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Do you like to drink with SPs in a session?


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Are you the type of dude that gets straight to business and go to sex immediately? Forget drinks...

Or you also the type of guy that likes to drink with an indy or agency girl? Whether its you bringing some beer or wine or champagne to a session?

Do you like to drink in a session?

For me, i do like to drink with agency girls or indys. I enjoy a good wine or beer with girls at the agency or indy.

Honestly though, i do get a little disapointed if i offer a drink and the girl is not into drinking. Nothing with 1 social drink, no? Lol

Also, i'm pretty sure there's some SPs out there that love to drink. Its just i havent found them, yet lol.

Hey girls out there, if you like drinking, hit me up, i'm currently looking for a sp who enjoys a social drink in a session

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Active Member
Jan 8, 2014
Depends on the session length that i take and if it's a repeat. I don't on the first meet, but if it is a repeat and we had a connection, i do. 1hr is short to start drinking and socializing, if i go for 2-3 or 4 i sure do to spice things up a little, even order food for the 3-4 hrs sessions.

It also depends on the SP, some just want to have it done with, and leave.
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Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Depends on the session length that i take and if it's a repeat. I don't on the first meet, but if it is a repeat and we had a connection, i do. 1hr is short to start drinking and socializing, if i go for 2-3 or 4 i sure do to spice things up a little, even order food for the 3-4 hrs sessions.

It also depends on the SP, some just want to have it done with, and leave.
Or at least 1 social drink? No?


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Needless to say, one of the reasons why i always liked Kendall is because she was always down for a drink. She loved wine.

A reason why she was my all time favorite. She loved a good social drink. Laid back & cool like that. More girls, in my opinion, need to have at least 1 social drink in a session.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2014
Or at least 1 social drink? No?
Maybe if the chemistry is there right away., 1 hr is so short, with the shower, the blabla, you end up having a short session and i like to revel in the pleasure lol


Active Member
Oct 8, 2018
never when I am “on-site”. 1hr is too short so no need to waste time with wine. With the exception of New Years with a regular, in which case I bring champagne. (Also bring an extra bottle for her to share with other girls after).

however, I do bring wine for when I see a regular girl “off-site”, because of the flexibility.

try not to drink too much though. Could ruin your session lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
If I'm having a drink I'll always offer one. I'll usually have a bottle of wine or two ready to go. But it really depends on the conversation and the energy when she arrives that will determine if drinks are to be offered. Some of the greatest SP's that I've had the pleasure to bang didn't drink. So it really depends on the girl.


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I always have liquor or wine available. I usually make the offer to them when they arrive if it's outcall, and once in a while I'll bring some to the incall. I think a lot of the ladies often feel pressured to have a drink with you especially if your drinking already so I don't drink anything unless they're interested in joining me for one. You have to look at it from they're perspective. If an agency girl is working a 6-8 hr shift and at least half the guys offer her alcohol, it can add up quick. They are watching they're waistlines too, so take that in mind. More often than not, they're more interested in a bottle of water (which I offer as well) so that's fine with me. To me, it's important to be a good host when the ladies visit my place.


Active Member
Dec 21, 2018
Are you the type of dude that gets straight to business and go to sex immediately? Forget drinks...

Or you also the type of guy that likes to drink with an indy or agency girl? Whether its you bringing some beer or wine or champagne to a session?

Do you like to drink in a session?

For me, i do like to drink with agency girls or indys. I enjoy a good wine or beer with girls at the agency or indy.

Honestly though, i do get a little disapointed if i offer a drink and the girl is not into drinking. Nothing with 1 social drink, no? Lol

Also, i'm pretty sure there's some SPs out there that love to drink. Its just i havent found them, yet lol.

Hey girls out there, if you like drinking, hit me up, i'm currently looking for a sp who enjoys a social drink in a session

As someone who drinks very little to begin with.. I’d probably turn you down. If you brought wine, I’d pour 2 glasses and maybe take a Sip or 2 to be polite ; If you were a regular. However, I make it a point to always be completely sober and aware of my surroundings for appointments.. when I worked agency with other girls I saw how they put themselves in precarious situations because of alcohol/drug consumption and it scared the hell out of me. I also saw a few girls who were drugged on an outcall (the reason I no longer do outcalls) and thankfully I avoided that situation because I only drank water from a sealed water bottle!


Active Member
Dec 21, 2018
Interesting point of view, when I offer wine, I never imagine that all this information is going through your mind. If we ever encounter each other’s, I will make sure to bring you non alcoholic glass or Alluminium beverage.
That’s what these boards are for.. sharing our experiences and helping others see different points of view! ☺️ While you aren’t obligated to offer anything.. it does make us feel more appreciated even if it’s just a bottle of water!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I always bring a bottle of wine and usually some pastries or if I know the lady likes some kind of special snacks, the ones I know well I try to introduce them to some European specialties, chocolates, spicy foods. With a select few I have brought things I baked or cooked things that they would not be able to get in Montreal.
They seem to enjoy the attention and the snacks.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I'm not much of a drinker (that's why I'm obsessed with women) so I mostly abstain. But if she's coming over to my hotel, I always ask in advance what she likes to drink and buy it or have something available for the agency ladies in addition to water.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I am not a drinker and mostly if I do drink is maybe a glass of wine or two during a dinner engagement but preferably none.

Will always offer alcohol if it is available and the SP picks it. Being drunk/tipsy and high are not things I want in an encounter.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
When you bring a nice bottle (like Chablis) … it’s very rare the girl refuse to have a glass with you..! I always take some wine in my encounters and i need a minimum 90min meeting .
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Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
Best not to be high or drunk on both parties. I have heard of stories of girls getting punched in the eye by an drunken john. Personally, I had a girl got violent with me when drunk. The famous Scarlett came to visit me high on something. She didn't do anything while there. Completely catatonic.
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Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
Are you the type of dude that gets straight to business and go to sex immediately? Forget drinks...

Or you also the type of guy that likes to drink with an indy or agency girl? Whether its you bringing some beer or wine or champagne to a session?

Do you like to drink in a session?

For me, i do like to drink with agency girls or indys. I enjoy a good wine or beer with girls at the agency or indy.

Honestly though, i do get a little disapointed if i offer a drink and the girl is not into drinking. Nothing with 1 social drink, no? Lol

Also, i'm pretty sure there's some SPs out there that love to drink. Its just i havent found them, yet lol.

Hey girls out there, if you like drinking, hit me up, i'm currently looking for a sp who enjoys a social drink in a session

The thing with ladies refusing drinking is you need to consider that these girls do this multiple times a day, most mulyiple days a week. You aren’t their only client and chances are you aren’t the only one who offered them a drink that day. For you it’s one but for them it might be their third one that day.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I am an Indy guy. After I have sent my introduction to the lady and she wants to meet, that is where I ask if she partakes in have some drinks, not to get drunk. The drink is just an icebreaker and with some booze in the system things loosen up, we are both more relaxed. I do not want to get the lady drunk, even if she is a drinker, I'll stop her.


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Recently I had a Sapporo with Kimi at XO and she was cool with having a cold one; and I was thinking... finally...a.chick that knows how to have fun.

One reason why I'd repeat with her again. She can be fun and not be so self serious.
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