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Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal

To begin, it is not in my personality to call out people, to bash them or to put people up against a wall, but I need to take a stand, to demand justice, to deliver you facts, to denunciate abuse. My name is April Rose, I’ve been in the SW industry for almost 6 years. I’m writing on behalf of several Montreal Companions and myself.

I want to stand today and denunciate abuse that has been done by the event organization Le Rubicon and the Carte Blanche agency, addressing directly the owner/manager/perpetrator that calls himself Maitre K or MK for short.

I will begin with my personal experience, followed by statements gathered by other companions that have asked to remain anonymous.

I started working at different events at Le Rubicon back when I was with the Unicorn Healers, about 2 years ago. I had never heard of this man, nor of his organization. I’ve always been eager to try new things, discover new territories and the owner seemed new to the universe but willing to learn. I just always have such faith in people that they will do the right thing at the right time. I think one of the first events I had done with them was either an orgy or a gangbang. I have had lots of issues with the management since the beginning, especially about rates, safety and rules. I always had to argue for rates, I always had to argue for safety and had to explain to him why there had to be rules. If you didn’t enforce your boundaries and rules, if you didn’t specify anything, he would just assume everything was possible and say so to his clients as well. The first orgy I did, I had been paid a very little amount (considering the work), and for a room full of 50 horny and unscreened men and maybe 6 girls, the ratio of men for girls was unbelievably high. He wants as many people as possible to enter his events for financial reasons, disregarding the proportions of the settings. His reason was: he can’t “charge more for the events”. It basically felt like we were having 6 gangbangs at the same time but with 50 interchangeable men. Considering that at that event, I was one of his “big names” as he would call it, I’m concerned how much the other girls had been paid. He was busy everywhere, his assistant was behind the bar, so we basically had to be our own security staff. I’ve always been comfortable expressing and imposing my boundaries, I don’t know so much about the other girls there, as most weren’t girls of the industry. Guys were pushy, impolite and I had to tell some guys to go wash their privates (cause it hadn’t been said to them to). Basically, anyone that shows up was granted entry. I’ll give more details about their rates and procedures further.
I’ve tried to discuss, change things and teach because that’s who I am. I think we all did at some point. I don’t think he ever listened, any advice that wasn’t leading to direct profits wasn’t acknowledged.

