Moderators are not paid, we do not receive freebies or discounts or extra services from anyone. We donate our time to MERB so that everyone can have a pleasant place to post and have a bit of fun and entertainment
While the hard work of the moderators may be to often unacknowledged, don't you guys think for a moment that it isn't appreciated.
I've been on the net a long long time, and I have witnessed first-hand what happens to unmoderated forums; they inevitably devolve into a steaming pile of crap.
MERB's worth is in the reviews the members post. MERB's value is derived from the polish the moderators apply, even-handedly, so thanks guys, for devoting your time to something we all derive benefit from. And, lest we not forget, MERB's existence is owed to the advertisers and paying members, whose paid support makes this thing possible.