sexual pleasure for women to experience.
Is it moral? Is it legal? I would argue that this is not significantly different than women who date only rich guys who buy them things. Is it "selling yourself"? I think selling yourself is getting married to a guy who you don't really love so as to be financially secure. This isn't even renting yourself, because you are choosing who you want to be with based on your attraction to him and that you have a sexual experience that you both understand you want. This article is about sexuality and not about income --- and is no different that other sex fantasy instruction sites that teach Bondage, Domination, and other forms of fancy sexual experiences. The information on prostitution here is focused on the female sexual experience element and having that experience in as safe and sexually satisfying way.
Many women become cyberwhores, not specifically for the money, but to fulfill their sexual fantasies about being a prostitute. A prostitute is a very powerful sexual role that allows women to experience sexual power in a new an adventurous way. You may have fantasies about what it feels like to be a prostitute, what he would look like, where you would meet, and what you would do. If your fantasy isn't too unreal, you can actually make it come true in the way you imagined it would. And to do that, your ad can be the first step in conveying a message that will lead to it happening the way always wanted it. The message in your ad sets the tone of the relationship.
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