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Nude photos at school land porn star in jail

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
A Nebraska porn star is in jail for taking nude photos on the grounds of her former Catholic high school.

Valerie Dodds, known as Val Midwest, started her 45-day sentence Wednesday for public indecency and trespassing, KETV reported.

The 19-year-old was convicted in December after she posed nude outside her former high school and posted the photos on her adult website, the station reported. She had previously said she took the photos as revenge against the teachers and students who gave her a hard time about her choice of career.

"I'm taking it as a really bad vacation," Dodds said before starting her jail time. "I'm not going to work or do anything. I feel like I'm harmless as to what I did, and they are definitely bringing the hammer as far as the sentencing goes."

Porn star goes to jail for harmless stunt

Meanwhile, drug kingpins & violent criminals continue roaming the streets. On top of that, how much wasted taxpayer money goes to covering the costs of incarcerating her for 45 days for a harmless stunt? Ridiculous! Only in the US of A. :rolleyes:

p.s. She's also extremely cute! ;)
Mar 15, 2008
Pauvres Américains hypocrytes!

Par contre, peut-être pourrons-nous dire bientôt la même chose du Canada avec ses lois répressives, ridicules et dépassées sur la criminalisation des clients des TDS.


Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Meanwhile, drug kingpins & violent criminals continue roaming the streets. On top of that, how much wasted taxpayer money goes to covering the costs of incarcerating her for 45 days for a harmless stunt? Ridiculous! Only in the US of A.

In Russia some girls were sent to jail for two years because they played rock music in a church.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yep... Backwards conservative people following The Bible as the absolute truth and right. One of the reasons why I will never live in the US.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Yep... Backwards conservative people following The Bible as the absolute truth and right. One of the reasons why I will never live in the US.

Of all the western civilized countries on the planet, the US is now probably the last place i'd want to move to. If i'd have a choice, i'd move to Australia, New Zealand or Switzerland. Other alternatives would be Italy, France, England, Sweden or Norway, among others. Portugal & Spain looks interesting....


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Of all the western civilized countries on the planet, the US is now probably the last place i'd want to move to. If i'd have a choice, i'd move to Australia, New Zealand or Switzerland. Other alternatives would be Italy, France, England, Sweden or Norway, among others. Portugal & Spain looks interesting....

Oh, Sweden and Norway with the infamous Nordic prostitution laws? Is that where you would like move to Doc?

If you seen the photos, she was definitely taunting her former school, who would be her against using their premises to promote her pornography.

I don't agree with the length of her sentence, although she probably won't serve all 45 days. They probably give good behavior time off, etc. She probably should have received a fine and that's it. She is extremely hot.

Tigers' WOOD!

New Member
Jan 26, 2011
US law is different from Canadian law. I s still the old town sheriff mentality where they apply the law selectively.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That is basically how things work. The laws get selectively enforced. Usually if there is a high profile situation local prosecutors have political pressure to bring a prosecution that otherwise never would be brought. It leads to foreigners drawing absurd conclusions like we see in this thread, because they don't realize these cases are the exception and not the norm.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Oh, Sweden and Norway with the infamous Nordic prostitution laws? Is that where you would like move to Doc?

Prostitution laws? Who's talking about prostitution? You think i'm going to pay for sex for the rest of my lifetime?? :confused:

My cock is approaching an age where it's about to start going soft, and i always said i'd never force myself into having sex if i have to use viagra, cialis or levitra. I'm giving this 'lifestyle' another few years at the most, and then i'm settling down. You won't be seeing this guy desperately paying 18-20 year olds to have sex with him when he reaches the age of 60. No way, Jose! :rolleyes:

I was referring about moving to countries which would offer me a good quality of life. Free healthcare, low crime, strong gun control, decent cost of living. Personnally, i find that America is still way too love with guns & crime.....and even though they finally have affordable healthcare, it's still far less efficient than the rest of the civilized world. I'm also very pro-education and pro-health, so the States wouldn't be for me since it keeps on sinking education-wise and Americans are among the world's most obese people (per capita). That's why a size Large in Canada is a size Medium in the States. An Xtra Large in Canada is a Large in the States. And so on......And their political system....let's not go there. When polticians can constantly be bought, when lobbyists for special interest groups make policies, and those same lobbyists/special interest groups control their respective congressmen. In a country where the most money will get you elected, that's the last place i'd want to live in.