Then, there was this one event, a foot fetish night, where, again unscreened clients are permitted to enter, and also have private time with us. So far those events had been ok, the gents were safe and courteous. But that day, I get a new client, this young man, saying he was inexperienced. He books me for 20 mins private. The second I entered the bedroom that was aside from the main venue room, he started hitting me, beating the shit out of me, purposely hurting me. I screamed, I tried to talk him into calming down, being respectful, respecting me and boundaries, be nice, be gentle, to show him how. Nothing I was saying was getting to him. As a professional submissive, I am able to receive impact play. This wasn’t impact play, nor bdsm, there wasn’t any communication related to boundaries. If you have been to any type of foot fetish event, you would know, it’s a very smooth ambiance, cute music, everyone is playing with feet, massaging, and it’s a very sensual environment. It’s not a “highly active” setting. All the participants, clients and providers, are in the room next door. No one came for me, not even the owner that was supposed to be nearby. So I went for the door and got out, and ran into another room, pointing at him to get the fuck out, and asking “MK” to ask him to leave. What was the owner’s reaction? He went to comfort the client, apologize for my behavior and promise him that he will let him know if at any other event I’m there so we don’t cross paths. He never defended me, he never stood up for me, and he didn’t even kick the guy out. Then he proceeded to let the guy into the safe space I was in so he could come “talk to me”. After I bursted in anger at both individuals, he proceeded to kick the guy out. I expressed clearly the situation, my boundaries and my discomfort. The red flags around that organization were everywhere, this should have been my GTFO call, but I chose to view this as a 1 time error thing.
There has also been this other situation where I was told they were having a “football game night” with sexy games and to come and hang out and make contacts. I learned 10 mins before the action (by a client) that it was actually a small orgy. I had never had the details of that event, I was advertised as a participant to the clients but I had no idea about it. It had been sold to me as a football watching social time.
Then we arrive to this November 2019 Bacchanal.
1rst of all, we all knew he was going to try to scam us financially, so we(the other providers who had a twitter and myself) had made a private conversation about the event, the rates we expect and have it equal for all depending on our roles. Our rates were very fair and he kept bragging about these amazing sales he had been doing for this event. He refused all of our rates. He also refused us having equal pay for the same job. Then at a foot fetish event, 3-4 weeks before the event, I say, nonchalantly, “it’s amazing that you found a venue that works with your concept and that has showers! How did you find a place with showers?”
-What showers?
-There needs to be showers for everyone…
- There are 2 showers but they aren’t in the same space and will be available only for the girls.
-What? So there are no showers for the clients?
- No, I said in the email to arrive clean
- But...some people won’t go home after work, some people need to take a shower before getting back home! Do you not understand the nature of our industry? Clean from this morning isn’t clean for intimacy!
- We’ll make exceptions. Only for the people who need it the most.
- No. the showers should be available for all! WTF!
So I got into a heated argument about that. He was still keeping his position. I had to talk about it with the other providers, for them to call him, so he would understand and realize that the showers were mandatory. This gave us a nice feeling about how he feels about the girls being in a safe and clean environment. Lots of privoders were upset, lots cancelled. He even decided last minute that one of the girls that had been promoting the event, helping and had her pictures on all the ads wasn’t going to be paid anymore, that “they didn’t have the budget anymore”. When I learned that, I was in total shock. So I called him, told him that I was going to cancel, that I’m upset about a lot of things, that I won’t be coming if that girl wasn’t going to be paid. He refused. I tested him, and asked for a raise, told him I wasn’t going to come. He offered me a significant amount more to be there. So I told him I was going to give it to the girl who wasn’t being paid anymore. I really didn’t want to go to the event, these injustices were pushed too far. I went because the girls who needed the event for their budget and exposure asked me to be there. They said, in case if anything happens, I could stand up to him, because he doesn’t listen to them and maybe he would listen to me. And I’m happy I did go, because issues did happen and he wasn’t listening to anyone. At one point, I came back backstage, 3 girls jumped on me, one crying. “April please, you need to talk to him. This guy is refusing to pay us now.” He didn’t want to pay the girls their fee, the girls were stressed out, and in between those exchanges they found out, how much each of them was paid. One of them was paid 100$. 100$ to be in an orgy of over 100 men, for 90 mins. She didn’t know that it wasn’t a normal fee. She realized that she had been used. The performers and the “slaves” (that’s what the event was calling the girls of the orgy) were all looking for MK, they wanted their due and their time was over, they wanted to leave. He was nowhere to be found. I tried calming the girls, the girls started telling me all these stories about different events and situations, asking me if this situation was normal or not. And then he showed up behind me, I hadn’t even spoken a word to him yet that evening. And he yelled, he yelled 2 inches from my face and rage threatened me with his arms up, in front of everyone. If it wasn’t for my friend I was performing the bondage show with, who came between us, I really don’t know what could have happened. I was scared. It took me an hour to shake it off, and I’m still not sure if I have. The girls finally got paid, I shared my extra income with some ladies, to try to equalize a bit.
The orgy: there were lots of men, lots of unscreened men. Lots of clients that I had myself banned from my agency days and even that I had mentioned from events not wanting to see again. The rules of the orgy were made public quickly, verbally 2 hours before the orgy, in an empty room. They did not reiterate the rules before the men entered the main “orgy room”. Some girls have had rough experiences, disrespectful behaviors. I myself caught a guy putting back on a condom he had taken off. I know for sure one (maybe 2 girls) were forcefully taken bareback by one individual, before getting caught. There wasn’t much security in that room for any of the girls. There were also way fewer girls there than advertised for the same number of men, making the horny men a bit more “aggressive” to make their place in the crowd. I’ve witnessed men pushing each other. No security in sight. The event didn’t go at all as advertised. He called this event a major success on Twitter.
In between all of these events I experienced myself, I started hearing stories of things happening, situations of abuse that he instigated under the name of his agency. Which I wasn’t a part of and had horribly overlooked.

