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Visiting Incall Apartment Buildings


New Member
Aug 26, 2022
I have yet to visit an incall apartment and there is some minor trepidation on my part to doing so. I'm wondering how others handle encounting (in the lobby, elevator, hallway) other residents of the building. I would imagine they know what is going on in some apts in their building, especially if the apts are on their floor. Is there some discreet way to get to the apt and avoiding encountering other residents I don't know about, or is it no big deal?
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I have yet to visit an incall apartment and there is some minor trepidation on my part to doing so. I'm wondering how others handle encounting (in the lobby, elevator, hallway) other residents of the building. I would imagine they know what is going on in some apts in their building, especially if the apts are on their floor. Is there some discreet way to get to the apt and avoiding encountering other residents I don't know about, or is it no big deal?

Even if they knew (which... most don't, I would assume), do you think they're going to assume every man who enters the building is for sure a client of "that prostitute on 7th floor"? I doubt this is people's first thought. In a worst case scenario, you cross path with a neighbor who knows on the same floor. What's going to happen? You likely won't see then again on your way out, and they don't know who you are. No harm done, really!


Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
I have yet to visit an incall apartment and there is some minor trepidation on my part to doing so. I'm wondering how others handle encounting (in the lobby, elevator, hallway) other residents of the building. I would imagine they know what is going on in some apts in their building, especially if the apts are on their floor. Is there some discreet way to get to the apt and avoiding encountering other residents I don't know about, or is it no big deal?
The only time I met people going to a incall was near or in the elevator and they don't care. The only time I saw other people taking the elevator and landing on the same floor was in a Hotel and they don't know or care because they are going to their room. If she buzzed you in the building then she will be waiting for you at her door. She might open the door as she sees you standing on the other side of it or I will give a light knock as not to disturb anyone of the neighbours.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2019
As someone who's married and has felt the anxiety of people knowing what I'm up to (even strangers) - your feeling is more projection than reality.

Most people don't know nor care that the guy in the lobby is visiting a pro. And most won't ever remember your face.

Sure, people on the same floor have probably figured out that x number of men coming in and out of same apartment=pro. But unless it's someone who knows you or if you're a celeb with a highly recognizable face, you'll just be that:

One man in a see of many men, visiting that provider, each and every day.

All this to say - don't sweat it. And just make sure you don't cross paths with someone you know.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
someone showed me the resident facebook group chat/message board for one of the incall buildings used by a popular agency. my impression of what I read (assuming it's generalizable to all incall buildings): the residents know and would prefer their building not be used for this purpose. do they care enough to organize and compel management to do something about it? not really. that said, agencies have had to leave incall units before. not that long ago, SPs at one agency had to temporarily work out of hotel rooms while the agency worked to secure new units. also, no resident is going to put you under citizen's arrest. to play it safe, try not to tailgate anyone coming in the door (some residents are uptight about building security) - wait to get buzzed in.
Very interesting


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I’ve been in my incall building at different times of the day and week and never crossed path with anyone.

Actually only once and it was a neighbour in underwear picking up his food delivery so he was probably more uncomfortable than I was


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2023
When the buzzer was broken at euphoria's building (is it still?) the girls would have to come down to let the guy in. Pretty clear what's happening when she arrives in the lobby in a bathrobe lol.
I became a pro at sneaking in when that happened (it's fixed right now).

But yeah I've been thinking about what the OP is saying since I've been going up there probably a bit too often for my own good. I'm sure residents end up knowing which units are being used.

The advice I have to give is this : don't linger in front of the building looking at your phone non stop. Try to be nearby until you get the "go" signal then go in organically.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2022
I once naturally " tailgated" someone going in from the front lobby. The second i crossed the door i received a text from the booker telling me right at bat that i must buzz first . Big Sister is watching you.


Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
The best thing to do honestly is to blend in....just make it look like you belong there. If at her apartment building just press her number that she gave you with, let her buzz you in and locate the elevator and pretend that you know exactly where you are going. If at a hotel quickly locate the elevators(there are signs for them) take one and go up to her floor...plain and simple.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
My incall in Toronto is a bit different so I let them know where the elevators are so that they don’t look for them and act confuse. If you think the place looks confusing don’t be scared to add details to help your clients


Active Member
Dec 13, 2023
Imo, not a big deal at all. I've met these ladies at Hotels, open court Motels, Apartments, Condos, Air BNB's and private residences in quiet neighborhoods. For all the stigma out there, the average person, neighbor, whatever really doesn't give a damn about what their neighbors are or who they are. I don't even consider it when visiting someone. Aside from the rare "busybody" type, I would wager that over 90% of apartment dwellers don't even know their neighbor's names. And the busybodies are even very rare these days. Humans have basically become completely insular and only socialize within their inner circle of friends or family. We chat with strangers on the internet 5000 miles away but have no clue who our next door neighbor is. That era is long gone, imo.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
If you are SO worried, just put a had on, come with a thermos lunchbox and pretend to be a food delivery boy. Who knows, it might even spark a roleplay.
The joke's on me because I last about the same time it takes to hand over the food delivery.

But to be on topic, I don't think anyone in a big condo complex would care or even notice. And I doubt most indies receive in small condominiums with only a few neighbors where it is more likely that people actually know each other.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
The best thing to do honestly is to blend in....just make it look like you belong there. If at her apartment building just press her number that she gave you with, let her buzz you in and locate the elevator and pretend that you know exactly where you are going. If at a hotel quickly locate the elevators(there are signs for them) take one and go up to her floor...plain and simple.
That is a good point. But I also think there is a psychological issue of being self conscious, because you know why you are there you feel like it is written all over your face. If you came to that same building to visit a friend you would not feel any type of way walking in and looking for the elevator, best advice is look like you belong there as you said


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Maybe I could show up with my toolbox and wearing coveralls and get that ever elusive and fictional "handyman" roleplay. Of course, my host might mistake me for a psycho and mace me too. :D

A toolbox filled with money and like some suggested in the “gift recommendations thread”, nipple clamps and chocolate :p

Just kidding! But yeah empty with an envelope and some refreshment could be fun.


Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
Maybe I could show up with my toolbox and wearing coveralls and get that ever elusive and fictional "handyman" roleplay. Of course, my host might mistake me for a psycho and mace me too. :D
Honestly when I first started this lifestyle I was nervous and did bring a tool bag made for drill from DeWalt (looked like I was going to fix something) and in that bag I had some shampoo, deodorant etc...and many times a gift for the lady including the envelope with her donation. If it was in a hotel simply a plastic(when i started there were not banned yet) or paper bag with the same items in it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Just use common sense and follow some of the tips already mentioned.

DO NOT stand in front of the incall for 5-10 mins, while nervously looking at your phone waiting for the appt/code. Walk around away from the incall and just go in once you’ve received the code.
Do not enter the main entrance at the same time as another tenant. Red flag! Always enter the code and wait for the booker (or the SP, if Indy) to buzz you in.

I never had issues, I just blend in. Sometimes other tenants even said ‘hi’ to me, thinking that I’m also a tenant. Lol
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