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Finding a home is hard when you're a SP with pets... cool landlords wanted :)

Jan 29, 2014
Hi everyone :)

I have recently learned that I will need to find a new place for myself, my roommate, and my 3 floofs by August or September.
I also have a good friend from Ottawa looking to move to Montreal in June.

Both of us are once again faced with the same old issue, how to find a good place (which we can both easily afford...) without being able to pass a credit check, and while having to lie about work.

It gets very hard when one is actually happy and proud of the life they have built for themselves to always have to lie about it.

Let alone the fact that I have 3 cats, and I smoke, and my friend has a cat and a dog... it's easy to feel like we aren't welcome anywhere?

Annnyway... my point being, this is a nice big wide community, hard to believe some of you nice gentlemen aren't also potentially landlords looking for new tenants?
Let me be clear, neither of us is looking to trade services for rent, we just want to feel like we can have an actual home where we don't have to lie or hide who we are by fear of getting kicked out.

so to recap.

looking for

1 nice 1 or 2 bedroom near plateau for june or July


1 nice 2+ bedroom near plateau for August or September

thank you and have a great day :)


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
i understand very well your issue. I recommend you to look at a duplex unit at Plateau. In your case , i suggest to go with a good agence. Give him all the details and make him make the research for you. Also, with the agence , the credit check could be passed easier . Good luck!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Pets are hard to pass by these days. We had a cat couple years ago, he passed away of old age at the age of 18. We decided not to get another one or any other pet especially for the reasons that its hard to find a good place to live with them. We did find a good place for this july, but in the renting contract its stipulated no pets... Maybe we could had dealth a cat, we did it before while ours was still alive, but we are super happy to have get the place we did. Its not perfect (at least to my standard in term of location, its on a passing street and i had prefered a small street with almost no cars) but the rooms are big and ill finally be able to have my gaming room i always wanted, complete with fridge, kinect space, shelve space for all my games, couch and bathroom just beside and all i wanted. Im sure you can understand this ;)

When it comes to pets, really depends on the owner and what he decide, but for credit check did you offered 3-4 months in advance? May be enough to make him think your a good payer and rent it to you. Of course i know Montreal is dirty expensive compare to where i live, so you may not have this cash, i am just speculating. For what we gonna pay at 550$ a month here, it would probably cost 1200$ at the very least in MTL.... :/

As for the smoking, well may i recommand you try to do it either under your kitchen fan or near a window. This can really make a HUGE difference trust me. I know its fun to feel at ease home and all but smoking under the fan could really help removing the scent for the neighbords , my roomate has been smoking under the fan for years now and altough sometimes i get piss the damn cinder is on the oven (lol) at least the smell is really killed off in the appartement as much as possible.

In any case i wish you good luck. Hope you find what you need either on the merb community or elsewhere.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Ah, I was about to answer to you to rent a house... but in the location you want, it might out of price.

That's what I do and living in the country, having peace with my little fur baby friends. I'm living in what we could call "a tiny house" for the square feet it has.

(And by the way, I have a little mother here who is about to have a bunch of little kitties,
and I am looking for good humans to adopt in about 8-9 weeks of that, when they will be ready. My cats are always very friendly with "their humans" hahaha)

Have good luck in your search Amelie, I have faced exactly the same situation (except I don't smoke, but that's a detail)
Maybe looking in a larger area will help you, but who knows, maybe "internet magic" exists?? ;-))) Crossing my fingers for you xox


Aug 24, 2011
cats are usually never a problem. dogs are a bit trickier depending on landlord. credit check not really a problem, if you can show you have the finance and getting references are what's needed.

the smoking is the problematic one though... does it have to be plateau? there's some nice flats in my hood (little italy, Petite-Patrie, villeray) for similar prices than what you'd be paying

been looking for a flat too but let me see what I can find
Jan 29, 2014
thanks guys :)

Pretty much looking anywhere between frontenac metro and berri, and up to rosemont, but I want to stay not to far from my mom cause she has bad legs :)
My roommate does have a good "normal" job so that should make it easier a bit.

I'm just really dreading being turned down by everyone, but can't let it get me down :)

thanks for all the comments and help :)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Glad you found that quick ! :)
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