Montreal Escorts

The Official 2011-2012 Merb Best Agency Owners/Bookers Poll.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello People,

The Official Results are in. CONGRATULATIONS to the Dynamic WINNER Mike4U of GoodGirls in a very close race lead by the Ever-Sweet Jessy of Montreal Sex City most of the way. Officially there were 94 qualified direct votes, 5 were discounted for late registration or ban by a mod. The discounting of these 5 did not change the results.

Many thanks to all who participated.

Mike4U (31) 33%
alainrdl, anonguy, Biker32, bikerdude, cameo, cloudsurf, cobra1, craze, daydreamer41, Doc, Holliday, drazn, dummy, gregli2, Halloween Mike, hormone, Ilovgirls, Joe.t, lgnxxx69, lifeontwo, longtimers, ManApart, MG_mtl, Octavian, Parkyboy, peeterbilt, shivasirons, Special K, the infamous, Theodore, vavavoum!, Voyager

Jessy of Montreal Sex City (27) 28.7%
alden, benz, Cat Daddy, Conan, Doc1, domvara, ezekiel, G1GBallday, gary, gourmand, jgd, Left Coast, luckyjoey, lvroffemsquirt, MakeIt, Martin07, napoleon, nat_dn, nycbadboy128, orgone, picky friendly guy, protagoras, Robin, sak, Touch, Wallseye, yikezz

Martin and tony of Asservissante (12) 12.8%
ballher, Bat Crusader, cpp433, easyguy, foot fan, greygoose, how, jtsc86, pat98, rumpleforeskiin, TheDon, windloft

Billy and Mike of Candy Shop/MTLGFE (6) 6.4%
callmewill, dmanmtl, Ducon, montrealbruce, peacemaker88, simonpaul

Peter of Satin Dreams (5) 5.3%
enroff, luv2kayak, mike279, Sportsfan99, yves3061

John and Joe of Eleganza Escorts (4) 4.2 %
CLAVIE, Maddogwill, orchidee, quest

Martin of Montreal Xxxtase, Frank and Steve of Delight Escorts
(4) 4.2%
cool_catz, forever newbi, I_Love_QC_Girls, waswarrior

Carroll and Nadya of Nadya's VIPs (2) 2.1%
chkyur6, Majestic

Tony of Angels Escorts (2) 2.1% OR
Merlot, thegreatwalooo

Agency owners and bookers also named so far. Please write in these or others you feel were the best in your opinion.

Gisele of French Kiss Society

Lola and Maxine of MGF

Yan of Montreal lust



Which agency owners/bookers were the best in 2011-2012?


All votes are vote for each member.

Like Cloudsurf, I had been thinking of a thread on this subject for a while, only I had wanted to include a poll. So if Cloudsurf doesn't mind me borrowing his standards :

1. This is a board member's poll for hobbyists. Owners, bookers, and escorts are disqualified from voting.

2. The criteria are based on attitude, reliability, fair treatment and respect of employees, a sense of humour and a genuine friendly reaction to your call.

3. All who have registered as members before the date of this poll, August 26 are eligible to vote IF they have had meetings in the last calendar year.

4. An official final tally editing out late registering members and anyone previously banned for shilling or using duplicate handles, or connected to an agency in the last year will be created to clean out these disqualified voters.

5. Members who were not registered on Merb by August 26 at the start of the poll, and members who did not write a review in a minimum 3 months time before the poll between May 26 and August 26 to show they had enough hobby experience to know the owners/bookers to have an informed opinion are disqualified.

Good luck,



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Responses to the poll recorded as planned.

martins so polite it makes me laugh sometimes, ill go with him

Why Jessy of MSC and Peter of SD are together they aren`t in partnership anymore as long as I know ..

Note that my vote is for Peter.

I`m voting for Charles of CA. He`s tops as far as talent goes & customer service. :thumb:

Note that my vote is for Jessy from MSC

I voted for Mike4U.

Rumple, I don`t see how Alyssa is violating the rules. She`s not advertising. Believe it or not, advertisers are allowed to participate!

She`s going a bit overboard in the explanation department but no blatant advertising.

My vote goes to Jessy

I like the way she says: Amusez vous! (Have fun!)

See Merlot`s rule number 1 above. It does also seem to me that a provider voting for the agency for whom she`s working would defeat the whole purpose of this poll. (M11: You might not have seen Alyssa`s post yesterday where she stated she was going to work for Mike.)

i voted and commented on this poll yesterday,, for some reason my vote and comment were removed???

For some reason, polls can not be edited in (at least) this configuration of vBulletin. There were a couple of corrections made to the listings in the poll and the only way to make the change was to delete the poll and restart it, hence the disappearance of your vote, among others.

John and Joe of ELEGANZA:
friendly, reliable, very professional (and always on time)

Martin of XXXTASE:
polite, no rush, friendly, very professional (and always on time).

Mike of goodgirls:
friendly, polite, funny, lots of charisma

Best voice - Giselle - FKS (also most punctual and freshest girls)

I dealt with few bookers lately i must admit(lots of, and they where all pretty good. But i give my vote to Mike, very friendly on phone, accomodating for pre-booking, keeping me updated a lot.

After my not so good exchange with see here, (Jeff from Montreal Angels )and my phenomenal exchange with Mike & Dan at GoodGirls I`m going with Mike. He went above and beyond!

