J'aimes qu'il y ait un peu de discussion sur mon sujet, quoique nous pouvons faire mieux, messieurs. Avant tout, quelques réponses a quelques questions:
De 10-4 Roger
Special K did not post in this thread before...
Et de Ricky Bonds
I must of missed the origins of this thread?
I had originally posted my longer essay in an other thread about a week ago. There was brief discussion with some members such as Special K and Cloudsurf, but the modérateurs chose to erase this.
De Ricky Bonds
As a collector of numbers myself.....I have literally almost every sp I have seen on speed'dial.
...if it's done with respect, and you get along great with the girl .. Why not?
Je réponds en français ici seulement pour avoir plus de clarté dans mes propos. Monsieur Bonds, il me sembles n'avoir jamais dite que l'échange de numéros ne se faisait jamais dans ce métier. Ce serait naïf de ma part de croire que c'est un phénomène tout nouveau, mais moi en particulier j'ai fais le choix de ne pas les accepter parce que je suis lucide derriere le pourquoi de la part des hommes.
Vous-même vous confirmez dans vôtre réponse que vous faites partie de la deuxième catégorie, que vous recherchez des maitresses a bon marché, n'est-ce-pas? Une maitresse demande souvent bien plus d'efforts, d'attention et de dépenses de la part de l'homme qu'avoir une escorte a la portée de la main. Avec une maitresse, il ne faut pas oublier cadeaux, sorties, soupers, appels attentionnés. Une escorte comme substitut eradique tout ces efforts pour n'y laisser que le sexe comme obligation.
Je ne nie pas la preuve de compassion mentionnée plus haut, car après tout, nous sommes humaines et pas faites de pierre...
De Cloudsurf
I got her number the same day that you announced that she was going indy and wished her luck.I was impressed by your class....for a while.
You`d be surprised at all the reasons why guys ask for a girl`s number, and most reasons have nothing to do with wanting to see her on the side .
Désolé cloudsurf, nous ne pouvons vous décerner votre certificat de détective. Je ne suis pas Jessy et oui, elle a fait preuve de beaucoup de classe, bravo. Je choisis de garder mon anonimat, ergo je n'ai pas besoin d'être toute délicate dans mes propos.
I see a few posters get defensive, even agressive because it seems I attack a girl who could be their favorite escort. Pas du tout. What provoqued my reaction was not that a girl went from agency to working by herself, it is because I could clearly feel many of the people writing about it as the few days went by put down words that seemed too untruthful, too arrogant. And I know how men sometimes react to situations: when it is a sujet as clear as the raping of a girl, very black and white, you will be in agreement that it is wrong.
But here is a sujet that is much more grey, and is it possible most or many here have done this or want to do this?--- so no one chastises, most keep silent. It is like if you are 15 and your parents tell you it is bad to drink or to take marijuana, you smile inside and say to mom and dad, 'yes you are right", but do it anyway...
I tell you why I think it is wrong. I make plenty of money to satissfy my needs, I am well treated by my employers. I work enough hours a week and when I finish my shift I want to just live my life and not plan to meet more clients on the side.There is just no time for me. Also I find it is not respect to my employers, who spend time and money to find me work. Just like at my other job I don't steal pens and lamps and food and the cash money. This is MY opinion...
Ah oui, il y a d'autres raisons pourquoi un client chercherais a avoir le numéro de son escorte? autres que la voir "on the side", monsieur cloudsurf? Ah bon, j'aimerais bien les savoir, éclairez ma lanterne. Peut-être allez vous me dire quelque chose que je n'ai jamais entendue concernant ce sujet, mais j'en doutes...
De Special K
So who is Coral? That is the question I'd like to know the answer to. I think I already do though. ;-)
It wouldn't be right for me to post unverified information, but, you've been around a long time, I bet you know her well.
You also do not win your badge of detective, Special K. You would be surprised to know how many escorts read this site regular, but with no nick. I have been reading for many months, even before I work as an escort. Like amy other job, research is very important to become good at it.
Je peux être une femme, une jeune, une escorte, mais je ne suis pas une cruche!!
And you will not be able to guess who I am, sorry. Maybe I work for Eleganza or Jessy or Queens of Spads and many of you see me...or maybe I work for Ferrary or Fantasme from Le Journal de Montreal and nobody hear of me...or I work at an incall because I have a lot of sex drive. But it is not important who I really am, only what I discuss ---en passant, you did not discuss what I say at all...too bad