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Hot situation in a new Incall agency...


Dec 30, 2004
After talking with MOD 5, we agreed that I should start this thread. Also, we agreed to not tell the name of this new agency.
Last Friday, I was looking for an incall and I bad surprise about a new agency. I asked about who`s available and the guy started to described 2 of his girls. The things is, he make the make a big mistake twice by telling me that, they were 17... For the first one and told that she were 17, I asked him to repeat her age again, he told me back 18. Then, he made the same mistake again with the other one.

When such a thing happened, what would you do about this? Also, what will be your reaction, if you found that the SP you’re with, is underage?

Heavy D

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Aug 14, 2004
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Maxima said:

One only get caught in "this place" if one goes after 18 y.o teenagers.

Not necessarily. I don't go to massage places very often (if you check my message history, about 98% are strip clubs, and the other 2% are massages)

When I have gone, I can't realistically say I know what I like in a massage, other than a pretty girl and a happy ending. For that reason, the safe choice for me is to go for the cutest girl. Since my preference is to slim girls, my choices tend to be on the youngish side, as older women have, well, more mature figures.

The age divide of 18 (adulthood) is one that I'm just not interested in crossing. I imagine many others (most, even) who tend to like younger girls feel the same way. 18 is an age of consent in our culture, and I feel confident the majority here respect that barrier.

Heavy D

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Aug 14, 2004
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Dee said:
In my opinion the greater good is served by naming it... merbites and others will stay away in droves and the proprietors will soon discover that it's a losing propositon to employ the underaged. The vast majority of those who enjoy massages will avoid the place like the plague.... not because there is a fear of being caught, but because they are disgusted by the practise.

Wow, that's a tough one. I understand not naming it because the vast majority, like you say, will avoid the place like the plague. On the other hand, the minority who will flock there further encourage MP to hire underage girls.

While I know the board is generally not in favor of supplying information to LE, do they have an anonymous tipline where a suggestion could be left that they check out the age of the girls in this particular establishment? (and would LE even do anything?)


a.k.a Lexi
Nov 25, 2006
here and there
It is disgusting to think that someone is allowing girls that he knows are underage to work at his incall. Not only is it illegal, stupid and dangerous it's just plain ol' tacky. These girl should be finishing highschool and thinking about prom. There was a report on the local news about a few guys who were pimping (they had set up an incall at their local motel) 16 and 17 year old girls they "recruited" from a group home for foster children..... When a girl is working underage it is much more likely that she is being forced or shall we say someone is "stongly suggesting" that she work.

Merb is supposed to be a source of information providing helpful tips for people considering seeing an escort. People should definatly be informed of such a disgusting excuse for an incall with underage girls.


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
Even though I'm not a senior poster and I don't think my opinion will be taken into consideration by people here, I will still give my point of view, as I can't read that post without replying.

Ops_com, with the information you are having, you should (IMHO) provide the information to the LE either by an anonymous call (lets say from a public phone) or by an anonymous email adress sent from internet cafe.

Even though most hobbyist are against LE when it comes to the hobby, I consider that knowing that an agency is taking advantages of underaged girls and not doing anything that can make it stop, it is as we are helping those criminals. Like they say in french : "Qui est temoin d'un acte criminel et qui ne fait rien est aussi coupable que la personne qui fait l'acte".

Now it's not just a matter of boycott the agency or naming it through the board or fearing some merbites might get caught if they don't know that agency is providing underage girls... It's a matter of making it stop. And the only way is not to give the name through this board... The only way is to provide the information to the LE as soon as possible.

We should stop thinking for our own safety first for one moment and help these underage girls to go out of escorting. They really need your help ops_com.

Hope my message is clear and will be taken into consideration. We all know a 16 or 17 year-old girl in our family or friends. Imagine one moment if they were escorting and we didn't know. The first thing we would've want is that they get out of the business as soon as we know about it...


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Jun 2, 2003
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Not sure how it works in Canada but, if you know of a crime being commited (traffiking under-age girls) aren't you obligated to report it?

If not legally then certainly ethically.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Anyone consider this....?

The guy who answered the phone and "accidently" slipped her age being 17 was alot smarter than you think.

Lets be honest about it here... 99% of us would, if we could get away with it, bang a 17 year old.

This business man is just creating some hype for the guys who call up and you all fell for it. C'mon, the guy can't be THAT STUPID, but he can be that smart.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I agree that someone should drop a dime on these guys. People like that are why LE hassles other agencies and MP's and stripclubs looking for underage workers. They should be taken out of play asap. It's a safe bet that LE monitors the boards and we should show them that we have no interest in helping people who run underage girls. Use the cybertip link that serpico provided and maybe share the info with a couple of reliable senior members, or mods, who can also report them. Maybe if they get a number of different tips from different sources they will act on it faster.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
My views on this topic echo the opinions expressed by Pirates, Heavy D, Techman, etc. Any of us who become aware of such a situation should immediately alert the authorities in a manner that would protect our anonymity, personal security and shelter us from legal reprecussions. Doing so shows a willingness to engage in this hobby in a responsible manner. A quick phonecall from a pay phone is all that would be needed. I'm sure the police would be all over it.

As a side remark, I would just like to mention that I saw a good but very sobering movie that relates in some respects to this topic. It is called The Dead Girl. One portion of the film shows the kind of life young teenage girls can live when they get cut off from their families. I don't think any of us want to contribute to that.


Dec 30, 2004
First, I want to thank all you for your opinions and suggestions. Maybe as Ntice said, it could be a pitch sale or something like that, but i'm pretty that it was not the case overthere. If it is, let say that agency should be avoided. Also, I don't think that LE put an honey pot of that kind to catch people.

After reading all of your opinions, I made 2 choices today:
- I will not divulgate the name of that agency on this board
- I placed a call this afternoon at Info-Crime over a pay-phone. They didn’t ask me anything personal, I gave them the fact: How I found this, time of my call at the agency and details of my conversation.

So again, thank you very much. We don't need that kind of business in Montreal.


Dec 26, 2006
Just want to congratulate such a wise move. By the way, we should also boycott agencies owned by Gang. Those guys are really abusing the girls in so many ways.
OPS_COM keep up the god job!


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
ops_com, I must congratulate you for your good action. You have all my respect (and probably from most of the merbites), as much as a senior poster would have, for such a great decision and great move.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Congrats for reporting these pieces of garbage. Let's hope that they don't read the boards and clean up their act before LE gets the chance to do their thing.


New Member
Jun 17, 2005
Look at the big Picture

Fellow of these young girls are victims of abuse. A high percentage never even know there own father. Us guys are already out numbered by beautiful ladies looking for affection in their 20's, 30's and 40's.

Some of these teenage girls are children of children. We should be trying to help them not exploit them.

That's my honest 2 cents worth.


PS. Happy New Year Everyone!
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