I have been in this hobby longer than I can remember and I have never once been serviced by a booker or agency owner.

I always stick to the girls....

You guys seem to really be on to to something....

Jessy, she is super sweet and very professional. I`ve only dealt with Mike in inquiries on who`s availabe (hasnt worked out for me yet) but he is very nice and extremely patient. I dealt with Nayda last year and rather liked her, she seemed quite quirky and the appointment went smoothly. But Jessey wins with her "have fun!" closing line.

Jessy hands down especially with her sexy French accent when speaking English. Worst without a doubt Nadya when she forgets to take her crazy pills.

Not really, Merlot, once you kick out the non-qualifiers. Mike has 10 illegal votes; Jessy only 5.

i`m not casting a vote but i wanna have my say nonetheless...

too tough to cast only one vote.
i actually have a 4-way tie

frank xxxtase/delight... been mr.reliable, bang on with details over the phone/txt, great communication (personality: The Politician)

mike (less billy just because he`s been so damn busy this yr) chloe`s/candyshop/mtlgfe ... friendly, cut to the cast, funny ... i need that last one sometimes (personality: The Ad Executive)

jeff mtl angels/deesse... straight shooter, gets me info on the spot when i need it (personality: The Club Owner)

john/joe ganza... no frills, just the facts, always great with communication + timelines (personality: The Doctor)

i honestly haven`t dealt with other agencies enough to form an opinion one way or another.
how these guys deal with customers also depends on how the customers are with the booker/owner.

OK, I was just going on the post count.

On the other score, I agree with you. Anyone with more than 5,000 posts and no reviews should be disqualified.

Hello Boyz...

First I must say that I have no dislike for any of the agencies or owners themselves who are on Merlot`s poll. With that said, hands down my vote has to go to Mike @GoodGirls. Not only is Mike courteous, reliable, funny, truthful, has a cool website, is usually on time and if not keeps you informed, checks back with the customer sometimes after, but also looks out for his girls and makes sure if there are problems or dangers ahead, he avoids them as soon as he can. In other words, he cares about the safety of his girls and does not always put the all mighty dollar first, which is soooooooo refreshing to see in this business.

Also have talked to a few of the GoodGirls in person and even had a very famous one pm me out of the blue here to thank me for sticking up for Mike a few months back and every one of them tells me Mike is very professional and keeps it professional if you know what I mean. He treats them all with respect. All that said, he gets my vote, and no dislike intended to Jessy, Billy, John, Martin, Jeff, Martin, Steve, Chris(?), Tony, Nadya or any other agency..... Have always had pleasant dealings with all I have called, but we can only have ONE vote.

Good Girls has been around for a little over a year while all the other agencies have been around for over 3 years.
During that short period of time GG has had an incredible growth spurt . If they don`t have the most girls, they certainly have the best.
Only one reason for called respect. No one respects his employees as much as Mike.
Asservissante and Delight comes close , but GG wins.

My vote is for Mike4U @ Goodgirls. Mike has more girls and had more girls this year then anyone else hands down. Plus his customer service is A+.

Congratulations Mike.
You deserve it because you are the only one I know who meets all the important criteria that we as good clients look for.
Principal over money....honesty...respect....reliability.....service well over the norm are one hell of a nice guy, except with those that cross you or your

I second that Cloudy! Everything you said is true, Congrats Mike!

merci !

c etais une chaude lutte . c est surprenant coment les choses peuvent
changers vites d une année a l autre . d exclus a no 1 en quelques mois .

mais forcer d ademetre que 35 votes sur 49 104 membres n est pas beaucoup
et j ai encore beaucoup de travail devant moi pour seduire la majoritée

je salut le travail des autres bookers , et eux aussi savent a qu elle point
c est difficile d esseyer de plairs a tous le monde . et sans compter les heures
passées a s investire pour satisfaire nos filles et vous la comunautée .

un gros merci a DAN4U qui me seconde a merveile , et me permet de me reposer
et vous serts aussi bien que je le ferais .

si je suis choisi no 1 c est surement grace a MÉGAN - BEVEVERLY - KATE - KELLY - TANYA - NAOMIE
BIANCA - CLOÉ - TAMMY - et sans oublier ma plus precieuse JUNE ! et sans ces beautées je serais
pas aussi populaire ici !

merci a tous ceux qui ont ecris leurs appreciations a moi endroits , merci a tous ceux qui ont voters
pour mike et ses GoodGirls .

merci merlot pour ton bon travail .

DAN4U traduis svp quand ta 2 minutes .


--_-------(438) 880-9498
The finest experience Montreal has to offer.

:amen: Tu le mérites amplement Mike!;):thumb:

PS: le nombre de membre n`a pas grand chose à voir, si on enlève les dupplicates dont certains en ont plusieurs dizaines, si on enlève les membres qui ne sont pas venus depuis des mois, voir des années, ceux qui ne sont pas vraiment ici pour les escortes mais plus les masseuses/danseuses, ceux de Québec et ailleurs dans la province...... Il n`y a pas 49 000 membres ici! :lol:

My vote was a very close choice. I have also found Jessy of MSC, Martin of Xxxtase, Peter of Satin Dreams, Martin of Asservissante, and the guys of Devilish and Montreal Hot Girls very satisfying to deal with. Contact with Mike of GoodGirls has been very encouraging.


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