Their rates system
There is truly no system. But tell yourself that when you are entering his events, at 120$ per client for a GB, the girl gets less than half of that amount. If it’s her first time, she might make 200-300$ for 8 clients on her at the same time for 2 hours. He states that no one will pay more for these kinds of events. Which isn’t true. And that the girls don’t have a reputation so they will get whatever they will get. Most of the girls from his events have no contact with the industry, they don’t know what the industry is like and they are therefore vulnerable, which he uses to his advantage. Some of my friends had attempted negotiating, he would still give them their envelope after the event, with the amount he wants to give and say there wasn’t more available to give to them. Obviously, no SW is ever obligated to do GBs in their career, but it is a big fantasy for some of us. The owner has often put pressure on SWs since this is “their fantasy too” that they shouldn’t be expecting a bigger pay, because this is all what they truly want. He doesn’t understand that you can have the fantasy and also have a fair rate for the hustle, vulnerability and dedication. Girls often need some time off after events like this, fantasy or not, to let their bodies recover.
Other people’s experiences
Many people reported to me directly the events I summarize below. These people chosen to stay anonymous out of fear. I’m just the voice for all.

  • “Being tested by MK” for the agency (not STD tested, not an interview) to verify if the lady is a beginner, intermediate or pro submissive. The test involved sex with him, testing how much impact they can take and fisting them. These aren’t paid for. They consented to this not knowing what it really was and under his pressure and authority. (I have confronted him about one of these incidents being reported to me before starting to ask around and he said that she really wanted this to be done to her and she asked for it: the reality is she didn’t ask for it, he told her it was the “procedure”).
  • Pictures being used without consent, continuing to use the pictures after being asked to stop and advertising fake or other people with those providers photos.
  • Using pictures for events that the providers haven’t been asked about before, making clients who recognize the provider go expecting to see them there.
  • Using of the name of girls and their pictures for their events, then cancelling the girls before the event “because he can’t pay her”
  • Paying the girls between 200 or 300 for gangbangs because they “don’t have a name” or “it’s their first time” (he charges approx. 120 for gangbang – taking between 8 and 12 participants, the girl isn’t paid more if there are more people, and doesn’t get a cut for the viewers) (paying 120 for gangbang isn’t a fair price, let’s say that for starters, plus the girl is doing the job, so why isn’t she getting a fair share?)
  • Girls having to argue to get paid the same amount at an event they planned there, both doing the same service at the same time. He refused to pay both girls the same rate.
  • Breaches of privacy, He reached out several times to various providers on their personal social medias. They haven’t consented to give their personal info, nor to be contacted by those ways.
  • Breaches of privacy, calling the girls by their real names in events with clients. Talking about their real jobs with clients present. Telling the clients what the provider does for a living and disclosing their personal life info.
  • The girls at Carte Blanche not receiving the same cut out of the amount advertised on the agencies website. Girls have reported getting 120 to 200 out of the advertised 300$ an hour, he chose who gets what price.
  • Traumatic “trainings”. The person didn’t want to give more info.
  • Being sent to calls unprepared, with no information about the person, the roleplay, the scenario, lack of safety for the amount of vulnerability offered. They do not screen their clients. Girls are sent without knowing any info about the person and without security.
  • Refusing some girls that had more strict boundaries because they are “fussy”. Or didn’t want to go through his testing process.
  • Telling a girl who was interested to book a gangbang with them that they would have a “meeting to discuss”. The girl was severely abused as a test, and went to the hospital for physical injuries.
  • Being harassed on the phone into working for him and his events after saying no, saying they aren’t interested.
  • Him booking a provider with a new client for a “sleep fetish” and him saying that she would be provided drugs to actually be sleeping during the appointment. He didn’t seem to understand how problematic that was for her security and she had to argue with him that faking to sleep is good enough. He finally accepted her conditions (not being drugged) but made it clear that he wasn’t ok with it
  • 3 reports of violent rape and abuse, the women involved have refused to have the details shared out of fear.

Providers who have met him, that have worked with him describe him as: a Sociopath, a Scammer, Creepy and Pushy, a Dangerous Pimp.

