Montreal Escorts

Grossed out by another Merbite / Dégouté par un autre Merbiste

Are you grossed out by a Merbite and will it influence your choice to NOT see a lady

  • Yes another Merbites grossses me out and yes I will not see a lady he saw first

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Yes another Merbites grossses me out but I will see the lady anyway

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • It leaves me indifferent either way

    Votes: 15 41.7%

  • Total voters

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Version Française plus bas.

Hello all,

Internet is a good way of communication and it allows a lot of us to act, share information, chat without not necessarily showing who we are and projecting an image of ourself. Sometimes, the image one web user has of another one is very different from the reality. Sometimes, the image a web user is projecting is not at all close from the real person. That can be positive but it can also be negative.

I was chatting today with an old friend from Merb and we started exchanging our thoughts on reviews. Then, he brought something up that I had actually alos thought before. He told me that there are some Merbites who he finds are (or seem to be) gross. Just by the way those people are reviewing the ladies, he has a bad feeling of them. So much that it might influence his choice to not see the lady after this other Merbite did.

It made me wonder, how many of you are grossed out by some other Merbites and will not see a lady those men have seen?

BTW, the poll is private. ;)


Bonjour à tous,

Internet est une très bonne façon de communiquer et qui permet à plusieurs d'entre nous d'agir, de partager de l'information, de bavarder (ou clavarder) sans nécessairement montrer qui nous sommes et projetter une image de nous. Parfois, l'image qu'un usager à d'un autre est très différente de la réalité. Parfois, l'image qu'un usager projette n'est pas du tout près de sa vrai personne. Cela peut être positif mais ça peut aussi être négatif.

Aujourd'hui, je parlais avec un viel ami de Merb quand nous avons commencé à échanger nos pensées sur les reviews. Lors de cette discussion, il a soulevé une question que je m'étais aussi posée par le passé. Il m'a dit qu'il y a certains Merbistes qu'il trouve dégoutants (du moins, qui semblent l'être). Juste par la façon qu'ils écrivent leurs revues, il à un mauvais sentiment envers eux. Tellement que ça va même influencer son choix de ne pas voir une dame après que ce Merbiste l'est vue.

Alors, je dois vous poser cette question : combien d'entre vous sont dégoutés par un ou d'autres Merbistes et ne verrez pas une dame qu'ils ont vu?

En passant, le "poll" est privé. ;)
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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
As irrational as it seems your friend is not alone. The thought of being number 4 or 5 that night after a succession of banned merbites is particularly revolting. :eek: Go early or go HDH :D
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Apr 21, 2006
Interesting point of view, I never saw it this way. When I book a girl, I pretend there is only me and her for the time period and for example, I would never hesitate to see Lilly again, no matter what client she has seen in the past, event the same night.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Possum Trot said:
As irrational as it seems your friend is not alone. The thought of being number 4 or 5 that night after a succession of banned merbites is particularly revolting. :eek: Go early or go HDH :D

Nobody understands more than me your point of view, nobody likes to be #2-3-4 during a same day (well maybe some but that's different). Even after a shower. Might as well to go to an incall location. ;)

What I meant though was : after a review of a certain merbite. Some guy who usually posts in the street action thread sees your favorite HDH and makes a review about it. Will you still see her 6 months later?


Apr 21, 2006
I would still see the girl but try not to think about it. To me, what i find a bit disgusting and disturbing is when I add up the total of guys that the girls has seen.

I heard some girls say they where trying to maximise profit in a short period of time so they would do 10 guys a day for like a week. The thought of the girl being with some guys is exciting to me but that many just makes me sick.

To anwser you question directly, I don't really find any merb members discusting... I just hope i'm not the one grossing people out....;)

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
What I meant though was : after a review of a certain merbite. Some guy who usually posts in the street action thread sees your favorite HDH and makes a review about it. Will you still see her 6 months later?

I guess I'd be a little turned off partly because you would have this nagging doubt that the risk profile had changed.

From another perspective I guess the "brand" could become tarnished. This would only apply to indy's or HDH girls.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Possum Trot said:
I guess I'd be a little turned off partly because you would have this nagging doubt that the risk profile had changed.

From another perspective I guess the "brand" could become tarnished. This would only apply to indy's or HDH girls.

When you are the woman though, you have to not think about it. I explain : There are a lot of cross over. I mean, people who see some agency women will from time to time see an indy. So I assume, people who see street workers sometimes do see agency girls as well. I did see Mercedes and BMW picking up SW from time to time, so I imagine that those men can allow themselves to play in any fields (SW, agency, LDL and HDH) depending on the mood of the moment.

But as an escort, there is never a way to know the background of the person you meet unless you limited yourself to 10 people. I guess having a steady sugar daddy is the ultimate dream of all escorts.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
10-19 said:

Ta question en ouverture donnait un sens large et général à la discussion alors que celle-ci cherche plutôt à la circonscrire dans une classe de clients et dans des contraintes de temps.

