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Viagra before a date?


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May 28, 2003
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G1GBallday said:
When I ordered from this company, the prescription was issued by an American doctor and filled by a drug store in Vancouver who then mailed me the pills.

The label on the box shows renewal = 0 and the Doctor's name but I have no idea where he/she is located. Apparently if I choose to renew with the same site I won't have to take another consultation. As for your question regarding insurance, I have none so I can’t help you with that.

Thanks, I might give it a shot.


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Nov 12, 2003
New Jersey
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Tried Viagra and Levitra

I believe the effect for viagra and levitra depend on the individual. I may be too far gone to help. I am older; 58 years and don't have sex frequently but have made it a point to visit Montreal at least once a year for that reason. Montreal ladies are the BEST! I have tried Viagra a few years ago (3-4) with a prescription from my doctor. It was mentioned that it does open the blood vessels and that when excited will cause the desired affect. It does help me some; not as much as I'd hope( I don't get as hard as i used to) and it doesn't last more than 10-15 minutes. I also do have a "slight headache afterwards. Nothing to be concerned. That's the only side effect for me. The tablets are 100mg. Levitra come in 50mg tablets. I tried two and about the same effect except the headache was no longer there. So I'm still searching. Plan to try Cialis my next trip. Maybe I'll find I'm just too old. Also do have problem with premature ejactulation. None of these drugs have any effect. Help if you can!

Thanks For Listening



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Aug 16, 2003
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You may find that the more sex you have the easier it is to get and stay hard, and the easier it is to reach a satisfactory orgasm.

On the other hand, when you have sex less often you feel less of a need for it and are less physically up for it. I know this last from personal experience since periodically I'm in sex less places (damn deserts) for a month and more at a time. (I wonder if EGB feels the same. LOL.)

Further Viagra, etc. increase blood flow only; they have no effect on libido which seems a prerequisit for their full effectiveness. The conventional wisdom is that libido is affected by testosterone. You may want to have your testosterone and estrogen levels checked as they start decreasing by your age. BTW a quick blast of testosterone may increase libido in the short term but it gets converted into estrogen, etc and you may in the medium term be worse off with such a brute force approach.

Perhaps the lesson is ... practice, practice, practice. :D


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Nov 12, 2003
New Jersey
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Thanks For Info


Thanks for the advice and info. I knew Viagra was only insuring the blood flow. I never thought of having my testosterone and estrogen levels checked. Good idea; I will follow up on that.

Thanks Again



Active Member
Sep 3, 2004
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Goofyami, you should ask your doc about HRT (hormone replacenment therapy). The older you are, the less your nuts produce test so you most likely need some outside help to get you levels back to normal. You will feel better and get aroused more easily.

Dave Rice

Nov 27, 2003
a blue state!!
Hi folks. I'll be honest - I haven't read the entire thread so my comments may be a bit off-point by now but...

I seriously considered recreational Viagra use (especially because my fantasies involve serious teasing and orgasm denial) and found some very worrisome possible side effects. If you need it, it might be a great drug, but I decided there was no way in hell I would use it recreationally. Thank God I do not need it today!!

Take care,
Dave Rice
Ashley Madison
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