Montreal Escorts

Bibiane Bovet - Candidate


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
That link is dead, but this one from the Gazette is not:

MONTREAL — Published reports Friday say that one of mayoral hopeful Mélanie Joly’s hand-picked candidates is a former escort.

According to La Presse, Bibiane Bovet worked in the sex trade up to 2012 to pay for a sex change operation. Bovet is running for Groupe Mélanie Joly in the DeLorimier riding of Plateau-Mont-Royal. The report says Joly was aware of the woman’s former job.


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Sep 3, 2011
ABC Tities Club!
J'ai entièrement confiance en Mme Bovets beaucoup plus que n'importe quel Politicien de Laval ou meme ceux de montréal.

A vouloir toujours des anciens politiciens, on voit ce que ca a donne!


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Jul 10, 2003
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oh ya this one is special,i remember many adds where he/she said she had hundreds of disiplines in massage and a 1 hr was 300 as a warmup rates were redicilous

Here's one of her pitches ...

I have studied massages all my life from the age of 12 years old, because my father had a problem with his right shoulder and he was constantly asking me to give him massages on his shoulder. And one day I fixed it. I didn't know what I did but I fixed it.

Then i started to give massages to everyone in my family, my Mom, my sister, my cousins, my aunts, my uncles and different relatives. I was just trying different things back then. One day, when I was 15, I was laying with a girl naked and playing with her back, drawing things slowly with my finger on her back and I noticed that she had a vertebrae that was out of place. So, I did something unconsciously, fixing her back. And she was really really happy that I did. I had no clue how I did it tho.

And then we moved to the Bahamas and a year later I moved to the USA to Miami. Moving to Miami, I went and learned martial arts. My teacher, mastered 21 styles of martial arts and was also an Acupuncture Physician. One day I hurt my back and he gave me a massage and fixed me. I told him about my past experiences and told him that this is exactly how I did it and that I wanted to learned what he did. He called this massage Setai and told me that I can learn this in japan. So, I went to Japan and studied for 2 years there. Then return to the USA. I am famous in the USA for my massages. I worked on entire families and very famous people, in Miami, DC, New York and Los Angeles. I had people flying to me or flying me to them to work on them. Recently, in April 2011, a wealthy, famous and well-known man flew me to Hawai'i for a week of treatments and energy balancing as well as for Tantric experiences. Last year a British man flew me to Las Vegas for a week and another to Los Angeles for a few days.

I am always available for consultation and for any private sessions, individually (male or female) or couples for sex therapy. Having lived on both sides of the fence makes me quite the perfect psychologist and Tantric teacher for any and all human beings of any gender. I have the knowledge, the intelligence, the refinement and discretion towards all my clientele to respect their privacy and intimacy regarding our proceedings and consultations. I am bound by professional secrecy. That is mainly the principal difference with regards to the level of consciousness and professionalism between those that call themselves escorts and a Coutisane.

If you need further information about me or my services, please consult my Webpage: *******.com and/or my Website: *********.com.


Sexily Yours,

Bibiane Bovet, Acupuncture Physician & Yoga Therapist (Courtisane & Tantrika)

Physician? :lol:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
C'était tristement désolant de voir Mme Joly repeter sans cesse sa cassette lorsque les journalistes lui demandait si Bibiane payait ses impots comme escorte.Bien sur,les croches de Montréal et Laval ont fait bien pire mais two wrongs dont make a right.
Si un candidat travaillait comme déneigeur et ne payait pas son lot d'impots,elle le lui pardonnerait aussi?
J'ai fait affaire avec Bibiane en 2009,par curiosité.Elle travaillait alors dans un salon straight mais était la seuls trans du salon.Son massage était amamteur et sans technique.


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Jun 21, 2003
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Wow, you can't even scrip something like this.

I think it would have been fine if she was an escort, but a transexual escort just takes it to the next level.


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
I was speaking to a friend of mine about this yeaterday, she said that it would not matter to most people. I suspect that most people will say that her past and gender change makes no difference. That is what they will say, but when it come time to vote it will be a differentstory.


Sep 19, 2005
A friend SP did a duo with her last year. She told me that Bibiane was the coldest person she ever met. She used to advertise on shemalecanada until fall 2012, maybe even until later, I did not check. I checked this morning, and her ads were not there anymore. She wrote that she is from Switzerland, and that she has a Master's degree in Psychology (I think) and a certificate in Massotherapy and that she speaks like 5 languages.

If she has an icy personality and no compassion for others, then she would have never made a good politician, regardless the FMA investigation. Maybe her attitude had also something in her getting kicked out from Joly's team.


Sep 19, 2005
The website of her company dgtmutual is a Wordpress blog, hosted on to top it all! Who is going to trust and invest in such a company. And what does DGT stand for? A Diva and Gorgeous Tranny? Setting a new currency? It smells money laundry and tax evasion.

I am not homophobic at all, though I find this story entertaining and surrealistic at the same time.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Well she may have her faults but compared to some in Politics she is "Snow White" she could hardly do worse than many in Government just now.


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Jul 10, 2003
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Jul 10, 2003
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Mme Bovet a d'abord admis avoir fait le métier d'escorte pendant sept mois tout en admettant ne pas avoir payé d'impôts. Elle refuse de prendre le blâme allant jusqu'à faire des reproches au gouvernement fédéral.

«Il faudrait d'abord que le gouvernement fédéral crée un code des professions pour escorte. Comment pouvais-je remplir un rapport d'impôts sous un code des professions qui n'existe pas?» a demandé Bibiane Bovet.

The 7 month reference was in respect of her current identity. If you add up all of the undeclared cash earnings by each of her prior identities, it takes her into the better part of a decade. :violin:
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