Je fais la remarque parce que j'ai l'idée que ce sont deux questions différentes, chacune susceptible d'amener son lot de réponses.

Dans l'acception la plus large, je verrais très bien des scénarios se construire autour du sentiment de jalousie. Les clients n'en sont pas exempts, à plus forte raison parmis ceux qui trouvent davantage leur compte chez les indépendantes ou, plus généralement, les SP qui savent le mieux recréer le rapport amoureux. L'attachement affectif qui peut découler de rencontres répétées avec une ''préférée'' en contraste avec la promiscuité qui s'étale ouvertement dans les revues peut aussi faire en sorte que l'un devienne dégoûtant aux yeux de l'autre.

Dans le sens plus restreint, je vois mal le client de la rue migrer vers les HDH, même pour faire exception. Sans porter de jugement de valeur, la 'chasse' à laquelle s'adonne le client de la rue répond à des pulsions très différentes que celles qui animent le client des HDH, lequel chercherait plutôt à faire des rencontres calquées sur des modèles de relations plus familiers.

Mais si le cas existait, le dégoût serait moins question de jalousie que de classe. La comparaison a ses limites, mais je dirais que le sentiment ressemblerait dans ses grandes lignes à ceux, jadis, de l'aristocrate déchu dégoûté à l'idée que le bourgeois se soit éduqué et enrichi.

Je suis d'accord pour l'attachement / promiscuité / jalousie / dégout. J'ai déjà ressenti cela pour un ex après avoir vu ses conquètes subséquentes. :eek:

Mais vraiment ce que j'essayais de dire au début était surtout le sentiment face à un autre Merbiste. Je ne parle pas nécessairement du street action, c'était plutôt un exemple pour expliquer plus clairement le sens de la question. Mon interlocuteur aujourd'hui me disait être répulsé par certains Merbites à cause de sa perception qu'il a d'eux.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
10-19 said:
Les antipathies/dégoûts/répulsions ressenties les uns envers les autre n'ont rien de spécial (par parenthèse, dégoût de quoi au juste? Du contenu graphique des revues? De l'apparence physique? Du personnage de forum?).

Ce qui est spécial cependant, dans un contexte de promiscuité ouverte, c'est le fait de rejeter spécifiquement certaines escortes du seul fait qu'elles rencontrent des clients qui leurs sont antipathiques (dégoûtants, etc.)

Par spécial, je ne dis pas 'anormal'. Ce que je dis c'est que, pour en arriver à ce point, il faut que le client ait développé des attentes qui dépassent le cadre du business. Parce que penser que la ''préférée'' ou toute autre susceptible de le devenir rencontrera toujours des clients qui leur sont sympathiques ou indifférents est illusoire.

Ton ami vient peut-être de donner un premier signe que le business ne répond plus à ses attentes.

2 posts back to back complètement en français dans un thread bilingue sur un board majoritairement anglophone. Coudonc toi, t'es tu fait lavé le cerveau par Mazingerz? :p

Peut-être que le business ne lui convient plus ou peut-être devrait-il arrêter de lire MERB.


South of the Border
Jul 3, 2007
Now I'm always going to be thinking about who's so grossed out by my reviews that they won't see that girl anymore. Thanks for that, Lilly.


Sep 4, 2006
I was certain I was in the minority. There are a number of of reasons I won't see an SP if a specific reviewer has seen her. The top of that list would be if the reviewer has been one of those who mentioned being offered bbfs (not necessarily in that specific review, but in general), regardless of whether or not he indulged in it. The second is reviewers who've made me realize I had entirely different tastes than them, and what would be an incredible time he enjoyed with a girl be a mediocre session for me. The ones that usually fall into that category are the ones who love to describe how they completely destroyed the SP.

As for agency girls and LDL's, I rarely indulge and if I do its only if I am the first appointment for the day.
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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Maxima said:

1) Isn't it a subtle insult to all LDL sps, including those working for Eleganza, XXXtase, Devilish, WOP, GOF, SD, MSC, etc? Is it just a coincidence that the starter of this thread is an HDH indy?

I was the one that brought this aspect up. The odds are increased with LDL simply because they see more people. They also may have less opportunity to tend to hygene inbetween appointments. Blame me for introducing this angle.

2) Those who are grossed out by another Merbite because he was posting in the "street action thread" are living in a bubble or burying their head in the sand. There are tons of people in the real life who seldomly see an sp but who still gross me out. What make you think that you, yourself, are not grossing out another man? What make you think that the HDH rates that a man is willing to pay would make him not grossing you out? What make you think that an HDH is not sleeping with a junky boyfriend who would gross you out big time?

