I prefer a natural woman, minimal makeup, natural breasts, no or very discrete perfume... But, there's exceptions on everything, isn't it?
I met 2 woman in my ages of SC visits who had enhanced breasts where the word "enhanced" really ment "it look great" instead of being, in my opinion, a "downgrade". One was years ago, before the days of contacts so, all I had was the "visual" clues but they looked great im my opinion. The other is Sasha from Cléo.
I once met an older lady who went so overboard the skin between the boobs actually separated from the muscle underside so, with time and aging, she had a 2-3 inches "tent" between the boobs, who were almost basketball-sized...
Sorry Malika, we never had a chance to meet so, I only have "visual clues" but, at a glance, they look great!