Montreal Escorts

Owner of 20 to 30 Mtl agencies and 10 to 20 Toronto agencies ?


Dec 15, 2013
Impossible !! 20-30 Mtl agencies !! So 2-4 I use all time plus 5-6 I don't use PLUS 10 unknown ones which I doubt exist all ARE owned or run by her!!!

All based on a €40 per transaction rip.... Managing 40+ un reliable workers (good ones go indep)

My god she's a genius smarter then moriarty ... Mr big ...kingpin

Shine bat signal !!!


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
She kinda hot. Hhahaha I would do her... :p

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Readers have to be aware that most of the girls employed by her likely worked for most of her agencies at the same time, using different names depending on the agencies being contacted by 'clients'. I really doubt that each agency had totally different girls. And considering she was running so many agencies at once, it's not surprising most of her agencies had quite the reputation of being 'bait n' switch' agencies. The more girls (and agencies) you have, the bigger the chances of screw-ups happening. Expecially if customer satisfaction isn't one of your priorities & you have zero presence on the boards.

Lily from Montreal

What I found the strangest was that,according to La Presse, she was running it in the evenings but her father(!) was running the day shift...weird family concept loll


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Easy. Make her an offer she won't be able to refuse. Considering that she's out of nearly $1 million because of the bust, maybe you'll get a bargain. :D

I've actually met her 3 times in the last few months. I've also me her boyfriend / husband as well, at that guy is HUGE! His muscles have muscles. They seem to be joined at the hip, good luck getting past him to make her an offer.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
What I found the strangest was that,according to La Presse, she was running it in the evenings but her father(!) was running the day shift...weird family concept loll
I've known for years that her father was her 'business' partner.

One common thing in regards to her 'agencies' is that the driver will usually accompany the escort to the room & wait in the hallway for the girl to retrieve the money from the client soon after she arrives. I noticed this a few times when a buddy of mine wound up calling one of her agencies. My room would be next to his & i noticed the same guy standing near his door soon after his escort had arrived. She'd then hand him the money & off he'd go. Every time, the girl in the pics he had chosen didn't look anything like the girl who showed up.

He did wind up liking one of the girls she sent him & told her about the frustrations of doing business with that agency since the girl who would show up would rarely look like the girl he had picked & on more than one occasion, the girl who showed up gave him a different name. That girl told him that this was a regular complaint from clients & hated it since it put the girls in a tough spot when in fact it wasn't their fault at all. She wound up giving him her phone number to make sure she'd be the one showing up the next time he called. When an agency operates this way, it increases the chances of clients preferring to meet the girls outside the agency setting since they get fed up (and weary) of being jerked around regularly. And when a girl finds a client she enjoys spending time with, it's frustrating if he stops calling the agency & she didn't even give him her number, thus likely will never see him again. But that's another story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
Before I knew about merb, I thought that her way of doing business was the norm for local escort agencies.

While her agencies's practices were well described by Doc Holliday, her minions sometimes did even worse. For example, on one occasion, the SP took the payment to "give to the driver", but didn't return and apparently grabbed my scarf on the way out of the room.

However much "Sabrina" has left, the confiscation of almost a million in assets must hurt her. I'll admit to Schadenfreude in asserting that couldn't happen to a more deserving bitch.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There so much rookies that goes by those crappy Baint and Switch agencies, no wonder they still make a lot of $. Some of my friends that knows i hobby also confessed to me that they tried to see an escort and they happen to be sent a random girl, wich was average at best, nothing like they expected, terrible service... etc. I know there is probably some gems in those, actually i know of at least one known escort from reputed agencies that did work the "news paper agencies" for a while, but unless your a person that can afford easily 2-3 girls a week, then it ain't worth it to gamble that much.

If i feel like gambling personally i would rather call Goodgirls, XXXtase or other reputed agencies and tell them to send me one of there girl, so i would have a surprise and maybe find a gem that i would had never booked myself. But newspaper agencies... or random websites no thanks lol


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous
Des nom different des sites internet differend des numeros de telephones different sous un seul chapeau .
C'est pas la seul a faire cela !
La meme personne qui ce presente sous des noms different !
Elle n'a rien inventer

Aux Plaisirs



ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Heu ??? C'est de la vraie vieille nouvelle BookerL !!!
ça te sert à quoi de déterrer ça maintenant ... pour commenter quoi ? :confused:
Est-ce qu'il y a une nouvelle récente autour de ça ?
Si oui link plz :D
Merci bonne soirée


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Heu ??? C'est de la vraie vieille nouvelle BookerL !!!
ça te sert à quoi de déterrer ça maintenant ... pour commenter quoi ? :confused:
Est-ce qu'il y a une nouvelle récente autour de ça ?
Si oui link plz :D
Merci bonne soirée
Les commentaires son a venir !
La confiscation de $$$$ de l'escortes est toujours d'actualiter ainsi que la personification d'individu

Aux Plaisirs



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Selon moi Sabrina était loin d'etre la tete dirigeante, ils devaient etre plusieurs mais elle a surement voulu porter le chapeau vu qu'elle n'avait pas de casier, cela aurait été premiere offense en plus de la loi qui décriminalisait temporairement les tierces parties...

Cependant ils se sont gourés quelques part, le journal disait que ses principales cibles étaient des fugueurs mais qu'a leur connaissance aucun mineur n'était à leur emploi.... les fugueurs ne sont ils pas généralement des mineurs???
Salut Laila
Je dois dire que l'interet que je porte a l'histoire est plus porter sur le comportement de la Police et de la couronne dans l'histoire qu'aux accuser et co accuser.
Quelques une des filles de ces agences son venu travailler chez nous apres.
Les saisies de comptes bancaires dans ce dossier devrait demontrer a tous que la vigilance est primordiale et que les Gouvernements sont a la recherche d'argent plutot que de condamnation.
C'est toujours du cas par cas mes les lois favorise les Gouvernements

Aux Plaisirs



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Oui je suis tout a fait d'accord, c'est pourquoi je m,assure toujours de faire mes impôts et de déclarer un minimum ... au lieu de tout cacher... quoi que je ne suis pas riche lollll mais tout de même on doit faire notre part de ce côté aussi...
L'industrie de l'escorte touche et chevauche plusieurs loi ,le code criminelle evidemment mes aussi les lois fiscales et la presumption d'innocence n'existe pas donc le danger est beaucoup plus grand avoir une sentence suspendu ou ce faire confisquer un million? Hummm
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