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Las Vegas Porn Expo!!!


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Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Advice? here's more than you expected...

Jeff247 said:
Any advice?

I didn't think the Mods would appreciate a link to another review site, so I am reposting the "Do's & Don'ts" and giving full credit to TER Mod Fasteddie. This has to answer 99% of the questions you might have!!;)



BTW This thread should not be in the Outcall section, so hopefully the Mods will move it...


AVN Do's and Don'ts...
Posted by fasteddie51 , 10/31/2007

Seeing lots of questions about AVN (actually, it's really the AEE; Adult Entertainment Expo), so I thought I'd offer some do's and don'ts based on my experiences.

AEE's dates are Jan. 9th through the 12th, but DO realize that the 9th is industry only, fans aren't admitted until the 10th, so make your hotel and travel plans accordingly.

DO book NOW. Both the AEE and the Consumer Electronics show are held concurrently, so rooms are scarce AND last minute bookings are expensive at that time of year. I booked my room in September.

DO book through AEE's website.


They get a group rate and are substantially less than booking through the hotel or even the travel sites like Orbitz.

DO try to stay at the Venetian. The AEE is held at the Sands Convention Center which is attached to the Venetian, so all the pornstars stay there. Also, most of the events and parties are held there as well. If you can't afford the Venetian, try to book a hotel within walking distance... the wait for a taxi during the show dates is absurd, and even if you rent a car the wait to get into the Venetian's parking lot is long and frustrating.

DON'T expect the show to be a PSE smorgasboard. To us it's a vacaton/fantasy, to the girls it's work. They work the show floor and then in the evenings have comittments to attend parties and events sponsored by the company their representing. Also, many of the girls are shooting scenes in their free time, so they really don't have a lot of time for private meetings.

DO use the show as a scouting trip for future meetings. If you attend with the goal of meeting your favorites pornstars and getting contact info, you'll be less disappointed than if you go with the expectation of getting laid a lot.

DON'T ask a girl at the show if she escorts. She's surrounded by fans, friends, managers and company reps, so she's not going to admit that she's available, even if she is.

DO hang out at the Circle Bar and the Luxe Cafe on the Venetian's main floor. This is where the girls hang out during their free time, and is the best place to ask for contact info.

At the bar, DO be patient and discrete. If a girl's there, she's there with friends. DON'T interupt her conversation. Stay close but don't hover, and when she's not engaged, approach her then. They're used to being approached by fans so she should be willing to talk to you for a minute or two. Be polite, keep it short, tell her you'd love to spend some time with her and ask for her contact info. The noise at the bar is loud enough that you should be able to ask quietly without being overheard. If she says NO, DON'T push it... just move on to the next girl.

DON'T try to set up a meeting at the bar. Just get her info and ask if you can call her later. Whether you get her info or not, thank her and leave... she's with friends and doesn't want to hang out with you.

DO check out the ancillary shows that are held off-premises. There are usually two or three special events (Legends of Porn, etc.) that are held at various clubs in Vegas. Lots of pornstar attend, it's held in a noisy, partying environment and offers a great opportunity to approach and ask a pornstar if she's available. There's usually flyers available on the show floor announcing the times and venues for these events.

DO understand that even if you do make a date with a PSE, there is a chance you'll get stood up. Last minute events, job offers for shoots, and partying with her friends are all things that can alter her schedule. If you do get stood up, get over it. It's the nature of the beast at AEE.

If you want to see a particular PSE, DO try to arrange a date a week or two prior to the show.
There are many PSEs who aren't signing for a company and go to the show specifically to escort. These girls will be easier to book and more likely to show up for the date.

Do understand that even if you do get to meet a girl, she might not be bringing her "A" game. She might be fitting you in between comittments so the session could be rushed, or she could just be dead tired and not really into it.

DON'T waste the $300 to attend the awards ceremony. It's pretty boring; the girls are all sitting at industry tables, and there's not much opportunity to mingle.

If you're not attending the entire 4 days, DO try to go Thursday and/or Friday. As I mentioned, Weds. is industry only and Saturday, the last day of the show, usually sucks.


As I said, AEE isn't the best place to meet a PSE. But if you're a hobbyist or just a fan of porn, you should go at least once to see what it's all about. I actually go to the show to meet up with my hobbyist buddies and to put a face to the screen names of guys I've been exchanging opinions with for years and to say hi to the many PSE friends I've made over the years. Last year I only spent about two hours at the show itself! The fact that I'm surrounded by gorgeous, scantily clad ladies is just the icing on the cake! :)

Also, if you have the time and/or money, you might want to consider staying a few extra days and attending the Internext show, held at the Palm the 13th - 15th. The Internext is dedicated to the adult website business, and many of the pornstars who attend AEE stay for Internext, along with a lot of web girls who don't go to AEE. The crowds are much thinner, so it's a lot easier to approach the girls. If you've already been to a previous AEE, you may even want to consider skipping that and going to Internext instead.

Hope this helps for those of you planning on attending for the first time. If you have any other questions, just ask.
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