Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

The escort scene in Montreal?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Planning a short run up to Montreal and was curious how the scene's been lately? Business as usual or getting slower with winter approaching? Real question is how hard is it to book a specific girl, is she easily booked or do you have to try over and over again to see her? I've never had success in prebooking any of the girls, is this still the case?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Hi Breadman,

In my recent experience in the past year FKS is the only reliable agency for prebooking, with the exception of Eleganza and prebooking multihours appointments. I have heard that MTLGFE will accept such requests but if you are looking to prebook for 1 hour forget about it.

This summer I prebooked Koko of Eleganza for 3 hours, worked out perfectly, also prebooked 2 FKS girls who showed up right on time after same day confirmation.

I think the bottom line is that there is no prebooking for 1 hour appointments.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Prebooking should generally be fine with Eleganza, MTLGFE, Montreal Sex City, Sanit Dreamz, GoodGirls, Nadya's VIPs, Montreal Girlfriend, Angel Escorts (they only prebook a day or so in advance).

I have had successful prebookings with all these agencies for 1 hour appointments. There is always the possibility that the girl cancels her shift (which is not uncommon). Overall, my success rate is probably about 75%, which is pretty good for this type of business.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Prebooking should generally be fine with Eleganza, MTLGFE, Montreal Sex City, Sanit Dreamz, GoodGirls, Nadya's VIPs, Montreal Girlfriend, Angel Escorts (they only prebook a day or so in advance).

I have had successful prebookings with all these agencies for 1 hour appointments. There is always the possibility that the girl cancels her shift (which is not uncommon). Overall, my success rate is probably about 75%, which is pretty good for this type of business.


I've had successful pre-bookings with Xxxtase, Montreal Sex City, Devilish, GOF, Satin Dreams, Angel Escorts, Nadya's VIPs, and several other agencies that aren't around any more. In recent times, this has been successful up to 4-5 days in advance with some agencies (not Eleganza or FKS) for as little as one hour, but I mostly go for 90 minutes-two hours. Sometimes it's conditional depending on confirmation that the lady will work, but good agencies have given their thanks for pre-booking a few days before. I call and ask how early I can book. The usual answer is as soon as the schedule for the week is made, or as soon as the lady gives some kind of indication when she will work. ***The agency often lets you know how reliable the specific lady you want might be if you book her early. So ask about that.

Of course cancellations can happen just as easily as a same-day booking. Pre-booking works pretty well for me, but have a list of good options ready in case. Right now Montreal Sex City, and Angels Escorts are my best pre-booking bets. Your odds of success should be good.

Good luck,

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