Not everyone is in the emotional place to be able to stand up and say something. This is a very difficult situation, but I need to stand up for my community and raise my voice. I take it as a responsibility for my friends and coworkers, to take a stand and defend the community I am a part of and stand for. I also want to apologize if at any point, seeing my name as part of the roster of the events made it seem like a safe space, incited you to join as a provider or a client. I didn’t know how the situation was behind walls.

If you have dealt with Le Rubicon or Carte-Blanche, I invite you to contact me, if you would like your story to be added to ours, before we seek legal actions.

Having fantasies and sharing them with clients should be done in a safe environment and with settings that make you comfortable. They should never compromise your boundaries. You are offering a lot of vulnerability, sharing your intimacy. This should make YOU feel good, safe and be fair with your expectations. If you are looking to organize fetish or larger play parties, talk around in your community and build a safe space with people you trust. Amazingly, providers who prioritize ethics are gathering up more and more to be able to offer these types of events.

April Rose

We, companions of Montreal co-sign this document with April and confirm that these statements are true.
Kira St- Olivier, Melina May, Dorothy Fairman, Laura Pernel, Chloe Paradis, Maddalena MTL, Rosie Sparkles, Tori Sea, Keira Abel, Milena sweetveganpussy, Vicky Lopez, Milla M, Adriana Bella, Gabrielle Garnier, Aliss Swan, Gabrielle Laliberté, Lisa-Marie Johnson, Juliette Dubois, Evelina Lowell, Adore Goldman

Rosie Sparkles

Sep 14, 2016
I, Rosie Sparkles, stand by April in this denonciation. It is time we make this industry safe and sane for clients and providers. Fuck pimps. Fuck him. Please be careful when dealing with agencies. Your money could be financing abuse. April, you are a brave and strong little piece of a woman and I love you so much. I'm proud of you and to call you a friend.


Oct 8, 2018
I was planning to go to the Rubicon & had hoped to meet you there. Some personal things came up that prevented me from attending, but I definitely won’t now. Sorry you had to go through this, but at least you will help prevent others from going through the same thing.
Thanks so much for your support love. I still want to do Gangbangs and Orgies, i still want to share amazing events with clients. I will be planning events myself and with the help of my friends from now. A lot of us want to keep offering these services to the community of clients that love these like we do. They just have to be done in a setting that is safe for all of us, that makes us comfortable and that respect our own boundaries.
I've been lucky myself, he has always been scared of me because i talk my truths and stand my positions. Other providers might not have the baggage and opportunities to use their voice. It really shook me how many of the providers, in all the events that he hosted, how little of them i knew. They were always new faces and providers i hadn't heard of before. I want these providers to work in a safe space and a community that stands for them, and i hope in some way, that these messages will reach all of them. So they know that we got their backs. I know there are more of these events that have happened that i haven't heard about.
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What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
April you are a hero, and this must've taken a lot of courage and I applaud you for that and all the ladies that stand up with you are also heros. Like PE said in their song "FIGHT THE POWER"

We should all be fighting this cause because it involves us all.

I would like to be the first client to stand by April in this denonciation. It is time we make this industry safe and sane for clients and providers. Fuck pimps. Fuck him. Please be careful when dealing with agencies. Your money could be financing abuse. April, you are a brave and strong little piece of a woman and I love you so much. I'm proud of you and to call you a friend.

Sorry Rosie I stole you line, it gets to the point.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Tinman: Hahaha la meilleure flatterie est l'imitation!

Rosie c'est rare je copie, je suis un original 1969 lol
Okay sorry for getting off topic no disrespect to what this is all about.
April again you're amazing


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Sorry about this, but it seems they really meant it when they advertised there would be sexual slaves at the Bacchanales.


Feb 17, 2019
Wow, that was a really tough read. Thank you for bringing this to light, April; much respect to you and the other ladies that are taking the lead on this. I sincerely hope this situation is an outlier. Safety, respect, and fair compensation for SPs should be priorities for everyone involved in this industry (clients, SPs, agencies, etc.).


Oct 8, 2018
April, maybe it’s time to start your own agency where you can help guide others in a safe environment that you create?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
April you are certainly a very brave young lady to come forward with this.

