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james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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depending on what field, yes by ten fold. i wouldn't consider UQAM (which i went to) much of an university. it doesn't have that feel at all. feels like more of a cegep than anything else

That's because no University professor of any note wants to teach in Quebec due to the racist language laws. Quebec has a very hard time attracting skilled immigrants (doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, nurses, etc. etc.) because of the requirement to pass that damn French Test that the government of Quebec imposes. Immigrants who come to Canada avoid Montreal and the rest of Quebec in particular. I'm sure the same can be said for world class university lecturers.

Say the lecturer in question wants to come to McGill, but his or her spouse is a dentist. His or her spouse only speaks English and as a result cannot gain their license in Quebec. Guess what? Off to the University of Toronto where no-one cares what language you speak as long as you are good at your job.


Sep 19, 2005
anyway, kids should know there's no real point to higher education unless you're in a professional stream that requires certification and specific levels of training. otherwise, it's kind of one big party isn't it? :p

At the level of an individual this might be true as it is perfectly possible to make a carreer and earn a good salary here in Quebec with just a cegep degree. On the other hand, any nation needs higher education, research and innovation in the longer run (assuming that universities are still abiding by a minimum set of ethics).

Some universities here in Montreal like UQAM and Concordia have become companies producing low-quality graduates. Some others like UdeM and McGill are still trying to maintain some quality standards.

A good read on this topic is Daniel Greenberg's book : Science for Sale.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Off to the University of Toronto where no-one cares what language you speak as long as you are good at your job.

Guess what... in TO no-one cares what language you speak as long as you speak english so that they can understand the fuck you're saying.
Never saw an immigrant lawyer who doesn't speak english being good at doing his job with Canada's justice system.

Same shit, same situation, same 'racism' that you imply !.

EDIT: Derogatory racial term replaced. If you wish to make a comment against racism, it would help if you did not use such terms in your post. The next time I will not be so forgiving and you will be suspended for a month.

Mod 8
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Abe Sapien

Jan 25, 2011
I think the increase in tuition is going towards education. Since what the students pay into the system does not cover expenses, then the money only pays off more of the deficit.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
So much talk about unhappy students because of the increase but none about the ones who want to study. Did anyone wonder out of curiosity how many students are against those protests and are ok with the increase? It's always the same kids going to votes @ Cegeps. I remember a couple years ago when starting university and looking at the fees telling to myself "this is so come they don't increase it?". What do students expect? Most of private secondary schools cost more than universities. I don't understand this mentality and why some people have to pay for something they don't believe in.. Is the semester cancelled? Is it not? Stop messing with people, they have a life to take care of. IMO this is a very childish attitude towards a serious problem. Like someone said in this topic, cut the beer and the pot and you'll have enough money. I'm not even mentioning all the useless stuff students buy everyday.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Quebec education minister quit.

She didn't get the overall feeling right and claims she did everything (like putting oil on fire) to try to resolve the strtike.
And... she even quits politics.

She was after all in hot water for all kinds of reasons.

That's what people didn't understand from the beginning.
It's not about paying more... it's getting told to pay more from a corrupted gov. who all along is putting more in their pockets until they just quit and wash their hands at all the sh!t they did.

The same message from mixfight should be said to this gov. "Stop messing with people, they have a life to take care" while you systematicaly drain Quebec's ressources and money away. Bunch of a$$holes !

So when the going gets though, the weaks (Charest's gang) just quits !

Bye Bye !

Food for thoughts :
"In the buildup to the announcement of a public inquiry in Quebec, opposition parties pressured the Charest government by revealing that many dozens of people working at the same companies in the construction industry had made political donations.

They accused the provincial Liberals of flouting the spirit — and in some cases the letter — of fundraising laws that forbid corporate donations.

Under intense pressure, the Charest Liberals eventually called an inquiry. That probe will examine the industry's alleged ties to organized crime, collusion tactics, and involevemnt with political parties.

A recent Canadian Press investigation suggests companies involved in Quebec's collusion scandals also have ties to federal politics."

This is what's brewing up from all this sh!t stirring strike !


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Do you think things would be any different with the PQ in power? Just as much corruption but different politicians plus all the benefits of alienating foreign investment by pushing separation again and using public tax dollars to promote it. Thanks but no thanks. I was watching Canada AM a while ago when they were interviewing one of the student group's spokesperson. If this girl was a good example of the students who are protesting, they're in a sad state. She had a stupid grin on her face the entire while and was unable to present even the weakest of arguments in her favour. How she ever got into university in the first place is a total mystery to me.

