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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
I checked the web and its credibility doesn't run high.
Does anyone think that Carlson has credibility ?
Tucker Carlson was reporting on this conference event:

The above website is not searchable on google yet it was an international event.
Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Statisticians, etc ...
Many speakers. Very unsettling.

One video of Denis Rancourt, a Canadian academic, relates association of the vaccine campaign with subsequent all cause excess deaths.
Over the months and years the data from the experimental mRNA Tech is now coming in.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Men and mice: Relating their agesNational Institutes of Health (.gov)

"We found that one human year is equivalent to nine mice days"

A Mouse-Adapted SARS-Coronavirus Causes Disease ...National Institutes of Health

"...and the brain was examined 60 days post-infection ..... indicating long-term neurological changes in a brain area which is critical for long-term memory consolidation and processing. "

60 mouse days/9=6.66666666...human years.
Well now this???
This looks like a psyop to cover possible covid vaccine long term brain damage???
We all read of long covid and "Brain fog"

What is COVID-19 brain fog — and how can you clear it? Harvard Health

Kick it up next level!!
They have no reservations reporting this. Sketchy.

Daily MailChinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate

Also WHO announcing Disease X??
Disease X term was thrown around a lot in conspiracy talk but is now mainstream.

What is Disease X and why is it in the news?New Scientist

So hypothetically DiseaseX could also be a cover for long term vax effects???
The News cycle is getting unreal.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Everything you've posted is sketchy
I know!

Move over Wuhan!

America's frightening new bat lab: $12m taxpayer-funded ...Daily Mail

"Proposals seen by this website show how the 14,000sq-ft facility could store and study some of the most transmissible pathogens on the planet - including Ebola, Nipah virus and Covid-19."

I believe soon an ebola thread might have to be opened.
Maybe these news reports are spoilers for disease X?

Ebola vaccine: Canada approves shot for exposed adults | CTV News

Ebola virus vaccine: Canadian Immunization Guide -

Ebola Vaccine That 'Sheds' Onto/Infects Others 31%

Live attenuated ebola vaccine in Canada! Yayyy!
F Live attenuated polio vaccine I remember that one.
Old forgotten(by the public) news 2019.

More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virusAP News
Note: Covid19 Vax in Canada was Not a Live attenuated vaccine.

Either way what I see is Forced Directed Evolution of diseases into the future.
A Big Disturbance in the world of viruses and public health is underway.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

A Federal judge has ruled that Justin Castro's use of the Emergency Act was Unconstitutional and unreasonable. I said that from day one. The trucker protest was in response to tyranny from the government from never ending covid mandates. They had no intention to every release us. Even though this ruling is the correct one, it is not like the Trudeau Liberal government will be held accountable or charged. They should freeze Justin Castro's bank accounts also. The judge also said the Emergency Act infringed on rights. What Justin Castro did was the act of a dictator. Freezing bank accounts has never been done before till now.

We are not owned and operated by the state for public benefit. Anti-mandate does not mean anti-vaccine. My position from day one is not that vaccines are bad. My position is that adults have the right to weigh the evidence, make the decision and bear the consequence. I am against the Nanny state and Paternalism. It is not the governments job to play Grandma. Let this be a lesson that what happened in the last two years should never be repeated again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
CCP Demands Destruction of All COVID-19 Data, Source Suggests

Above article from Epoch Times.

"The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.
The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television.
The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China"

Trusted source I have no idea, but I did not like what I read in the article.

Thankfully in the article "The Epoch Times is unable to verify his claims."

From article:

"According to Mr. Chen, COVID-19 and numerous cases of pneumonia and white lung are still surging in the nation. .......
According to Mr. Chen, there is a widespread belief among the public that these outcomes are linked to receiving the vaccine.
He stated that he has heard discussions among people around him, speculating that there will be a widespread mortality rate among those who have been vaccinated ten years later.
He said, “The COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine have already resulted in a considerable number of deaths among the elderly. If there is another large-scale death in ten years, the government will attribute it to other causes, rather than the COVID-19 vaccine.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
CCP Demands Destruction of All COVID-19 Data, Source Suggests

Above article from Epoch Times.

"The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.
The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television.
The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China"

Trusted source I have no idea, but I did not like what I read in the article.

Thankfully in the article "The Epoch Times is unable to verify his claims."

From article:

"According to Mr. Chen, COVID-19 and numerous cases of pneumonia and white lung are still surging in the nation. .......
According to Mr. Chen, there is a widespread belief among the public that these outcomes are linked to receiving the vaccine.
He stated that he has heard discussions among people around him, speculating that there will be a widespread mortality rate among those who have been vaccinated ten years later.
He said, “The COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine have already resulted in a considerable number of deaths among the elderly. If there is another large-scale death in ten years, the government will attribute it to other causes, rather than the COVID-19 vaccine.”

That's about as far from a credible, trusted source as you can get, and I suspect you know that. The source is rubbish and the story is rubbish. The internet is replete with vaccine disinformation and conspiracy theories. That BS doesn't need to be spread here just to get a reaction.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Tucker Carlson was reporting on this conference event:

The above website is not searchable on google yet it was an international event.
Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Statisticians, etc ...
Many speakers. Very unsettling.

One video of Denis Rancourt, a Canadian academic, relates association of the vaccine campaign with subsequent all cause excess deaths.
Over the months and years the data from the experimental mRNA Tech is now coming in.
Google accepted 10s if not 100s of millions of dollars in U.S. government vaccine promotion money to hide all criticisms of the vaccines.

The US government set up a $24 billion fund to promote the vaccines, via advertising, payments to social media companies, doctors, universities ... and most importantly bloggers and YouTube stars.

To give an idea of the scale, that's 24 times Pfizer's annual $1 billion advertising budget.

Almost everything you read about the vaccines in MSM is fake.
Nothing like this has ever happened before in history.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
If an adult is against being covid vaccinated that's their choice and none of my business. What I'm not okay with is the spreading of spurious vaccine conspiracy theories and disinformation that may influence others not to get vaccinated.
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