I would have never thought that people like this were still able to operate amongst the community for so long without being outed.

It is good to see ladies with your courage stand up to scum like this and hopefully anybody reading this will never support these agencies.
Gabrielle is absolutely correct in that it is up to all of us to promote a safe and respectful environment for all SW and clients.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Hello everyone, Ladies & Gentlemen

Long time no see, as we say ;-)

Sadly, I am back writing here for a very sad reason; hopefully my voice that some here recognized as respectable from many MANY YEARS will put some extra weight.
I'm asking one thing: Please consider with the more profound seriousness what have been denounced.

I copy paste my first reaction about this made public earlier today:

That's few years that I read from different ladies about abuses from MK. It’s always sad & bring anger to read people being exploited/hurt. I couldn’t do nothing as it has to be someone who lived it to denunciate it. Bravo April for your courage. Hopefully this will save others

When I heard of this denunciation's being in preparation, I first pointed out that criminal offences have been done. AND I HOPE THAT IT IS more than CLEAR for EVERYONE. -and that hopefully, it is not giving you creepy joy.

There is a world of difference living a fantasy with 100% consent of all adult implied under a previous agreement where everybody is 100% aware of what they will be doing, Doms and subs


People inventing to be a Master/Mistress to disguise real psycho abuses & attacks perpetrated on WOMEN for POWERTRIP & PERSONAL GAIN $$$
and even wrapping this by an offer of really cheap exceptional services that were deserving being rewarded much more for the subs implicated.
-as any hobbyst of experience is pertinently knowing. You have been around and "shopping" for years.
The rule: "If this look to be too good to be true, it isn't true" is more than ever something to consider, abuses have always be hidden on "fantastic deals" by that kind of person that we may call "pimp" that count on the quantity over the quality...

Becoming a Master or a Mistress is NOT something you can improvise and might not be a threat against your subs. That's the more intimate connection you can make as you have to have total trust in your Master/Mistress that He/She will stand and protect you, maybe playing with limits but not really take a real advantage over you and your vulnerability you offered and send you to the hospital.

I talked today with one Mistress friend and she clearly said that this called "Master" is a shame in the BDSM community. He is just a dude taking advantage FOR REAL destroying the name of Domination.
And I hope people here will be able to differentiate the fac simile and the true lifestylers and this even if they don't live this kind of fantaisie.

NB: Clients that attended to those events, you are now possibly in 2 clans:

You just might ask yourself questions, and you should be as much angry as you have been lied too.


Maybe you were part of the already banned guys that were just more than happy to take advantage?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Made me sick to read. im no expert on the subject, but MK's actions/behaviors seem clearly criminal. But i understand it is not easy to go the police. Most of these girls dont want to go public with their sexwork, and its a sure bet MK knows that.

I support you and your colleagues April.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Thank you April for speaking up. It takes a lot of courage. I’m so sorry for every provider who has had to go through this abuse. None of this is okay and I’m at loss for words.

Here’s to 2020 being safer, more fun, less boundary pushing. I’m sure your own events will be 100x better anyways. You rock. Full love, sweet pea.


Sep 4, 2006
I read this when it appeared on Twitter, and suffice to say I was thoroughly terrified. I never attended such events and I had read reviews that led me to believe that the environment is not well controlled and things like wearing a hat is mostly down to the group pointing it out than the organizer or security.

While the whole account is horrifying, there were little things like the organizer not understanding that showers were needed for the men. That is just common sense! I would expect the people who organize these events choose venues that would more or less have showers, locker rooms...etc.

I also don't know how 50:6 men to women ratio can be classified as an orgy. In any situation where there is a large group of guys it is critical to control the environment and enforce rules. Any person running a strip club or even a normal night club knows this. These people know it too, they just don't give a shit.

I also want to thank April for speaking up. I have never used that agency or been part of that scene, but I know that any decent person would never want to use an agency or organizer like that.


Jun 5, 2011
Living the good life!
Thank you April for alerting us about this despicable person and the sadistic events that he throws. I hope that your courageous message will reach out to those who were thinking about attending such events and also alert any ladies who might not have known about how this guy really operates.

April, you did a great service for our community and you have my full support on this!
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