Watching Mayor Tremblay's press conference last week was depressing. I was almost expecting him to break out in tears. How about he acts like a Mayor and tells the police to enforce the damn law and put an end to this bullshit instead of begging and pleading. What will they do if the students decide to cause problems during the Grand Prix or the Jazz and Comedy festivals? Stand back and watch? The main problem here is that no one in a position of power has the balls to do anything. They're a bunch of pussies.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
The same message from mixfight should be said to this gov. "Stop messing with people, they have a life to take care" while you systematicaly drain Quebec's ressources and money away. Bunch of a$$holes !

Haha, I actually wrote a part saying "If I wanted to deal with political bs I would rather go back to my country - which I thought was a little selfish then deleted it ;-)"

How she ever got into university in the first place is a total mystery to me..
It is a mistery how a lot of students get in the university while some smarter people are lost between CEGEP and university. IMO this education system is ridiculously stupid! Correct me if you think otherwise but there's so many drop outs that I start to ask myself some questions when in ON everything is fine and .... easier?/better?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Here in Quebec just about anyone can get into University unlike other places where you actually have to be a good student to make it in. Why do you think that the student unions and groups don't want to hear anything about grants and scholarships for students who's grades merit them? It's because so few would actually qualify for them.

james t kirk

New Member
Jan 25, 2004
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Guess what... in TO no-one cares what language you speak as long as you speak english so that they can understand the fuck you're saying.
Never saw an immigrant lawyer who doesn't speak english being good at doing his job with Canada's justice system.

Same shit, same situation, same 'racism' that you imply !.

EDIT: Derogatory racial term replaced. If you wish to make a comment against racism, it would help if you did not use such terms in your post. The next time I will not be so forgiving and you will be suspended for a month.

Mod 8

Get off your high horse. I'm not quite sure just what the hell you are so riled up about or what "derogatory racial term" you are referring to.

You've obviously never been in a hospital in Toronto have you, or worked at an Engineering firm in Toronto have you. I have. I can ASSURE you that having a proficient command of the English language is not a prerequisite to employment or professional certification. The majority of hospital staff in Toronto are immigrants. A Quebecer who speaks only French and French only can obtain his Engineering license in Ontario. (Since French is one of 2 official languages in Canada.) The reverse is not true in Quebec.

At the end of the day, when immigrants come to Canada, repressive language laws in Quebec tend to deter them from locating in Quebec. This is an empirical fact and would by extension include university professors.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I can ASSURE you that having a proficient command of the English language is not a prerequisite to employment or professional certification.

:lol: Poor ya ! I am living in both places and I was raised in both cities.

It's funny when you write "having a proficient command of the English language is not a prequisite to employment..." as long as you speak broken english then ?
Unless how will you be able to understand the f*ck what people are saying in TO ? by speaking french or Japanese only ?

BTW I used to work with all big eng. firms in both TO and Mtrl. so try whining again !
And... I was born before the 90's so I know where both language policies of Canada and Quebec comes from.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
We are moving WAY AWAY from the thread's topic and, James T, telling a Mod to get off his high horse is NEVER a good idea.

Next off topic post will see the poster suspended for 2 weeks and the thread closed. If nobody else have anything to say DIRECTLY involving the original topic, this thread has served it's purpose.



Nov 4, 2009
You've obviously never been in a hospital in Toronto have you, or worked at an Engineering firm in Toronto have you. I have. I can ASSURE you that having a proficient command of the English language is not a prerequisite to employment or professional certification. The majority of hospital staff in Toronto are immigrants. A Quebecer who speaks only French and French only can obtain his Engineering license in Ontario. (Since French is one of 2 official languages in Canada.) The reverse is not true in Quebec.

At the end of the day, when immigrants come to Canada, repressive language laws in Quebec tend to deter them from locating in Quebec. This is an empirical fact and would by extension include university professors.

So very true.

It is a mistery how a lot of students get in the university while some smarter people are lost between CEGEP and university. IMO this education system is ridiculously stupid!

The education system is not designed to teach, it's designed to bring in money. It's a corporate system intentionally designed to keep you in a classroom for many long years, when in reality, the entire course material can be taught in a few weeks. So they'll spend the whole year teaching one course while it could just as easily be taught in 6 hours. A lot of brilliant kids drop-out because of how boring and long it is. A lot of kids with a lot of potential end up dropping out because teachers and professors are just not capable of reaching them, they suck at teaching. A good teacher or professor is very rare.

Both McGill and U of M have good international reputation (but not as much as Harvard of course) and get many foreign students.

You can't compare U of M to McGill University when it comes to international fame.
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