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Lesbian Porn and Anilingus


Kansas Frank

Since I can't afford to fly to Montreal (like I used to -- before the Great Recession) to enjoy everything and then some lovely Montreal has to offer, I'm stuck watching lesbian porn, which has gotten as rough as hardcore "mainstream" porn. Not sure what the deal is, as I don't know any lesbians, there seems to be a lot more anilingus scenes. It grosses me out:eek:, even watching clean shaven beautiful ladies (in their early 20's) engage in anilingus. It just doesn't turn me on. I'm even afraid to engage in Greek. :faint:

The venerable Wikipedia states:

Anilingus involves a variety of techniques to stimulate the anus including kissing, licking, and sliding the tongue up and down the insides of the cheeks and crack of the buttocks, and in and out of the anus itself. Pleasure for the giver is usually based more on the principle of the act. Mutual anilingus can also be done in the position called "69".

I wonder if anilingus will be offered in Montreal. (Extra C$200? and the Hobbyist has to have his butt waxed beforehand :D and tipping is mandatory!) Hobbyists -- have you had an SP lick your anus? :noidea: I imagine the sensation must be as good or better than getting a great BBJ. ;)

Oh, I love giving cunnilingus -- but only if the Virgina is shaved, smells nice and lovely. :nod::lol:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Not sure what the deal is, as I don't know any lesbians, there seems to be a lot more anilingus scenes. It grosses me out:eek:, even watching clean shaven beautiful ladies (in their early 20's) engage in anilingus. It just doesn't turn me on. I'm even afraid to engage in Greek. :faint:

Oh, I love giving cunnilingus -- but only if the Virgina is shaved, smells nice and lovely. :nod::lol:

Hello KF,

You might or might not be surprised to know how many escorts are bi-sexual, and possibly some nearer to being lesbians. A large percentage of the best encounters I've had were with ladies who told during repeat encounters that they were bi-sexual...including the Energizer Bunny. It's unique to share preferences of desire about women with a woman.

I was also "afraid", to put it your way, of trying greek. My first impulse was...ISH!!! Actually, it's fun and stimulating with the right person. As for Analingus, NO! I was tempted once because the lady was so sexy. I don't even remember who that was, but I did not go through with it. A couple of ladies have come very close to analingus on me, but it was not appealing at all for the same instinctive reasons I don't do it.

During the RARE TIMES I've ever seen porn ;) I have noticed the trend toward more raunch. Even top stars like Nikki Benz who never did greek before are doing it for what I presume is higher pay and to stay..."on top" :D of the business.

Having not been with two ladies at the same time, I have learned from film I do love beautiful lesbians. It's very stimulating when they are enjoying the same things I enjoy with them. Analingus is not one of them.

But the way - "but only if Virginia is shaved". I always thought of it as much warmer, fresher, and sweeter, like Hawaii. :)



Kansas Frank

Thanks for sharing your thoughts guys. :thumb::amen:
So, it's called a Rim Job. :nod::lol:

Alright, I'm going to make sure to wash my butt more thoroughly next times just in case I get lucky and the SP initiate a Rim Job and then we engage in DFK. :whoo: :p Who am I kidding! I'll DATY any lovely lady. :D :hungry:


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Many of the Asian SP's in Vancouver offer rimming as a standard part of their service, but most of them won't kiss their clients. Go figure ... :confused:


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Jun 21, 2003
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I've never recieved a rim job from an SP because who would be crazy enough to stick their tongue up my hairy ass!

But I have given to an SP, we were in 69 and her ass looked clean, smelt clean, and I just dove in there hoping it taste clean too!!!

I've just done this once with an SP but there was second SP that offered her ass to me but for some reason I did not follow thru.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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Watching porn where a chick is rimming doesn't really freak me out.

What DOES freak me out is gaping assholes. For some reason, some porn feels it necessary to show a reamed out asshole. NOT a turn on.

Also, I saw this one oral movie once that could only be described as EXTREME. It was like women were being mouth raped. Apparently the guy who makes these types of movies (don't remember his name, but he was American) is known for the extreme oral stuff. The women were basically being mouth raped by guys with subway sized cocks and semi roughed up, mascara running, tears, etc. He was crossing a line in my humble opinion.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...gaping assholes. NOT a turn on.

...being mouth raped...

Hello Captain,

I really get grossed out by the gaping, gagging to choke, spitting in the face (or at all) for humiliation, toys to inflict pain, stepping on the women's face or neck. I mean, I understand some things that aren't my style, but who the F**K gets turned on by degradation and brutality. Anyone who thinks escorting or prostitution is messed up, should be questioning both how and why so-called real-life boyfriends can enjoy this and real-life girlfriends can allow this. I've got nothing against vigorous sexuality, but humiliation and pain...C'MON!!!



Kansas Frank

I second what Merlot said. :nod:

I love the way Alyssa Roze describes her occupation: "Mistress". :thumb: :amen: I prefer to consider and treat my SP's as Mistresses, which is what I think they are. (I detest using the word "prostitution" :mad: -- which better describes the institution of marriage, IMHO, and working for some big corporations, which I do.) It's not just about sexual intercourse. What I really love about Montreal's Hobbyland is that you can get a real GFE from an SP (if my mileage is great). Yes, I want sex but I also want a human connection, even if there is a huge language barrier. :nod::)

It would be easier for me to go to Vancouver but I chose not to because it's almost like any other coastal city in the US, albeit perhaps cleaner. (Toronto seems to have more Americans than true native Canadians.) Besides I prefer, nay I love, the people, whether they are of French or Anglo ancestries or both, who are born and raise in Montreal and Quebec. :cheer2:

Maybe in a few decades, I'll buy a condo in downtown Montreal and make it one of my vacation homes. :whoo:


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Watching porn where a chick is rimming doesn't really freak me out.

What DOES freak me out is gaping assholes. For some reason, some porn feels it necessary to show a reamed out asshole. NOT a turn on.

Gaping assholes are cute...

I'm guessing you've never seen a prolapsing asshole when her insides come out like a blossoming flower!!!

Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it.

Kansas Frank

erf... i am sorry to burst your bubble but what i meant is i am a dominatrix (BDSM)

No problem. :hail: I don't mind getting my bubble burst, as long as my exhaust pipe remains intact. :lol: My sexual habits are very tamed; I might try Greek one day and I may allow myself a Rim Job (after I take the proper antibiotics; I don't think my stomach can handle my own shit!). :lol: :peace: I would run away screaming like a little girl, if I ever found myself in a room alone with a dominatrix. :yield: :hail:
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