Montreal Escorts

Muffinbuffer's 2011 trip report

I`m recently back from a 5-day trip to Montreal, during which I saw 16 escorts in 15 appointments. Reviews will follow, but rather than repeatedly explain things in each of the reviews I thought it might be more useful to make some general comments here and to specify some of the prejudices that will color my reviews. Feel free to offer feedback on the reviews themselves.

The trip was for the specific purpose of seeing escorts. My plan was to see 18 but I figured that would require massive luck and a complete absence of scheduling snafus. By the time I`d left my office Tuesday morning I had 10 appointments pre-booked, which is much better than last year. However, one had fallen through by the following morning and another by Saturday afternoon. I`d initially planned to go home on Saturday since, unintuitively, choice of girls tends to suck on Saturday night. However, my wife said something about breaking my record, which was all it took to extend a day.

Newbies should be aware that some agencies specialize in daytime services and their girls quit by early (or in some cases) mid-evening. Others focus on nighttime services and their girls usually start mid-evening. A few agencies cover the waterfront, but if one wants to schedule multiple appointments through the day it`s a good idea to learn which agencies focus on which times of day. It`s also worth noting that only a few agencies do any pre-booking and that doing so is fraught with increasing risk of cancellation the farther ahead one books.

One downside to pre-booking is that you can really box yourself in if something falls through. The two times that happened this trip I was unable to fill the hole (so to speak...) because the other 3 appointments those days would have conflicted with the short-notice options available then. Infuriatingly, a Friday appointment got canceled when some other guy at my hotel had booked the same girl for later then canceled. Although his appointment was at 9, they canceled my 6:30 one. They claim they called me, but the number they used is not mine (all but the last 4 digits matched) and I`d already seen 3 of their girls so there`s no reason for them not to have my correct contact information. I called a couple of hours before the appointment to reconfirm out of habit, or I just would have sat there when the time came. This seems to have been due to an internal communication problem within the agency. They offered me the 9PM appointment or an 11PM with Molly, but I had a hard-to-get 10PM one with someone else so either one would have been ridiculous. I`d set the appointment up on Monday and reconfirmed it on Tuesday. I really expected more of a response from the agency than telling me they were sorry.

The downside to NOT pre-booking is that the girls at those agencies are often booked within hours (or, in the case of some girls, minutes) of when the schedules go up so without prebooking you`re unlikely ever to see those girls.

As before, my wife screened all of my proposed pre-bookings and made suggestions for whom else to see. Her overall track record is noticeably better than mine. My theory is that she doesn`t get nearly as distracted by the boobies as I do and pays attention to secret girly cues. She`s tried to teach me, but I appear to have an agnosia in this area. One of the consequences of my method, fair or not, is that girls without pictures simply don`t get considered.

Some agencies are much easier to deal with than others, especially when it comes to pre-booking. Overall, I`ve tended to use the same group of agencies year after year based both on my general experience with their girls and on their customer service. I`ve never booked a majority of my appointments with a single agency on any trip.

My wife takes perverted pleasure in sending me off to Montreal to meet with escorts and reading my emailed reports of my experiences. She has 2 rules: no kissing and no anal. Those are for her alone. Anything else that I`d like is fair game. Thus, I can`t comment on DFK, LFK, or indeed any sort of FK. When a girl specifies that she doesn`t do anal or if she offered me her ass I`ll include that in my review. Otherwise, it`s not something I ever ask about. I get to eat all the pussy I want at home and rarely do so with escorts because I`m a selfish hedonistic pig and with escorts it`s all about me. I used to feel guilty until my wife pointed out that, through me, she was indirectly paying the girls and that she didn`t want me to be doing the work. DATY is not usually going to be anything I`ll know about.

I stayed again at the le Cantlie Suites Hotel, primarily because of a great price on Expedia and a location unbeatable for my purposes - near the Peel metro and Ste. Catherine as well as several of my favorite restaurants. The room had a kitchenette, though all I used it for was making tea. The beds and linens were surprisingly nice for the price. I got 2 queen beds, since that lets me reserve one for sleeping and use one for recreation. There was a closeted mirror but unlike last year`s room it wasn`t visible from the bed. The room was nicely lit for my purposes, had a big chair near one bed that was a nice place to watch some stripping or other things, and was reasonably quiet. They may have clocked me last year since they put me in a corner room this year where I couldn`t bother anyone. I knew they busted me this year when I got a call 2 minutes after a morning girl left to ask if I`d like housekeeping to clean my room. The smirk the housekeeper gave me when she showed up a few minutes later was impressive. They also went from giving me 3 sets of towels a day to 6, which I used all of.

