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So I guess rape is funny after all. Who knew.


Nov 12, 2007

According to the Vanity Fair poll, women also were much more likely to think that certain topics are off limits for humor. While women and men agreed about equally that sexual assault should not be a topic for comedy (at 38 percent and 32 percent, respectively), women were twice as likely to say that jokes about sexual assault, Sept. 11, those who are sick or disabled, and religious figures were all off limits (14 percent to 28 percent).

38 and 32 % say it is not a topic for comedy, which would imply that more than 60 percent are OK with jokes about sexual assault. Myself, I am inclined towards shock humor, Jon Lajoie, Andrew Dice Clay, Sarah Silverman etc, but I always figured I was a minority in this.

Of course time and place applies to any humour.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
While women and men agreed about equally that sexual assault should not be a topic for comedy (at 38 percent and 32 percent, respectively), ..38 and 32 % say it is not a topic for comedy, which would imply that more than 60 percent are OK with jokes about sexual assault.

The funny part is those advocates for the 'me myself and I' attitude (which is now legion in our society) thinks life is better this way and won't be affected by this attitude until... they find out that anyone can laugh at them just easily as they are doing to others.

So....sick people will laugh at anything sick specially when it's a joke.
Since we are defacto a sick society, it's just normal that the majority will laugh (or shall we say are entertained) at anything sick.

Until it happens to us !

Very good exemple is the stupid prank that just happened in england.
Laughing at the royalty is not much (since they want power) but laughing at pregnancy (no matter who is the woman) isn't of good taste at all.
Yet I'm sure the majority were laughing before the nurse suicide.

Still.... I'm pretty sure some people are doing jokes on this.
Thinking she had to be nuts in the first place.

Humor is the mirror of a society.
When it becomes dark and shocking, it means society in a whole is loosing it.
When it becomes hilarious and absurd, it means society is getting better in general.

Here in N.A. the majority of our humor is now easy, dark and shocking and basically is 'to laugh at someone else'.

And they wonder why so many kids now commit suicide from being bullied... :rolleyes:

Have fun !

It's a good thing I get to travel a lot to see different people with different mentality and culture.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Any subject can be funny. It depends on the joke. I'm a Jew, but there are some jokes about the Holocaust that I like. Of course there are many more that I find disgusting. But it's still possible to joke about the Holocaust -- one of the worst events ever -- and say something funny. It's just that the odds are against you.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Here's an example. The pundit David Frum just Tweeted a joke about today's horrible massacre of children in Connecticut:

Obviously, we need to lower the age limit for concealed carry so toddlers can defend themselves.

I find that joke completely respectful about the tragedy and disrespectful toward the people who enable such tragedies.

And no, I'm not inviting a debate about gun control. If you disagree with me about that issue, so be it. But Frum is making a joke about something terrible and he's doing it in a way I don't find at all objectionable.


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Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I find that joke completely respectful about the tragedy and disrespectful toward the people who enable such tragedies.

A joke is something you laugh about with heart.
It's not a sarcasm to which you just chuckle like if it was an automatism.

The joke you said the guy said about toddlers is to me extremely offensive since it's a way to avoid the fact that parents who just lost their kids might hear this and will cause them a great pain more.

For today at least, anyone making a 'joke' out of this kinda news has a sick sense of humour.
To me it's not a joke but a simple 'brain fart' and should require the proper amount of as*kicking he deserves.

Now if you want a real joke about this horrible massacre it's the NRA and this 2nd amendement which is totally retarded today !
The NRA is a joke by itself and any president with balls would simply get rid of it once and for all.

You want to play with guns ? then you have to serve your country and stay in the military, police or reserve... any force used to help and protect people and track down criminals.. Hence, for the privilege of carrying a gun, you have to swear allegiance to help citizens. No mercy for killers.

But no. This whole way of life in society is a joke anyhow !
It's outdated, retarded, archaic and totally insane.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Nancy P. where are you when we really need you to be shocked and indignant???

Pulling Pelosi into this? Kind of a stretch.

Odd footnote to the judge story. The guy used to prosecute sex crimes for the Orange County DA's office. Now he's a judge, but guess what:

The commission found that Johnson's view that a victim must resist to be a real victim of sexual assault was his opinion, not the law. Since 1980, California law doesn't require rape victims to prove they resisted or were prevented from resisting because of threats.

So ignorance of medicine is just one of his problems. How did this joker ever get put in charge of anything?

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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The joke you said the guy said about toddlers is to me extremely offensive ... Now if you want a real joke about this horrible massacre it's the NRA and this 2nd amendement which is totally retarded today !

I don't think you understand the issues involved. Mr. Frum's joke makes clear the insanity of those who oppose gun control. Pro-gun advocates often say the answer to gun violence is simply to have more law-abiding citizens going about armed. What good would that have done in Newtown? None at all. That's the point of the joke. That's what makes it funny, that's what makes it useful and that's what makes it respectful toward the victims.

The NRA is a joke by itself and any president with balls would simply get rid of it once and for all.

I'm sure you mean well, but no, this is a very poor idea. The president cannot ban a law-abiding organization simply because you and I and millions of other people don't like its viewpoint and/or political activities.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I'm sure you mean well, but no, this is a very poor idea. The president cannot ban a law-abiding organization simply because you and I and millions of other people don't like its viewpoint and/or political activities.

That's where being a democracy is stupid in itself.
Get rid of the law hence get rid of the NRA.
Simple as that.

It's time to have some balls.
And it's time to get everyone to pay their debt to society and abide by the majority.

All the groups like the gun lobby should be banned for a number of years.
Banks should be forced to help the economy, the army should be called in some cities to get rid of all the criminal gangs.

All criminals should be made available to help society while serving time.
Anyone caught in corruption or abusing his position should be made to serve time like criminals.

Simply put.. this society should be made to know what it was like during WWII in order to clean it's act.

Thus people would laugh at real jokes and not sarcasm.

Because even if you mean well at laughing at people who oppose gun control... it won't do sh!t.
They'll simply laugh back at you.

This is why this society is so f*cked up !
We only laugh at each other thru sarcasm and never deals with the real issues !

I say it's time to stop joking !
Specially about retarded people who live by a law dating back to 1776 without proper knowledge on how society changed since.

My Gawd ! these people go by a law that was put in place 99 years before the toilet paper was even invented !
That's how f*cked up they can be !

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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I think it's better if people don't follow your advice. Democracy isn't stupid, and in fact people made all sorts of jokes during World War II, including ones you wouldn't like. Finally, it's childish to call Americans "retarded."
May 28, 2012
Pulling Pelosi into this? Kind of a stretch.

I just mentioned Pelosi to give it some humor...LOL. My thinking is that the victim's survival instinct kicked in and she knew putting up more of a fight wouldn't be adviseable. This is not saying that she submitted or consented. Humans react in different ways when exposed to a threat, it could have very well been that she didn't recover for several weeks. The survival instinct is such that she may not have even perceived a threat until quite a while after. Humans for all of their cognitive abilities can quickly convert to basic instincts. An example would be the Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome experenced by troops in Iraq. Thus the late reporting. You'd think someone with his background would be a little more understanding and wise. Just the Peter Principal at work, "People are promoted to their highest level of incompetence".
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