Don't get me wrong. I love the United States. If it weren't for the United States, i'd be speaking german instead of french & english today. However, if i'd have to move away from Canada and want to live somewhere else with a similar (or better) standard of living that i currently have, the United States would likely be last on my list. There's really nothing attractive (for someone like me) about moving to the United States. It's a very sick society, and that's the last place i'd want to live in and raise children right now. There are much better alternatives out there.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Prostitution laws? Who's talking about prostitution? You think i'm going to pay for sex for the rest of my lifetime?? :confused:

My cock is approaching an age where it's about to start going soft, and i always said i'd never force myself into having sex if i have to use viagra, cialis or levitra. I'm giving this 'lifestyle' another few years at the most, and then i'm settling down. You won't be seeing this guy desperately paying 18-20 year olds to have sex with him when he reaches the age of 60. No way, Jose! :rolleyes:

I was referring about moving to countries which would offer me a good quality of life. Free healthcare, low crime, strong gun control, decent cost of living. Personnally, i find that America is still way too love with guns & crime.....and even though they finally have affordable healthcare, it's still far less efficient than the rest of the civilized world. I'm also very pro-education and pro-health, so the States wouldn't be for me since it keeps on sinking education-wise and Americans are among the world's most obese people (per capita). That's why a size Large in Canada is a size Medium in the States. An Xtra Large in Canada is a Large in the States. And so on......And their political system....let's not go there. When polticians can constantly be bought, when lobbyists for special interest groups make policies, and those same lobbyists/special interest groups control their respective congressmen. In a country where the most money will get you elected, that's the last place i'd want to live in.

Don't get me wrong. I love the United States. If it weren't for the United States, i'd be speaking german instead of french & english today. However, if i'd have to move away from Canada and want to live somewhere else with a similar (or better) standard of living that i currently have, the United States would likely be last on my list. There's really nothing attractive (for someone like me) about moving to the United States. It's a very sick society, and that's the last place i'd want to live in and raise children right now. There are much better alternatives out there.

Affordable healthcare with Obamacare? You must be smoking your weed right now. There's nothing affordable about Obamacare. You can't be this ridiculous in person as you are online. :lol:


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Really, dude, really? While outcall is perfectly legal in Canada from a perspective of the escort and the customer, many of the activities associated with outcall might be technically illegal but are ignored by Canadian law enforcement. Many of these activities are simply ignored by Canadian law enforcement due to the nonsensical nature of the act being legal but some of the arranging being arguably illegal. But let's say that a Montreal escort agency decides to have its next Meet & Greet by trespassing in one of Montreal's best known and most sacred Catholic cathedrals and posting pictures of escorts under stained glass windows. Methinks that law enforcement might pay a little more attention to the escort arranging activities and consider a crackdown on them and other agencies, and that law enforcement might be put under a little more pressure by those who do not approve of sex work in this situation than if some homeless guys trespassed in the Cathedral in order to find a warm place to stay. Fortunately, all Montreal agencies have the sense not to do something like that; I was just using it as an example. But if they did, it would have the potential to harm all Montreal escort agencies. This is what this girl did in the story. She purposely used her Catholic High a School to promote pornography for publicity purposes, which has the potential to rile up people who do not approve of pornography and damage all pornographers.

