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Tantra and is power of healness

Goddess Inanna

Tantric massage edging lingam
Supporting Member
Mar 1, 2024
Montreal HoMa
How do you believe your thought and emotions influence your body? If you have faith into your sickness (mental or physical), if you give negative power to Them, if you dont believe into healing...guess what. You wont heal. Reverse that situation, believe into healing, give less power to that sickness and project positive tought about it...guess what. You will heal by the Power of your thought.

Tantra Play With one of our most powerfull energy; the one who's more perceptible and obviously the one we need and love. Sexuality into a pure loving connection bring you a kick to believe into your own power of healing.

Im talking about that cuz I want to heal more. I want more tantrika coming to me with a specific problem to heal. Not only into their sexuality but into their entire health.

Together We are Stronger!
Let me bring you more light, more healing, more wisdom, more spirituality and more love.

***Be aware, I will Never replace our médical service. I will always encourage you to have a médical consultation With a Certified doctor but I want a bring you the Idea of your own power of healness.
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