Montreal Escorts

Vos avez pas peur ???

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Read the beginning of this post
You can get tested no ID required and pay cash or prepaid visa. Results by email
All you need is provide an email address

Thanks, I had a look.

Personally, I think I'll use that $1000+ per year on other things and just remove consent for access to my DSQ, if it eventually comes to that. I don't really understand why anyone would throw away their money on something that's available for free but that's just me. Although it would maybe make sense if you have private/group insurance.

As long as people are getting tested, that's what's important, so whatever you're most comfortable with is great.

I wonder what they do if your results come back positive for an infection with mandatory reporting (MADO). I guess, nothing? I wonder how they're allowed to do that.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
If you're married or got a significant other, it would be odd to hide the DSQ from her though. It can be seen online.

Your DSQ isn't available to just anyone online. You'd have to give your login info. Your wife has access to your clicsequr account? Idk, I'm not married but I don't see why anyone, married or not, needs access to anyone's clicsequr or DSQ. Weird.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Your DSQ isn't available to just anyone online. You'd have to give your login info. Your wife has access to your clicsequr account? Idk, I'm not married but I don't see why anyone, married or not, needs access to anyone's clicsequr or DSQ. Weird.

It's pretty simple, really. When you're married, you share details of your life. Things like this are not secrets. Why would they be? So if you happen to need to look at your DSQ at home, you wouldn't need to ask your wife to leave the room. Or if, for whatever reason, you might both be looking at it for a different medical concern/prescription/etc. You're spouses, not roommates.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
So I tried Pre-lib so here's my review lol It was good but the only thing I found annoying was having to schedule a phone appointment for the results. La Licorne adds them to your online account on their website and you get notifications as each result comes in and is added to your account. Other than that, fairly comparable.

I think Pre-lib has better/more availability and La Licorne might need to be booked more in advance. That's about it. I don't know if La Licorne offers private labs that won't show up on your DSQ.
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2019
J’ai reçu une fellation d’une fille assez populaire de Québec et non penis me brûle. C’est fini pour mon le sans condom.
Les tests sont négatifs mais selon l’infirmière il faut les refaire un peu plus tard pour être certain que j’ai rien .
semaines de stress …
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2019
Souvent les filles y vont à fond avec le rince bouche entre chaque client, mais le revert de la médaille, s'il est avec alcool, ça peut faire des réactions sur notre ami!

J'espère que tu n'auras rien de grave !
Jspr aussi que c’est lié à ça

Pearl Precious

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2020
Il y a un enorme manque deducation sexuelle au prés des gens ses terrible ... une mts apparais pas dans les test de despistage avant MINIMUM 14 jour après l'avoir contracter... et 80% des MTS sont sans aucun symptome (les gens le save meme pas quil ont une MTS) ... si ton penis te brule et que tu es negatif se n'est pas une mts ... eduquez vous un peu svp ...
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2019
Il y a un enorme manque deducation sexuelle au prés des gens ses terrible ... une mts apparais pas dans les test de despistage avant MINIMUM 14 jour après l'avoir contracter... si tes negatif tu es negatif , et 80% des MTS sont sans aucun symptome (les gens le save meme pas quil ont une MTS) ... si ton penis te brule et que tu es negatif se n'est pas une mts ... eduquez vous un peu svp ...
J’ai fait mon test plus de 14jours apres
Mon penis me brûle depuis littéralement le
Lendemain du rdv donc liée à ça . Il y a eu juste fellation et cim.

j’le sais que les mts sont souvent silencieux ce qui veut dire que la fille peut en avoir sans savoir et le donner .

Bref je choisis le condom en tout temps ou presque encore plus mtn
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Il y a un enorme manque deducation sexuelle au prés des gens ses terrible ... une mts apparais pas dans les test de despistage avant MINIMUM 14 jour après l'avoir contracter... et 80% des MTS sont sans aucun symptome (les gens le save meme pas quil ont une MTS) ... si ton penis te brule et que tu es negatif se n'est pas une mts ... eduquez vous un peu svp ...

Speaking of educating yourself, several STD's will show up on tests earlier than 14 days. Also it's not 80% of STD's in general that don't show symptoms. Each STD is different in this way. Education!

Pearl Precious

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2020
Speaking of educating yourself, several STD's will show up on tests earlier than 14 days. Also it's not 80% of STD's in general that don't show symptoms. Each STD is different in this way. Education!
A toi de teduquer mon cher amis car je me fais souvent depister et je sais tres bien comment cela fonctionne , informe toi
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
J’ai fait mon test plus de 14jours apres
Mon penis me brûle depuis littéralement le
Lendemain du rdv donc liée à ça . Il y a eu juste fellation et cim.

j’le sais que les mts sont souvent silencieux ce qui veut dire que la fille peut en avoir sans savoir et le donner .

Bref je choisis le condom en tout temps ou presque encore plus mtn
Si le pénis te brûle le lendemain, c'est une infection urinaire non ITSS. Les iTSS prennent plusieurs jours avant de produire des symptômes.

