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ALERT - ANNONCE123's paying customers and advertisers can be FRAUDS -


Jul 19, 2008
To all ,

When I saw this suspention being given out by Mod 8 to topole :
For this post :

I beleived it was time to investigate this agency Jennymontreal further .

Conclusions :

Its a Bait & Switch agency . Please look into my post written this morning
right here on Merb`s Buyer’s-Beware-Warning-Of-Potential-Bait-amp-Switch-Providers.

These people at Jennymonteal are also PAYING ADVERTISERS ON ANNONCE123

So yesterday I called Annonce123 ( their phone number is on the site ) to advise them,
their company is associated to people who dont have copyrights of third parties
property . She asked me to send them proof .
The proof :
Featured Girl Wendy
Pics stolen from :

So I called back .
The answer by a woman I say mid 30`s was shocking :

Va jouer ailleur mon colisse ... and she hung up.

Annonce123 is a small time company thinking small ;
at least when it comes down to their Erotic section .
This doesnt do them justice and perhaps a mistake on their part.
By the facts are the facts and this section of Annonce123 is to be
AVOIDED at all cost by all of us potential customers.

Last year I started two threads.
One on the infamous - Le Loft -
And yes where els but Annonce123

And of course - Graigslist -

It served thousands meaning thousands of dollars less in the scammers pockets.

Annonce123 is next in line .

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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
thanks for the warning..but annonces123 has nothing to do with the services being sold by their advertisers..
there is amazing gems on the site..but if you dont verify, of course there is the crap b&s...
there is some simple tricks in verifying...
ex: when you find an ad that intrigues you.....click on the ads by the same member highlight..
if there is many ads ,different pics all with the same number....unless its an agency,then stay away......
..its better than graigslist in terms of good vs b&s.......
but the bottom line is that if you want 100% quality,and the same gal as in the pics..then shoot for one of the main agencys.......
preferably one of the highly reviewed agencys here on merb,and most of there advertisers......
and when looking for an indy,or new gem..then be cautious, and do your research.....
and when in doubt.,ask one of your helpful fellow merbites......(just dont ask questions that have already been anwsered,or that are just dumb)


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
thanks for the warning..but annonces123 has nothing to do with the services being sold by their advertisers.

That statement would be wrong. They might think so, but they are liable. Think I'm wrong? Go get a big pile of Kiddie porn and start selling it on annonces123 - see what happens to them, and to you. Or Heroin. Or stolen goods. Or pimp out an under-age girl or two on A123. Perhaps instead of calling, Woody should have written in. On the page with contact information, A123 takes responsibility for their content.


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Woody is right - they are smalltime. Of course they are. This is Québec, which is a small part of Canada, which is itself small-time.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
i still find this bad news...if you dont do your homework....and in turn get bad service,or baited and switched...
then deal with the provider..!
but if someone .. sends threats,or facts to the ad site..
the only thing that will happen,is they will shut down there adult section.
thats exactly what happened to kijiji.
dont forget,these sites kind of pretend that they dont know whats going on within there site,...they play dumb.
...... its free advertising....only the top v.i.p ads are payed for.
.....i agree on the child porn,or drugs.,.......
but if you get baited and switched,then there is not much that they can do...(this isnt a stolen phone,or faulty plumber)
you cant go about advising the site.,the same way you would do..if a merb paid advertiser had someone with stolen pictures..
...........i would hate to see them shut down because of a few individuals that dont take the necessary and suggested precautions.

now all this being said..yes there is a portion of providers that all have fake pictures......or are a complete waste of time.
but this is one of the first places that new.,inexperienced real girls come to try their hand in the industry,,
..they end up elsewhere..like prized agencys.,or indys with their own site......
so it has its purpose,and importance.....i cant stress..how by calling them.,or complaining about the legal aspects of having advertisers with stolen pics..could only lead to them saying fuck it..were not making any money off it anyways.,and just shutting down that whole section.,......
needless to say .,that would be bad..for everyone that doesnt just want to see the same 9 girls in an agency,...that we all have seen.
am i getting my point across....i know its my opinion..but really i find 6 out of every ten girls i meet.,and eventually share....
all on this site....so i plead caution when doing things like ...
calling them to talk about picture copyrights...

if you personally dont want to risk it..or even deal with this site..,then all you have to do is ...simply look elsewhere..
let the toft guys..fish,search,sort and spread....and then you could go for the ones that are filtered out.

...so woody.,what you do..is a great service to us all.....
but in my opinion.,you should weed out the individual providers.,their numbers.,and ad numbers.....
but dont turn your target to a free advertising website.....

...once again i am not criticizing your reasons..you have saved me a few hundred bucks..and i am grateful..
but for some of the pussy i have on speeddial.,that i would of never found without 123...i am more than willing to take a few losses.

......as for graigslist.....they deserve a lot more to be threatened.....
9 out of 10 ads are trash..lies...etc...
but annonces 123.,still has a mass majority of undiscovered,hidden,and worthwile talent waiting to be exploited.
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New Member
Jul 10, 2003
Visit site
i still find this bad news...if you dont do your homework....and in turn get bad service,or baited and switched...
then deal with the provider..!

Whether it's annonce 123, CL, Journal de l'Urinal, none of them conduct security checks into who advertizes. It's a quick money grabbing operation otherwise no advertiser would ever get past proper filtering.

There is an element of risk in any transaction done via ANY provider site. Unless you want to be a "Took One For The Team" champ and you have an unlimited budget, best to rely on the advice of those posters here who have a credible track record. This can be a very expensive "hobby", goes without saying. Might as well get all the advice you can get right here.
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