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Interesting article…


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Every adult has a right to choose their own life and how they live it including her.
Do I think it is a good choice, no I don’t.
With my limited knowledge I see very few that have the celebrity lifestyle and financial success that she is idolizing.
What I see is mostly young women who are struggling to make ends meet, usually down on themselves, forever seeking ways they think will make them more beautiful ( even when they already are). Many of them have no idea how to save and invest their income when they do make a decent amount.and many have emotional issues that force them into this lifestyle.

Add to that the stigma that they will carry for the rest of their lives with many concealing it from friends family which must have a huge emotional impact after a while and it will hinder their efforts to get regular employment as it is not exactly something valuable to put on their resume.
It is not a glamorous lifestyle at all for the majority but a struggle of necessity.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Those articles are just recycled trash. Always ending with PIPQ and CLES amplifying a situation and justifying public funding for these Government departments.
Then PIPQ and CLES go after the clubs to shut them down to build condos.
Really?? This "Melissa" Onlyfans escort promoting herself with the journalist Kathryne Lamontagne and bragging about prices and big money??
This Melissa probably an undercover agent or proxy profile to troll for data. 1984 style.
Kathryne Lamontangne.."Directrice adjointe et journaliste au Bureau d'enquête Québecor"
Quebecor Videotron getting frustrated no more pimps to demonize and women now are independently making their own choices.
"Des travailleuses du sexe se sentent ainsi libres et en contrôle, rapportaient policiers, intervenants et experts."
Police and experts have confirmed women are free and in control. wtf.

Ya wonder if an article is coming soon about PIPQ and CLES blocking OnlyFans in Quebec.
CTV Enslaved on OnlyFans......They are working hard on justifying it be sure.
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