Patron, prostitution is legal in Canada at the moment. That could change anytime this year, but it's legal now. I don't see why you are bringing up the past law.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Affordable healthcare with Obamacare? You must be smoking your weed right now. There's nothing affordable about Obamacare. You can't be this ridiculous in person as you are online. :lol:

I'm Canadian & have never paid a penny for my healthcare & several surgeries over my lifetime, so i won't argue about the crappy healthcare (or lack of) system that you have in your country. Whatever healthcare system you have has nothing to do with us. It's my belief that i live in the best country on the planet & there are many others like ours.....but not the United States, which has been a country in serious decline since the year 2000. A country that allows psychopaths to own assault weapons who walk into a movie theatre, mall or school & shoot anyone in sight, yet do nothing about it & instead claim the problem isn't the millions of guns out on the street, but it's a mental health problem. Whatever, it's not my problem & if thousands of people a year (in the States) die from gunshot wounds, it's still not my problem since i don't live in that country. No use losing any sleep over it since it's out of my hands. As i've been saying about bikers & organized crime figures, if Americans want to kill one another with guns & assault weapons & don't want to do anything about it, then be my guest.

I have American friends who own an arsenal of guns & assault weapons. They bought most of their stuff at gun shows. My guess is that they believe the boogie man or doomsday is coming & they want to be ready just in case. Not my problem. It has nothing to do with me & if that's what yanks their chain, so be it. They could buy a bazooka & an army tank as far as i'm concerned. They've been indoctrinated with this way of thinking since they were born and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I let them be & and i sleep well at night.

The only thing the US has going for itself (over Canada) is the warm weather of Florida, Arizona & California. But other than that, no thanks. You can keep your guns, your high level of poverty, poor education, screwed up healthcare system, fucked up political system where the politicians are all bought by big corporations & special interest groups, and your sick society. There are many better places to live in other than the United States. On top of that, we have the better hookers. By far! :thumb:


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I'm Canadian & have never paid a penny for my healthcare & several surgeries over my lifetime, so i won't argue about the crappy healthcare (or lack of) system that you have in your country. Whatever healthcare system you have has nothing to do with us. It's my belief that i live in the best country on the planet & there are many others like ours.....but not the United States, which has been a country in serious decline since the year 2000. A country that allows psychopaths to own assault weapons who walk into a movie theatre, mall or school & shoot anyone in sight, yet do nothing about it & instead claim the problem isn't the millions of guns out on the street, but it's a mental health problem. Whatever, it's not my problem & if thousands of people a year (in the States) die from gunshot wounds, it's still not my problem since i don't live in that country. No use losing any sleep over it since it's out of my hands. As i've been saying about bikers & organized crime figures, if Americans want to kill one another with guns & assault weapons & don't want to do anything about it, then be my guest.

I have American friends who own an arsenal of guns & assault weapons. They bought most of their stuff at gun shows. My guess is that they believe the boogie man or doomsday is coming & they want to be ready just in case. Not my problem. It has nothing to do with me & if that's what yanks their chain, so be it. They could buy a bazooka & an army tank as far as i'm concerned. They've been indoctrinated with this way of thinking since they were born and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I let them be & and i sleep well at night.

The only thing the US has going for itself (over Canada) is the warm weather of Florida, Arizona & California. But other than that, no thanks. You can keep your guns, your high level of poverty, poor education, screwed up healthcare system, fucked up political system where the politicians are all bought by big corporations & special interest groups, and your sick society. There are many better places to live in other than the United States. On top of that, we have the better hookers. By far! :thumb:

Ok, Doc, you have better hookers, but you don't have a better Healthcare system. If that was so, how come thousands of Canadians come to the US for surgeries every year and PAY FOR THEM if you get it for FREE?

Enough of your propaganda crap. Everything you write is propaganda, except the hookers, of course.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I am not talking about past law. I am talking about current law and being illustrative. While outcall is legal in Canada, many of the associated activities such as promoting and publicly soliciting are arguably not legal. There is a reason that visitors to Montreal are not greeted with a large billboard advertisement stating that prostitution is legal here, please call Agency XXX. That Agency XXX is not hassled by law enforcement when it advertises on Merb, but likely would be hassled, even with respect to its internet advertising, if it had such a billboard. And the incentive that law enforcement would have to hassle the agency would come from people who disapprove of the billboard.

