I have some hotel recommendations with prices that are not out of this world but the hotels still seem nice.
Of course if you can my personal favorite is Hotel de la Montagne especially at 140 this hotel is excellent value.
But not all of us are able to stay downtown especially some who work in the area.
Hotel St Andre on St Andre street near berri metro
(514) 849-7070
rate is 78.00 with aaa discount including in room continental breakfast.
Travelodge 50 rene levesque near st Laurent.
514 874 9090
rate with aaa discount 94.00 plust tax including breakfast.
Hotel lord berri
1199 berri (514) 845-9236 Berrie near Rene levesque
price 109.00
L'appartment Hotel 455 sherbrooke near park avenue
514) 284-3634
Studio 120.00 this hotel has kitchenettes etc.
Hotel du Vieux port
756 Berri (514) 844-0767
price 115.00 including breakfast.
Of course if you can my personal favorite is Hotel de la Montagne especially at 140 this hotel is excellent value.
But not all of us are able to stay downtown especially some who work in the area.
Hotel St Andre on St Andre street near berri metro
(514) 849-7070
rate is 78.00 with aaa discount including in room continental breakfast.
Travelodge 50 rene levesque near st Laurent.
514 874 9090
rate with aaa discount 94.00 plust tax including breakfast.
Hotel lord berri
1199 berri (514) 845-9236 Berrie near Rene levesque
price 109.00
L'appartment Hotel 455 sherbrooke near park avenue
514) 284-3634
Studio 120.00 this hotel has kitchenettes etc.
Hotel du Vieux port
756 Berri (514) 844-0767
price 115.00 including breakfast.