Tu t'en fais pour rien. Il m'est arrivé 2-3 fois la même chose: fellation sans condom + brûlure + tous les tests négatifs. Il s'agit probablement dans ces cas là d'irritation + p-e une bactérie non ITSS (ex: e. coli). Ce n'est rien grâve et ça part après quelques jours/semaines. Pas de quoi remettre en question ta vie.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
A toi de teduquer mon cher amis car je me fais souvent depister et je sais tres bien comment cela fonctionne , informe toi

*sigh* just to list a few std's that may show up within a week (but not necessarily) -
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital and oral herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Chlamydia
This isn't hard information to find, either. It's very nice that you get tested often.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
*sigh* just to list a few std's that may show up within a week (but not necessarily) -
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital and oral herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Chlamydia
This isn't hard information to find, either. It's very nice that you get tested often.

In all fairness, I think the original comment was 100% accurate for a far too significant portion of people involved in general, and far too many who frequent sex workers.

Based on your posts I don't think you are included in that group
but it's obvious from posts that pop up regularly and conversations with clients or other sw conversations with clients, that a significant number of clients are woefully lacking education and knowledge about this important topic. These people are a liability to all of us who make the effort of being informed, act responsibly about our health and our partners health.

I'm really sick of reading/hearing about people who are engaging in sexual activities with anyone but especially sw, without any knowledge or real consideration for the risks associated with the activities they choose to engage in.

There is no issue with a person engaging in something like bbbj if it's a conscious, rational and informed personal decision based on the knowledge of what the risks are and a practice of regular screening.

When ppl come on here regularly posting, somehow shocked, that they got a result they should clearly be aware was possible and chose to accept that risk, well, that's just silly.

It's also bs to always frame this as the sw's doing and often as the client being a victim of this. A client engaging in an activity with known risks is no less responsible than the person from whom he claims he acquired the infection. Because clearly, she also acquired it from someone and didn't just produce it from thin air. Everyone has a level of responsibility for their own health.

If a positive results makes you rethink your level of comfort regarding specific risks, that's totally cool. But it shouldn't be the first time you actually consider aligning your comfort level about risks relating to specific services. People need to be responsible, make sure they research, have accurate information and make informed choices based on what works for them BEFORE they engage in any sexual contact.

The default shouldn't be ignorance until faced with a positive result. And that is too often what seems to happen.

I understand that people come here and ask questions but if you're lacking knowledge, Merb isn't where you're going to get a full education. You need to find one of the many resources online and get ALL the information so that you can decide what works for you. BEFORE engaging in sexual activity.

Knowledge: seek full and accurate information

Informed choices: use that information to decide what you're personally comfortable with

Regular testing: appropriate frequency depending on the number of partners

Responsible actions if results are unfortunately positive: NOTIFY all your partners!

Here's something that may sound controversial but shouldn't:

I would have nothing but respect and would view as much safer someone who contacts me to say that although asymptomatic, their regular screening detected positive infection and I should get tested as it's possible I might have been in contact while they were infected.

While most people would brand that person unsafe because of positive results, that is actually the safest partner you can hope for because they've now proven to you that a) they take responsibility for their health and get tested regularly even without having any symptoms and b) take responsibility for the health of their partners by notifying them of the risk of possible transmission.

How many others will never get tested because they are not experiencing symptoms, while transmitting to others for months or even years (and transmission man to woman is a lot more likely than woman to man, meaning we are more at risk of being infected than men are)?

How many will get positive results and never take necessary steps to notify partners but will get on this website and think they're heroes "warning" against a specific sw? That shouldn't be acceptable and that person is a far more unsafe person to everyone, sw and other clients.

So let's normalize education and rational attitudes about sexual health and STI's, PLEEEEEASE.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Les hommes n’ont pas assez peur parce que je reçois de temps en temps des demandes d’hommes qui veulent avoir une relation complète non protégée

Xing Yu

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
J'ai un de mes chum, qui me trouve fou de baiser des escortes!!

disant : '' moi je serais pas capable de faire ca, j,ai bin trop peur des bibites''

parcontre le dude rencontre des filles dans les bars, sur tinder ex. et baise pas de condom en disant: '' moi le scondom je suis pas capable''

hahahah ca me fait tellement rire...
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
J'ai un de mes chum, qui me trouve fou de baiser des escortes!!

disant : '' moi je serais pas capable de faire ca, j,ai bin trop peur des bibites''

parcontre le dude rencontre des filles dans les bars, sur tinder ex. et baise pas de condom en disant: '' moi le scondom je suis pas capable''

hahahah ca me fait tellement rire...

Je pense qu’il court bcp plus de risques que toi. Je pense aussi que la “population générale” ne se fait pas tester aussi régulièrement que les travailleurs/euses du sexe.

Xing Yu

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Je pense qu’il court bcp plus de risques que toi. Je pense aussi que la “population générale” ne se fait pas tester aussi régulièrement que les travailleurs/euses du sexe.
exactement!! je lui demande si il cest déja fais tester, il me répond: '' non j'ai jamais rien pogner'' hahhah
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