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STD and Oral Sex - What we can do


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
Hello everyone

Having read some of the threads on this wonderful forum discussing various sorts of STDs either via intercourse or oral sex is an eye opener for a brand new hobbyist like myself. Due to associated risks involved putting both the SP and the hobbyist at risk, there are certain things which all of us can do to protect us and our partners and all those have been discussed in the earlier threads as well such as avoiding ````,``TC`` and unprotected sex. Besides these precautions, personal hygiene (to detail) is also a very important and critical factor that makes the companionship enjoyable and safer and that brings me to my question and that is, ``how about we propose making it a standard for both the SP and the hobbyist to take a shower first thing after the meet and greet phase (and I mean a good one; not just barely letting water soak your body)``? I know that it could mean you losing 10 minutes of your precious session but these 10 minutes could turn out to be the most important 10 minutes of your life ;-)

We know that there have been cases of some form of STD as a possible result of ````, but it seems that although very negligible, ``DATY`` also can be a cause of some form of STD

I found a good link that explains the risks of oral sex and I thought I should share it with my fellow readers of this board and hope that it will provide useful insight to both the communities; i.e. the hobbyist and the SPs

For all the folks out there who consider ``DATY`` as a must have, here is the link to create a ``dental dam``
from a condom to practice a safer ``DATY``

With all the risks involved, all of us should do what ever we can to be able to continue to enjoy ourselves without putting any one`s health at any risk what so ever

I also would like to ask another question without meaning any disrespect to anyone out there (my apologies in advance, if my question offends anyone in anyway) and that is
would it be a wise assumption that SP who are on the high end (e.g. 400 - 500$ per hour) are more likely to be at a much lower risk factor due to their exclusiveness?



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
although very negligible, "DATY" also can be a cause of some form of STD

Of course. Herpes can be transmitted from unprotected DATY. (man to woman, or woman to man!)

would it be a wise assumption that SP who are on the high end (e.g. 400 - 500$ per hour) are more likely to be at a much lower risk factor due to their exclusiveness?

All other things being equal, fewer partners means less risk. But all other things are never equal. Maybe a higher end SP is less careful with protection because high end clients demand more, maybe a high end SP is older and so has had more lifetime partners, maybe X,Y,Z. Bottom line is that few assumptions are wise in this area. So it's best to assume nothing.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
) and that is
would it be a wise assumption that SP who are on the high end (e.g. 400 - 500$ per hour) are more likely to be at a much lower risk factor due to their exclusiveness?


Sorry, but that is a ridiculous assumption.
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