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Movie 'Saw'


Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc
I just watched two parts of the movie 'Saw'.


Very shocking and violent, comes close to my favorite movie of all times 'Suicide Club'.. But of course everyone's got a different taste.

I can easily imagine people who will hate this movie. Hmmm.. my parents!

If you've seen it, do you have a strong opinion of this movie?

P.S.: I might be dressed as Napoleon Bonaparte for New Years.:rolleyes:


Jack is back
Sep 24, 2005
Wolf Creek

I saw the movie, the only part that's based on true events is that 30K persons disappear every year in Autralia, 90% are found and the rest is history...

This movie reminds me of BREAKDOWN (Kurt Russell) where tourists are trapped and murdered for their belongings.

Moviewise, the camera is handheld and the grain and lighting of the movie add an eerie feeling.

Overall, I give it 2 thumbs down, you be the judge.

In the same genre, I preferred HOUSE OF WAX.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Hi Carla,

I saw the first one (didn't know there was a sequel), I liked it but not for everyone - Kinda reminded me of "Seven".


Jack is back
Sep 24, 2005


Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc
Big Daddy Cool said:
And who seen that coming in the sequal where the girl joined in as part of the game? The part where the girl fell into those needles freaked me out too, which is rae that i get freaked out.
**Spoiler warning: don't read if you didn't watch Saw II**

I was a bit confused if Amanda, the junkie girl was actually a part of the game. If she was, she must have been a masochist and also I found it strange how she was screaming at the begining. Also when she fell into the needles she looked pretty natural trying to find the key(?).. Was this all an act?

Another question, do you think John, the cancer patient, gave Amanda and the boy, cop's son the antidote? They didn't seem to be coughing..



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Saw I

I saw "Saw I" and really liked it........the concept of making someone solve a riddle in order to save their own life is something that should be creatively explored in horror films. People should be able to think a little bit in order to save their own lives, especially horror film characters who are usually very stupid. If you watch some of the "Friday the 13th" films, I mean what a bunch of fucking morons the victims in those movies were............. Jason had pretty easy pickings. There are certain fundmental rules in horror films, and when the characters in these films fail to obey these very well established rules, they should be killed. Like for example, you hear a noise in the attic that sounds pretty scary and menacing, don't open the fucking door to the attic!:eek: Run for your life! At least in Saw I these characters were forced to think a little bit to save their own asses. However I thought that the riddles were a bit too easy and should have been more complicated. The more pressure, the better!
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Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc
Wolf Creek

CryWolf said:
I saw the movie [Wolf Creek], the only part that's based on true events is that 30K persons disappear every year in Autralia, 90% are found and the rest is history...
[...]Moviewise, the camera is handheld and the grain and lighting of the movie add an eerie feeling.

Overall, I give it 2 thumbs down, you be the judge.
I just watched the movie. I liked it, although it wasn't as original as Saw. The fact that it is based on true events makes it even more scary.. It will make me think twise before accepting lifts from strangers again.

When I was working in Ontario in the middle of nowhere I took lifts from clients/strangers every night.. If right now I could turn the time back.. I might have not even gone to such a god forsaken place all by myself especially without a car..

I loved the acting too, especially Liz.



Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc
P.S.: Why do 30K people disappear in Australia?


Jack is back
Sep 24, 2005
Down under

Australia is so huge and empty you wouldn't believe it. People (apprx 20 millions) live mainly on the coast in towns like Perth, Melbourne, Sydney (olympics).

The 30k probably hop along these towns, visit the beaches, go to the outback without informing their relatives then come home full circle.

And then some get eaten by crocs or get lost and bleached dry by the sun in the outback.

PS : the chicks are hot down there, it's a country I would like to visit

PS 2 : Crocodile Dundee is one of my favorite movies of all time..


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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G1GBallday said:
I went to see the film Hostel yesterday and was disappointed. It's "presented" by Quentin Tarintino whatever that's supposed to mean but it's probably the worst film he's been associated with.