My prejudices include:

- I speak several languages, but not French. Communication issues with francophones are common with me.
- I love slim, willowy girls. Ballerinas are my favorite body type.
- I love tits. Love `em. All sizes. I always seem to end up most enjoying the tiniest and the most massive as opposed to mid-range.
- I only like natural tits. I hate fakes.
- The smaller the nipples and areolae, the better. The paler they are, the better as well.
- I`m not a fan of tattoos.
- I`m a big fan of piercings, especially nipple piercings.
- Not a proponent of doggy in general (my view of the tits is obscured), so won`t usually be able to comment on how it was.
- I prefer my balls and butt left alone, so usually can`t comment on BLS or rimming.
- I`ll practically always request a facial, CIM, or COB, and in that order.
- Although I enjoy being swallowed, it`s not important enough to me to request it specifically.
- My wife`s a freak who`s ready to do all sorts of things that most escorts won`t do. As a result, I`m very picky about things such as blowjobs that might not be at all disappointing to the next guy.
- My reviews are written primarily for my wife, then edited to remove stuff nobody else would be interested in. Sorry if they`re too graphic or whatever.

In summary, my reviews are unlikely to include anything about DFK, LFK, DATY, BLS, rimming, or Greek. If it`s not in the review, asking me won`t do any good at all, so please no PM`s about those questions. If my review does not list facials or CIM, it`s unlikely that this is a routine service for that girl.

I`m not a numbers guy.

Here are the reviews in the order of when I saw each girl:

Jenna of Chloe`s:
Erika of Girls on Fire:
Jordan of Eleganza:
Adrianna of Eleganza:
Melodie of Asservisante:
Abby & Marie-Eve duo of Nadya`s:
Teena of Eleganza:
Jersey of Chloe`s:!!&p=574798&viewfull=1#post574798
Madison of Montreal Sex City:
Taylor of Montreal Sex City:
Baby of Chloe`s:
Deborah of Asservissante:
Jessica of Eleganza:
Avril of Eleganza:
Nina of Asservisante:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Most impressive. You'll need to hire a secretary to take care of your appointments.:D


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I suppose a professional agent might be able to get more exclusive booking and special deals on bulk orders. He could even get sponsors!:)


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Wow, great job Muffin. For the life of me, I can't understand how you could physically go for 15 girls in 5 days. I don't know if I could do 5 in 5 days. You sir, are a cum machine. I look forward to reading the reviews! Also, congratulations on the wife. That's the most impressive part about this whole thing ;)


Jun 9, 2007
Impressive! Perhaps we should create some sort of award for such 'achievements' during the year. A title at the end of the year would be great.

In any case, thank you for the reviews.


Kansas Frank

:lol:Muffin Buffer:

Thank you for making your annual "pilgrimage" to the Mecca of lovely and excellent SP's, aka Montral! I look forward to reading about each of your escapades and conquests. :thumb:

I should have went to med school instead! :confused:

Perhaps circumstances will permit me to return to Montreal later this winter and enjoy her hosiptality. :D



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Hat off to your wife...


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Now what would make it really interesting is if you made 16 appointments all at the same time with live stream coverage and colour commentators giving play by play action.


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
Wow .. nice work

I would tripple my hobbying if I had a someone to handle the mundane task of selecting and scheduling girls for me to see :)
Admittedly though, I could not handle 15 encounters in 5 days... One a day is more my speed

Hats off to you and your wife for a team effort.
I am impressed

Thanks for sharing for the rest of our benefit


Sep 23, 2011
Just left Montreal yesterday....I thought I was breaking records, I think I saw 22 or so girls in 9 days. Coming from Alberta where it's 300+/hour For a girl you make the most of the Montreal trips. BTW the I only had one bad experience out of all my girls, so overall it was an awesome trip. Most of the girls I seen were with devilish, girl on fire, and eleganza. Love ur city...can't wait to be back

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site

Great series of reviews. You really paint a picture.

Anything at all you can tell us about your marriage? Nobody wants you to tip any identifying details, but your wife's point of view on this whole business is remarkable.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Just left Montreal yesterday....I thought I was breaking records, I think I saw 22 or so girls in 9 days. Coming from Alberta where it's 300+/hour For a girl you make the most of the Montreal trips. BTW the I only had one bad experience out of all my girls, so overall it was an awesome trip. Most of the girls I seen were with devilish, girl on fire, and eleganza. Love ur city...can't wait to be back

Don't Hesitate to review or just make a trip report if you don't have enough time...
Anything at all you can tell us about your marriage? Nobody wants you to tip any identifying details, but your wife's point of view on this whole business is remarkable.

Married as teenagers a LONG time ago. Our attitudes about sex were among the things that cemented our relationship in the first place. We love each other and want each other to be happy, whatever it takes. She has been quoted that the day I stop noticing pretty women she's calling the undertaker, so she's never expected me to pretend I never find anyone else attractive. To her, cheating would be seducing or having an emotional relationship with someone else. She knows I'm disinterested in that. She's also been hot enough for long enough that even at her age she's pretty confident that there's nothing I'm getting that I can't get at home except variety. Besides, she fully understands the attraction herself and partakes when she can.
Just left Montreal yesterday....I thought I was breaking records, I think I saw 22 or so girls in 9 days. Coming from Alberta where it's 300+/hour For a girl you make the most of the Montreal trips. BTW the I only had one bad experience out of all my girls, so overall it was an awesome trip. Most of the girls I seen were with devilish, girl on fire, and eleganza. Love ur city...can't wait to be back

Where are the reviews and the report, dude?

I often wish it were my city, but I suspect if I lived there it would lose its allure.
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