A search of this forum with these two words doesn't reveal much other than claims that some massage parlors offer tantric massage.
Has anyone any experience with tantric sex and can that person enlighten us on what it is all about?
The one person who supposedly has it nailed down is Sting of the Police.
In articles I've read about him, he is very much into Yoga and by his extensive practice of it, he is able to control his body to such an extent that he can have sex with his wife for up to nine hours and not lose his erection in the process.
I have often wondered about this phenomena as I believe I have experienced it too. Problem is it just happens.
I don't know what triggers it, how to retrigger it so I can have it happen everytime.
Its like reaching a state of equilibrium where things just fall into place and I can just keep going and not have a compelling need to come or have it come to an end.
Its like getting into a groove. It just feels very natural and so very uncomplicated.
Girlfriends I've had it with are usually quite surprised (and always pleased).
One element which I think triggers it is familiarity.
I'm more likely to find the groove when its with a chick I've been with before, less likely if she is new. Probably related to a level of trust we've achieved.
Has anyone any experience with tantric sex and can that person enlighten us on what it is all about?
The one person who supposedly has it nailed down is Sting of the Police.
In articles I've read about him, he is very much into Yoga and by his extensive practice of it, he is able to control his body to such an extent that he can have sex with his wife for up to nine hours and not lose his erection in the process.
I have often wondered about this phenomena as I believe I have experienced it too. Problem is it just happens.
I don't know what triggers it, how to retrigger it so I can have it happen everytime.
Its like reaching a state of equilibrium where things just fall into place and I can just keep going and not have a compelling need to come or have it come to an end.
Its like getting into a groove. It just feels very natural and so very uncomplicated.
Girlfriends I've had it with are usually quite surprised (and always pleased).
One element which I think triggers it is familiarity.
I'm more likely to find the groove when its with a chick I've been with before, less likely if she is new. Probably related to a level of trust we've achieved.