The film has a few intense/sadistic scenes and quite a few lovely sets of boobs :D but on the whole it's pretty much the same crap I've seen in a ton of other films.

I would tend to agree. If you are into intensely sadistic torture scenes the movie is a must see, otherwise, apart from the gorgeous breasts of Barbara Nedeljakova, there's not much else.

One funny thing happened to me while watching this movie on DVD. There was a particularly brutal scene in which one of the "extreme hunters" takes a large, heavy duty power drill and drills all the way through the kneecap of one of his American victims, for whom he has paid $25,000 to torture and kill. I was so shaken up by the scene I had to momentarily shut off the TV and go to my kitchen to get some tea. As I did so, I forgot I left the dishwasher door open and I banged my kneecap into it, so hard that I fell to the floor clutching it in pain. As I writhed in pain on my kitchen floor I began to feel like I was the character in the movie who had the drill put through his kneecap...............:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The comment in this article that Hostel 2 will not be a "family flick" like the first one struck me as one of the most preposterous statements I have ever read. Did you consider "Hostel" a family flick? Blow torches to the face, power drills through the kneecap, achilles tendons being slashed with a scalpel, eyeballs being cut out - that's family fare? It was one of the most brutal and shocking films I have ever seen.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Hostel 2? Considering I pretty much thought Hostel sucked I'll pass. Casual horror film fans might have found it shocking but it was far from satisfying to gorehounds. You get treated to about 50 minutes of Eurotrip with annoying characters (Tarantino to Roth: "Dude, this is taking forever to get going, better put a lot of boobage in there or people will fall asleep"), you immediately know (train scene) who the "villain" will be. The plot was predictable, there was little to no suspense, no creepy atmosphere to back up the so-called shocking scenes (bunch of big bald dudes in suits standing around black cars in broad daylight next to semi-abandonned buildings = not creepy), the whole escape sequence (hmmm hide behind this corner, and then this corner, and then behind this car, no wait, gotta go save the japanese girl...) was ridiculous, and lo and behold, the 3 people I need to kill magically appear behind a truck all bunched up together so I can run them over! Arggggggh! Well, there's two things I enjoyed which most people probably would not even notice: The cameo appearance by the Japanese master of disturbing and twisted horror Takachi Miike, and the hommage to Sion Sono's "Suicide Club" (the japanese girl's suicide in front of the train).

If you're not going to create suspense and a creepy atmosphere, then you better make darn sure that there will be a big payoff in the gore department. To me, Hostel just didn't deliver. Good premise, bad execution. And I had hope for Roth because I liked Cabin Fever in a campy "not taking myself seriously" sort of way. In the same "survival horror" genre, "High Tension" and even "Wolf Creek" are miles better than Hostel.

And again, go see Neil Marshall's "The Descent" for a creepy, brutal, and highly effective horror film.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A friend of mine saw Saw III today and said it was at least as good as Saw II. The all important body count was just as high or higher than in Saw II. He also saw the Hostel II trailer and says it looks awesome.

I read an interview with the Saw III director and he said his goal is to make sure that you "are shocked and disgusted when you leave the theater."
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New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I just saw Saw III today. I liked it; it was pretty good.

As a twist, the games concentrated more on morality and the characters' attitudes, instead of the mechanical devices. That's all I'll say without giving too much away.


New Member
Sep 29, 2005
saw was good.. saw II is not as good, and i imagine saw III will be bad. Too much repeat.

I agree Carla, suicidal club was very good.

I liked hostel, (some1 said it sucked).. its kind of original.

Anyway, one of my favorite (beside suicidal club) is oldboy. Have you seen it, Carla?


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
I love this movie. Probably one of the best horror movies in North America. The idea is pretty new and hardcore. Especially the ending parts are REALLY surprising. Mind blowing. The third one is coming soon. A nice chose for spending Halloween night.

PS: Saw 2 is not as good as 1 tho.
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