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Spanish allowed?

Why should a french majority accept the unilateral use of english language in a Montreal based forum?
Today I was very shocked to see Montreal based ''French Muse'' advertising the venue of Fanny to Québec City in our Québec City section in english!
I speak french and spanish, and english when obliged to!
I am therefore asking for the right to post in spanish too!
Spanish is the first language in our american continent! And many merbites understand it,
Asi que a partir de ahora me permitire hacer unos comentarios en el idioma de Cervantes!
I will be happy to provide translations on request.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2005
aimelesfemmes said:
Why should a french majority accept the use of english in a Montreal based forum?

For the same reason that American companies have Spanish in an English majority ... $$$


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
This forum is not based in Montreal, it's based in Toronto. It's about Montreal, just like a US based forum could be about Russia and have threads in English.

You don't need to ask for the right to post in Spanish, or anything else. Just go ahead and do it unless it's against board rules.
bond_james_bond said:
For the same reason that American companies have Spanish in an English majority ... $$$
Right, as an example, I fly Amercian Airlines a lot, and they have their web site in spanish as well as english...but not in french, even though they fly to YUL...well, shame on them...
Kepler said:
This forum is not based in Montreal, it's based in Toronto. It's about Montreal, just like a US based forum could be about Russia and have threads in English.

You don't need to ask for the right to post in Spanish, or anything else. Just go ahead and do it unless it's against board rules.
Thank you for letting me know that this site based in Toronto! I work for a Toronto based company and I very well know of how difficult it is to some Torontonians to undestand Québec reality. They want to get the money, but they don't want to invest! Language respect is a priority and a must! Would you to go to Russia for business and speak english only. Well, it is the same here, if you want to make business, you have to do it in french, in a perfect french!


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
aimelesfemmes said:
Right, as an example, I fly Amercian Airlines a lot, and they have their web site in spanish as well as english...but not in french, even though they fly to YUL...well, shame on them...

Yes, unfortunately, it's a matter of market size.

AA has a handful of flights to YUL. That pales in comparison to the number of flights to Mexico and continental USA, where there are going to be a heckuva lot more Spanish speakers. Also, AA is based in Dallas; Spanish comes with the territory.

Ground employees for all airlines at YUL are for the most part allophones. And that's about all Quebec can mandate. AA's website is based in Dallas, I believe, out of Quebec's jurisdiction. On the plane, it is my understanding that local laws no longer apply.

If AA puts French on their website or has francophone flight attendants, that's nice, but not required, as I see it.

Just figuring that's the reality of it.


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
Buno quien quiere hablar en español puede aserlo cuado le de la gana. Por mi vale. Ok ahora a las cosas mas importante....

No creen ustedes que las embras son mas sabrosas? :D

Coño! creo que tengo las ganas otraves LOL! :D

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Et si le site avait été créé par un anglophone, pour une communauté qui était au moment de la création à 99% anglophone et qu'au fil des ans, les francophones se seraient joint à cette communauté en sachant pertinament quelle langue y était utilisée... ?

Back at it's creation, Merb was mainly, if not only English.

Peut-être serait-il temps de considérer créer un forum à la même vocation mais uniquent Français.

Et tant qu'on y est, un forum différent pour tout, un pour les sp, un pour les hobbyistes, un pour les voyeurs, un pour les frustrés... :rolleyes:

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello aimelesfemmes,

The languages used on MERB are English and French. It is preferable to respond to a member in the same language that he has posted in, as a sign of respect, whenever possible. But in general, a member may post in either English or French, whichever language he or she feels most comfortable using. It you have a desire to post in Spanish, I suggest you find a Spanish speaking board to do it on.

It has been posted before: If you have language problems do not bring them to MERB. And if you have an urge to become a shit disturber, you will follow in the footsteps of all the others who have taken that path.

Mod 8


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Here we go again! AimeLesFemmes had nothing to do, was bored, too broke to see an sp or none wanting to see him so he wondered:

"I'm bored so let's see, how could I raise some more shit on MERB? Ha! Got it! Let's start a thread on language so I can again say how unfairly I'm treated! Language threads always stir shit! That's it! I'm such a genius!"

But to show some originality, since he's so creative, he decided to talk about Spanish! Hey, why not try to get support from a different group this time?

Again, everybody but him understand the concept so, he's the one persecuted. This time, he insinuates he is persecuted via the languages he speak in hope we see it as an attempt to defend a group instead of a feeble attempt to gain personal attention.

Not working here... tictoctictoc... Bannnnn!!!!

ALF, you can post in Cantonese if you wish! After all, it's one of the most used language on the planet! But that won't gain you any sympathy either, nor will it gain you any respect.

By the way, I'm 1000% Québecois, French, totally bilingual to English and I work for an international company where they don't use either French or English at the head office. I can also say I lost my provincial election again and will never win a federal election. So, why I'm not complaining about French on this board? I understand the context of the board and I know I can post in any language I want. The only difference will be to narrow the focus of peoples I can reach if I don't post in English.
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New Member
May 15, 2008
In A Igloo
what is this fight about again?

either you understand a language or you don't. Why be pissed off at other people for speaking or writing in a language they feel comfotable in. remember montreal isn't ONLY french or english. montreal is bilingual :D not many places in north america balance two languages the way montreal does. everyone should be happy to live in a place like that. I know I am.


May 9, 2005
I don't understand

No comprendo español

ne comprends pas le français

Ich verstehe Deutsch nicht

Non capisco l'italiano

Я не понимаю русский язык

I understand $$$ for boom, boom :D
Toronto Escorts