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first time with SP, now freaking out about STDs


New Member
Apr 27, 2018
I went there with the idea of getting only a BJ with condom. after a while, she suggested PIV and I accepted.
I didn't last very long.

it was dumb, and I regret it greatly. this was the first and last time I use a SP.

condom didn't break, stayed on. she cleaned me after.

but I can't help but freak out about STDs. some can be transmitted even with condom.
and condom only reduce the risk of getting STDs...

I knew all that. but it's only after that all of that I realized that for real.

she assured me she get tested every month and always use protection.
i'm thinking she could lie or her potential STDs maybe aren't testable yet (some STDs can be dormant for long time)

my wife is coming home next week. we dont use protection.

i'm thinking of playing the odds and not tell her anything.

my questions:

what are the chances I got something from the SP with protected PIV sex?
how long should I wait before getting tested?
is there a database of known SP with STDs?

thank you
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Aug 6, 2011
Relax. If the condom didn't break, you are safe. The chances of getting STDs from protected sex is extremely low.


Feb 10, 2006
relax, you are suffering from guilt trip anxiety. If it makes you feel better get tested, but the odds you face are lower then getting hit by a car....
do some research on the odds, if you know numbers , that should make u feel better....
otherwise, watch out there is a chance lightning might hit you on a sunny day!

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
IMHO, I don't think you are ready for this hobby.
Like its been said do your homework and read the odds of what can happen.
Good luck

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Dude... lol

SPs are getting tested regulary, its there job, there bread and butter and there health.

You done everything with condom from what i understand so you are like 99.99% safe lol.

You remind me of the first time i visited an SP, i was fearfull of everything. STDs, Police, Pimps, lol. I even asked the SP if i could get AIDS by a BBBJ (she happened to also study to be a nurse) :p


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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relax, you are suffering from guilt trip anxiety.

Yes- big time!!!!!! Dude has a better chance getting an STD barebacking his wife and doesn’t even know it. She is probably sleeping with her boss. He would catch it from the wife and blame the SP and not even know!!!!

I know someone who got herpes based throat cancer, this from eating pussies of 3 different wives. Never saw an escort in his life. 3 wives and girlfriends between those marriages.It just shows you how naive people are about the nature of STDs.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The bad news is that there is always a small chance that you could pick up an STI from skin to skin contact.
The good news is that it won`t kill you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
If you worry and have concerns go and get tested yourself. If all comes back negative which from the way you described your situation looks like you will be okay.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
IMHO, I don't think you are ready for this hobby.
Like its been said do your homework and read the odds of what can happen.
Good luck

This reply

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Although i’m a very good and defensive driver i often have to deal with the anxiety of someone running into me when i least expect it. But it doesn’t prevent me from going for a drive once in a while since i still enjoy doing this. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Do you even have any symptoms to begin with? If not, you're totally overreacting. Chill out and relax....with that much paranoia, I don't think hobbying is for you.


New Member
Apr 27, 2018
Do you even have any symptoms to begin with? If not, you're totally overreacting. Chill out and relax....with that much paranoia, I don't think hobbying is for you.

i do have symptoms since sunday (4 days after the event). I attributed those to irritation caused me masturbating with lube the day before (I fell asleep after masturbating without cleaning). not the first time I got this kind of irritation/burning sensation after using lube.

i feel light burning around my asshole and penis gland
my wife now has small pimples on her buttocks (36hours after intercourse)

again, freaking out massively

i'll find time to get tested tomorrow, dont know where yet.

with my luck, this 'hobby' as you guys call it, is not for me. it might be the end of my relationship.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This could be called Karma.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Is this thread real??

A pimple on her buttocks? A light burning around your asshole and gland??

Go for a full test at clinique 24/7 on Mont-Royal near papineau. Hopefully you will see beautiful girl Marie as the nurse ;) And if you do have an STD come back to me with the proof and I will buy you the nicest bottle of champagne to drunk yourself as you be back to the single market.

What will you offer me if you got nothing??



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
Some_Perv, my good buddy goes through EXACTLY what you describe. He freaks out, imagines he has symptoms, sees symptoms, gets tested and is clean. He has been through this process each and every time he does this. He has done this 5 times!!! Don't go through this trauma! It is not worth it. There are other ways to get off, try something else. My buddy was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I believe you have the same thing. I offer you the same deal as Jalimon and in return I want nothing more than a beer! Preferably cold.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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We have some mental illness going on in this thread. It should be noted that mentally ill persons are permitted to post on MERB if they obey the rules. Some mental illnesses like OCD have manifested with some other posters here as well. I am concerned more about this person’s mental well-being than his physical at this time. If he really got something it likely came from his wife which is the most disturbing aspect of his posts. Guys do get herpes from their wives, a significant percentage of the adult population has it and if he barebacked her it’s a done deal. As I mentioned already my colleague got the throat cancer that comes from eating too much pussy from one of his wives. Michael Douglas had that same cancer and successfully treated for it. 75% 5 year survival rate but the treatment is 7 week of hell. Anyway I think this guy has it in his head and it’s a guilt response as previously noted. It’s probably the first cheat on the wife and may have activated the OCD or possibly some kind of latent post traumatic stress disorder. He should really see a therapist as well as getting tested. And get some anxiety meds.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Or the dude does not have a wife, does nof have a condition and is trolling. Brand new member and first post, really.


New Member
Apr 17, 2018

If you kept the protection the whole time you will be fine. The condom protects against the most common STDs Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. There is always a small chance of getting those even with protected sex but unlikely. (You can get these by having a BBBJ)
If you want to get tested you should wait 2 weeks before getting tested as there is a higher chance for a false negative. Getting tested the next day wont work.

They also protect very well against HIV (the virus that causes aids). Very very unlikely to get this if you use protection.

For hepatitis B you probably got vaccinated and if you are unsure you should go to a clinic and ask to get tested to see if you are immune.

Syphilis can get transmitted in some cases (secondary syphilis) through skin to skin contact but this is rare cause the person has a pretty big rash. I assume she didn't if you had sex with her.

As for herpes that can get transmitted even with a condom but odds are you probably already have it and this infection is not deadly. Genital herpes can be uncomfortable when you have a breakout but there are medications for this. (Prevent breakouts or reduce the time of a breakout) The infection is lifelong and can be dormant for many years. (Some people are infected but never experience symptoms.) Can't be traced back to your SP. You could have gotten this from anyone in your past. (Labial (mouth) herpes is transmitted 80% of the time by the mother to her baby.)

As for HPV this can get transmitted even if you use a condom. Our body gets rid of it in over 95% of the time over a couple of years. This one has been associated with cervical cancer and throat cancer. Odds are you probably had this infection already. It can't be tested in men (tests do exist but no benefit to testing) and if your partner ends up with an abnormal PAP smear it can't be traced back to you or your SPs as these infections tend to stay dormant for long periods of time.

Therefore, as with everything in life, it is always risk benefits. That choice belongs to you. In other words: Always be safe, never behave!! Hope this helps. If you have any other questions let me know!
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