Montreal Escorts

Idea for agency owners - monthly STD testing


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
Ziggy Montana Questions:

(1) Why only SP's should be tested, what about the clients?

It would be better if there was a system for testing clients. If an agency had a policy of only sending escorts to men who had had a recent test, then I would comply.

(2) What makes you think that agency owners have currently no policy in regards to testing.

They don't advertise it.

(3) What would certify that the SP's underwent the tests? Are they supposed to publish their monthly medical report?

It is true that the agencies could lie about this, just as they could lie about other things as well. A reputable agency wouldn't lie about it if they didn't want to do it, they just wouldn't do it.

(4) Where was Eve when God told Adam not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Eve was the one who told Adam to eat the apple. Adam later tried to blame Eve, but God told him that it was his fault for listening to Eve. The purpose of this story in the Bible is to warn men against the dangers of doing what women tell them to.

Needless to say, I agree with Backdoorman's comments.

Also, I am glad that has published its policy. I will definitely use that agency.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
traveller_76 said:
therefore man's Fall was man's fault ;)
Bingo! :p .....
traveller_76 said:
Dans l'eau froide d'une piscine on dit que c'est bon aussi...
Sachez, mademoiselle, que j'ai réparé le chauffe-eau et que l'eau est maintenant à 82 deg. F. :p

freedom3 said:
It would be better if there was a system for testing clients. If an agency had a policy of only sending escorts to men who had had a recent test, then I would comply.
And watch the agency go belly up in no time! Reality shows that the number of tests a client would need to undergo periodically and the cost incurred for having the said tests performed are such that most clients would rather move their business elsewhere.
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New Member
Mar 11, 2003
traveller_76 said:
therefore man's Fall was man's fault ;)
I think all this Adam-bashing is misplaced and in fact his assertion of independent thinking should be commended. (Am I a white knight for the first guy now?) It is human nature to cherish individual freedom and to resist unpopular externally-imposed laws. We hobbyists continue this tradition. If God intended to create the species we are, he should have known what Adam would do.
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