Not too long ago, I was stuck on a flight and force fed the in-cabin film... The Big Year!
It stars Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black as "bird enthusiasts" in a race against one another to break the single season record for species sighted. The record the prior season was 732 species sightings.
While the movie made me dummer for having watched it... it has left me with an impression that Hobbying is in fact some sort of strange "Sport" (as Ricky bonds refers to it)... not unlike bird watching!!! WTF, right!?!
the facts...
We're tracking girls... and their migratory patterns (isn't that what we do in the escorts changing names/agencies section).
Getting into position to meet them, tag and release.
Then documenting our experience(s) on a board and moving on to the next "bird".
I'm not sure whether to feel good or bad about this hobbying now, ... because I'll be the first to say I thought bird watching was sad, but if Hobbying is similar in any way... then... ah, FUCK IT... I'm Steve Martin or Owen Wilson, I'm definitely not Jack Black. :lol:
A piece of advice, if you ever see this movie starting up while you're on a flight, 3 options:
A) ram your head into the back of the seat in front of you until you're unconscious or
B) ask your neighbor to headbutt you or
C) drink all the hard liquor you can get your hands on until you pass out from alcohol poisoning
You will thank me later!
It stars Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black as "bird enthusiasts" in a race against one another to break the single season record for species sighted. The record the prior season was 732 species sightings.
While the movie made me dummer for having watched it... it has left me with an impression that Hobbying is in fact some sort of strange "Sport" (as Ricky bonds refers to it)... not unlike bird watching!!! WTF, right!?!
the facts...
We're tracking girls... and their migratory patterns (isn't that what we do in the escorts changing names/agencies section).
Getting into position to meet them, tag and release.
Then documenting our experience(s) on a board and moving on to the next "bird".
I'm not sure whether to feel good or bad about this hobbying now, ... because I'll be the first to say I thought bird watching was sad, but if Hobbying is similar in any way... then... ah, FUCK IT... I'm Steve Martin or Owen Wilson, I'm definitely not Jack Black. :lol:
A piece of advice, if you ever see this movie starting up while you're on a flight, 3 options:
A) ram your head into the back of the seat in front of you until you're unconscious or
B) ask your neighbor to headbutt you or
C) drink all the hard liquor you can get your hands on until you pass out from alcohol poisoning
You will thank me later!