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Interracial couples in China town ?


The dude with a lame nick
Jun 27, 2005

On se tient pas deboutte comme peuple. Je comprend l'intérêt pour les autres races :mad:


New Member
Jan 10, 2005
its like

eating poutine, pizza and spaghetti all the time
sometimes its nice to have sushi, thai hot food, indian bangalore
or vietnamese pho

u know what i mean...


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Jun 27, 2003
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jons242 said:
I don't think that's true, white girls in Montreal are just as prejudice towards dating non-white guys as any other city. I think anglophone girls tend not to date non-whites. Francophone girls I find are more open. I know I am generalizing people. However being asian myself and lived in Montreal most of my life I can only convey my own experiance.

If your asian and want to date a white girl don't wast your time and money on dating sites.

If not dating sites, where else could you try? I suggested my Asian friends to try those "Interracial Dating" websites. Have you tried them? Anyone? I wonder if there is any dating websites geared specifically toward relationship between Asian men and Caucasian women.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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ExoticSpirit said:
I'm also Asian and have been dating non-Asian girls for most of my adult life. Pretty normal thing in most big Canadian cities now. I think this is due to the environment we grow up in. I think that many Canadian-Asians (both male and female) who grew up here actually prefer dating non-Asians. After all, we grew up watching Charlie's Angels, Wonderwoman, Miss America, etc., so we end up with a certain impression of what beauty is. Most newly immigrant Asians on the other hand, still prefer to be with their own since their version of what beauty is in their home countries can be very different.

Isn't the native language the key factor? People just arriving from a foreign country will not have the language skills nor desire to go after natives in their new land, plus the natives will not be attracted to them, usually.


Nov 22, 2005
Interracial Dating

I'm an Asian guy but 'Canadian-Asian' meaning that I was born here and don't have an accent. I've dated mostly non-Asian girls for most of my adult life and when I think about it, I was the first Asian boyfriend for most of my past girlfriends. Never did well in bars or dating sites but in other social conditions where there isn't the pressures of a bar, I did okay. I think that most white women would never have thought about dating a non-white guy but if your personality shines through (which is very difficult in a dating website), many would entertain the possibility of interracial dating. Only a few times did I meet a white women who told me that dating a non-white would be a problem.


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
Just my two Chinese cents (=0.00000000....0000001 $CDN)

This seemed to be an interesting topic to discuss.

Being a landed-imigrant from asia myself, i've spent most of my adult life in montreal. i've dated, in my point of view (one on one dinner, movie, holding hand, prom), german, chinese, quebequois girls, but the only girl that i got to bang was surprisingly from a arab-muslim community.

Statistically, i would say for evey 10 white-male/asian girl couple, there could only be one asian-male/white-female couple, and most of the time, the white girl that hang with asian guys are not close to be as hot as those that the brothers got.

But there are exceptions. My friend, who is also asian, and in my opinion, who is below average in the looking department, have had one night stand (bars on crescent street), sex at work place, sex at public washroom with white girls. another one of my friend, who is also asian, got his share of white meat. and a very good looking, model type of caucasian pussy. One of montreal's hottest masseuse, who was labelled "the best thai masseuse ever born" told me that she dated asian.

However, I had a quebequois female friend kept asking me to take her to chinatown, but who is not into fucking me...the bottom line is in this world, anything could happen. In my opinion, asian men are disadvantaged because most of them are too uptight, too god damn serious, too submissive, too quiet......but in fact, none of these are actually stopping asian men from getting the white meat. those are traits of 5000 years of civilization, and i am proud of that. it goes back to confidence. if asian men one day start to realize that their culture is more sophisticated than the rest of the world, the personality, and confidence will shine. and getting laid is next.
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