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Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

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Alisha Cantaloupe

Retire Escort who is just messing around lol!
Jun 19, 2022
I know I told you before but I’m gonna miss you Alisha ❤️

Men that haven’t booked you have really missed out
Good riddance for real !
Because I was keeping my mouth shut just to see what is going to happen but Oh Lord I’m really glad I didn’t get to meet some of them.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Why is that Airbro is always over sexualizing a particular girl in all the threads possible but seems not to like her enough just like his other favourite. Is he jerking of for free and being a TW?
Why is it so concerning or important to you?

Why bring the race card into what seems to be just a game played by both sides on the board?

You could have simply "ignored" this member and go on with your life.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Random thought this morning : I'm loving the way Lena started posting big annoyed emoji faces in response to certain comments on here haha


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Until they give us more reaction buttons or at least more emojis
I thought Giselle was about to make a request on this issue.

Alisha Cantaloupe

Retire Escort who is just messing around lol!
Jun 19, 2022
Why is it so concerning or important to you?

Why bring the race card into what seems to be just a game played by both sides on the board?

You could have simply "ignored" this member and go on with your life.
So easy to say when you’re not in the other person place.
I have been ignoring for a while all the stupid comments and conversations. Yours as well!
Y’all don’t want me to start posting private conversations on here……
People are fake as hell!

Just really funny how some of you think that’s all!

I’m just saying stuff people can’t say out loud because they are scared to lose business or lose their accounts.

But let me stop! I can’t change the world ! Peace

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
I’m just saying stuff people can’t say out loud because they are scared to lose business or lose their accounts.
Not necessarily. Some people are capable of not taking what's on Internet personally, and can let go of what they read on Internet and about this industry, because getting involved is rarely necessary. It's just Internet. We choose how to deal with things in life, and I decide to "let go" and ignore what doesn't bring me happiness. I see you have a lot of grudges about this industry, I hope you will be able to leave it behind quickly and live a peaceful life!

Alisha Cantaloupe

Retire Escort who is just messing around lol!
Jun 19, 2022
Not necessarily. Some people are capable of not taking what's on Internet personally, and can let go of what they read on Internet and about this industry, because getting involved is rarely necessary. It's just Internet. We choose how to deal with things in life, and I decide to "let go" and ignore what doesn't bring me happiness. I see you have a lot of grudges about this industry, I hope you will be able to leave it behind quickly and live a peaceful life!
Girl I think you don’t know what I’m talking about.
If not you wouldn’t be giving me a smart ass answer like this one. As I said im not posting private conversations on here………

I have nothing against this industry in particular. But the culture of this industry. But I’m not surprised of the way you are talking on here today to me!

No more comments. I posted a random thought and y’all took it personal! Simple

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I love how no one asked me what I thought about the situation. It’s not a sarcastic comment, I really love it.
Mais en postant ce commentaire ça laisse néanmoins l’impression, qu’au fond, tu aurais souhaité qu’on te le demande! ;)
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
I love how no one asked me what I thought about the situation. It’s not a sarcastic comment, I really love it.

Since I don't feel the need to defend myself, I don't feel the need to ask you to intervene, but you are welcome to contribute to this sad situation, dear
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Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Girl I think you don’t know what I’m talking about.
If not you wouldn’t be giving me a smart ass answer like this one. As I said im not posting private conversations on here………

I have nothing against this industry in particular. But the culture of this industry. But I’m not surprised of the way you are talking on here today to me!
My comment was general and applies to the many times I witnessed one of those controversial situations arising, whatever they may be. It was not particular to yours. You are not the first one who say "they are afraid to talk because it's not good for business" in this industry. My comment stands. I was sincerely wishing you the best.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2021
Il y a quelques temps, ce thread était amusant a lire, maintenant ca semble être une page pour des blagues de mononcles et de l’auto promotion.

C'est impossible d'avoir une opinion sur tout.. sauf pour avoir de l'attention.

J’évite de plus en plus ce thread, car c’est la même petite clique de cour d’école de ti boss.
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