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Murder at the Chablis


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May 1, 2003
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The Chablis hotel on St Jacques was the scene for the second murder on St J in the last month. While there is no police confirmation of the facts, it would appear that a person was shot in one of the rooms, possible stabbed as well, and attempted to escape running. He collapsed (or was made to collapse, details are sketchy) on the sidewalk in front of the Super C.

He was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead.

Less than a month ago, another man was killed near the Peel Pub on St Jacques.



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May 1, 2003
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haha Bob, no, I can say for a fact that you were not involved. However, there were a number of very embarrassed and frustrated working girls and clients who were locked up in the hotel for 5 + hours while the investigation went on, and questions were asked.

My understanding is that the person involved is / was / might have been related to ongoing gang action in an attempt to control the game in that end of Montreal.

Amazones reopens in a couple of weeks as a full contact peeler bar, so the neighborhood should just be hopping with action. I personally have a bet going with someone in the know that there will be more bad vibes around there as some of the dancers might want to try crossing the street at the end of ths shift to make a few extra dollars at the end of the day. That could lead to some serious ongoing issues.




Apr 12, 2003
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I posted quite a while ago saying that you had to be carefull at the Chablis. I go there quite regularly and to tell you the truth I was starting to feel less and less safe there. Quite regularly there are getting some quite questionable guest there. I'm not talking about us john doing there little things with sp, their mistresses or gf.

I'm talking about these young black guys renting rooms. I don't know what they do there but there always a few of them sometimes blasting music and walking in and out of the hallways. So it did not surprise me to hear that a young black guy got murdered in the chablis. I'm not making a thing about young black men but these individuals i see at the chablis were not your honest working black man.

I'm just happy i was not there at the Chablis when this happened. Did the police really keep everyone in there rooms for 5+hours. So some guys must have spent quite a few more hours with the sp for free... what a deal...lol.

Between us johns... If there are more indivuals like that at the Chablis... watch out... sooner or later you're gonna hear about people getting mugged in the parking lot or in their rooms. I just have a feeling....


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Nov 13, 2003
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Chablis on Sherbrooke street

I've been there lately, and the place is OK. On a safe factor scale, I would rate it as 8/10. I was surprised by the quality of the room, I would say on par with hotel maritime, but without the wonderful view on Montreal.


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May 1, 2003
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Yes, the people were kept in their rooms (in the hotel) from the time police cordoned off the area until well past 6 am. If someone had gone in for an hour at, say, 1:30, they were stuck there until morning. The crime scene extended into the entrance way, the hall ways and such of the hotel. There were a number of bullets removed from a wall or the floor in one of the rooms. Before people taped it all off, a number of girls in insanely short skirts came out and disappeared into the night.

Also nothing again "young black men", but when I see action that looks like gang or gang related activity, no matter what color the skin, I feel it's time to move somewhere else. Right now the west end (St Jacques) area is being fought over VERY hard, this is the second murder within a month, and there have been other stabbing and attacks in the area. Gang banger types are not well known for being good shots, so being in the area when this happens just ain't a good thing.

My understanding is that police may use this event as an excuse to crack down hard on the area and this hotel. As a hobbyist, I would not current recommend ANY hotel in this area for the forseable future. It't winter time, enjoy the downtown hotels that run specials to try to keep the rooms busy. :)



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Chablis St-Jacques

That's really too bad ! This place was clean and affordable and it's where I met most of my "lady friends" !

And they had to come and f@%$k it all up for us!

Well I'm boycotting it as well... at least untill I hear it's trustworthy again.


PS: which downtown hotels are you refering to ?
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