The porn star in question is no different. If she took nude photos of herself in her back yard she might technically be breaking the law as a result of public indecency since a neighbor might see her. But any prosecution of her as a result of her posting those pictures on her website would be a ridiculous overreach of police power and would likely not be tolerated by the general public. But trespassing at her old school to have those pictures taken for publicity purposes to taunt her old school and for the shock factor is different. It pisses off the wrong people, almost all of whom would have completely ignored the pics in her back yard, and those people demand payback that could have repercussions to more than her.

Patron, maybe you have been hiding in a cave? You may not know, but Canada`s Supreme Court has struck down Canada`s current laws on prostitution and gave the government 1 year to respond with a new law. Here`s some reading material for you:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Patron, your point is true. For short-term consideration, it is best for sex workers to remain inconspicuous and not ''rub it in''. But maybe in the long term, being more visible and assertive would be better to improve things. For that girl, in a sense it was a bad idea to do that, but laws and morals never change unless you have people willing to take risks to oppose them. If Americans had always followed the law they would never have declared Independence. If women had never taken risks to fight for their right to vote they would still be non-voting now.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Patron and Sionarf, I agree with both of you that she used poor judgement.

However, I absolutely disagree with the Original Poster's view that this is a US problem. If she would have did the same thing in Canada, she would have been charged and convicted of trespassing, as you have similar laws in regards to private property. She did not have the land owner's (the local dioceses) permission to do her shoot on their property. A local dioceses in Canada would have reacted the same. Her case is about property rights, not pornography. The school has no power over her doing pornography. They do have a say in what goes on on their property. Don't worry, she will be paid back in popularity for her publicity stunt. Her rates will surely go up for each filming she does for the short term, at least.

Interestingly, Sionarf, you mentioned Woman's right to vote in the US, which happened around 1915. Did you know that prostitution was legal in all states in the US up until 1915? The woman's suffrage movement, which included the right to vote, teamed up with Women's religious groups and put pressure on state legislatures to ban prostitution. Talk about getting the right to vote and using it as a lobby. It was actually women's gaining the right to vote that lead to prostitution laws in the US. I am not making a judgment of women's right to vote, but citing history.

These women didn't like their husbands or potential husbands going to brothels, which were widely operated in the open. Interestingly, in NYC, there were many brothels which operated with very seldom raids in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. LE turned a blind eye to them, unless someone complained about the establishments. I think Xaveria Hollander, the author of the Happy Hooker and famous madam in NYC, documented this in her book.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
DD41, I agree it's not specific to US law. However I think the reaction and sentence would not get blown out of proportion as much if it were in Canada. Then again, in some other country she might be sentenced to death. Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand, so obviously what really matters is not just the law, but how it is applied.

It's also true about women's vote and prostitution prohibition in the US (I just gave the vote example without thinking about that detail). But in those days, sexuality was a lot more restricted than it is today in all it's forms. Because adultery itself was bad, it made sense to prohibit prostitution in that context.

Christians should remember that at some point long long ago it was illegal to be christian and you could end up crucified for it. Now because they are one of the dominant religions they act like their moral should be universal.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Siocnarf, adultery was the same prohibition in Christianity during 1910 to present as it was before that time. Prostitution was absolutely legal in the US. In fact, everyone in a town or city would know where the brothel was. Interestingly, prohibition of alcohol laws were passed the same time prohibition of prostitution. We all know what happened with prohibition laws of alcohol. So the Federal government and states repealed those laws out of safety concerns (local gin mills made moonshine, very high proof alcohol, and some people went blind and suffered other debilitating affects).

Funny thing about those deep bible belt areas or restricted religious areas. Adultery and prostitution exists very UTR, but everyone knows they exist but they keep their mouths shut about it. Same with the Islamic run countries. Where were those creeps their last night on earth? At a strip joint.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Ok, Doc, you have better hookers, but you don't have a better Healthcare system. If that was so, how come thousands of Canadians come to the US for surgeries every year and PAY FOR THEM if you get it for FREE?

Enough of your propaganda crap. Everything you write is propaganda, except the hookers, of course.

According to the World Health Organization Canada is ranked 30th and the USA is ranked 37 in Health Care.
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