I'm sure you are right but logic doesn't change anything. A significant part of this is knowing or not knowing. It's easier to ignore if you don't know or even if you think it is less likely with one girl than another. I agree it's not airtight logic but that's me :). The slate gets wiped clean every week anyway.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
rollingstone said:
I was certain I was in the minority until I saw the poll. There are a number of of reasons I won't see an SP if a specific reviewer has seen her. The top of that list would be if the reviewer has been one of those who mentioned being offered bbfs (not necessarily in that specific review, but in general), regardless of whether or not he indulged in it. The second is reviewers who've made me realize I had entirely different tastes than them, and what would be an incredible time he enjoyed with a girl be a mediocre session for me. The ones that usually fall into that category are the ones who love to describe how they completely destroyed the SP.

As for agency girls and LDL's, I rarely indulge and if I do its only if I am the first appointment for the day.

I see your point very well. That means before we actually accept to see someone, we should go back in the archives and read all the reviews they posted. In the case we do not know the Merb handle, we should find out if they have one and then do a search.

Unfortunately, if it was that way, many of us would be out of business because most won't ever tell us their handles. :(

In all honesty, I do not read most reviews unless I see a huge hype about it and then something funny or terrible is being said about someone. I hate rumors and hearsays and tend to stay away from it and to me, lots of reviews and backchannel stuff are just a thin line away from all that.

Many girls I've talked to about this subject (including myself) admited to have known or see some providers that make them (us) feel grossed out (because of the amount of people they see per day, because of the way they advertise themselves almost trashy, because they knew they offered bbfs etc). The problem is, unless someone I've met (and know the Merb handle) ever posts about seeing one of those providers, we will never know about it... Yeah, you can go ahead and call me snotty! :rolleyes:
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
A girl told me she was snobbed by many merbites because her first review was from some banned merbite that many people didn't like. That person was one of her first meeting when she started in the business. How could she have knows this person would have a negative impact on her reputation even if the review was very good and accurate. She felt like she was cursed by that man's review.

I find that's unfair. If we'd do this on this side of the fence, many people wouldn't have appointments anymore and would be limited to 1-3 providers. Something to think about! :D

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Now I am trying to plan my next thread topic and because of this discussion and the one here I can`t decide wether it will be :

Lilly Lombard looking for exclusivity : Sugar Daddy needed! Email for donation.


How does it feel to have your balls tied up by an agency, believe all the BS they feed you about their competition and be limited to only see their girls?

I`m losing faith in human race. Goodbye innocence, naivety, candid young woman... :(

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Sep 19, 2005
Translation follows

What I find a turn off is when an SP is overly reviewed, regardless the members who wrote those reviews. Many reviews are so graphic and leave nothing to imagination. I think that I stopped seeing SPs the day I started reading the board. I see one once in a while and I do not choose them from the ones being reviewed here. I mostly check if there are any negative reviews about the woman I am tempted to meet. If such reviews exist, I switch to another provider. If I find no reviews about her, I still call the lady. So basically, the boards help me decide who to avoid and not who to meet.

On the other hand, we develop over time a mental image of many active members here. Sleeping with one of the SPs that one these members saw is like sleeping with your brother's wife (well, I am exagerating a bit here).


Što sam pronaći isključite je ako je pretjerano SP je pregledan, bez obzira na one članove koji je napisao recenzije. Mnoge su recenzije, tako i oni dopust grafičkih ništa mašte. Mislim da sam prestao gledat SPS dan sam započeo čitanje odbora. Vidim jednog na jednom dok i ja ne odabrati ih od onih koji se pregledavaju ovdje. Ja uglavnom ček ako ima bilo kakve negativne recenzije o ženi sam iskušavao u susret. Ako postoje takve recenzije, mogu prebaciti na drugog providera. Ako ne mogu naći recenzije o njoj, ja još uvijek nazivati gospođa. Tako je u osnovi i zajednice mi pomogne da se odlučite koji se izbjeći i koji se ne ispunjavaju.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
thebitchelor said:
it isnt that i dont believe what you are saying...but if its true...the guys who refused to meet her because of a stupid reason like this are such real jerks...

But they exist, look at the poll's results : Yes another Merbites grossses me out and yes I will not see a lady he saw first 8 - 34.78%

thebitchelor said:
but i know what you mean..i already had problem with it when i was a teenager(or teen:confused: not sure)i moved for the first time in my life...400km away from where i was(so i lost all my friends..had to make news ones...)and it was in july(so school wasnt begin yet...)the girl who lived next door came and talked with me...she was a year older..very sweet..lets just say that her name will be Mary Thomas Simpson...

I am still trying to figure out if you are implying in a subtle way people refused to see the said girl because they thought she might have had an STD?

thebitchelor said:
well, i believe that animals are more human than us with years and experience,...

Oh yes, that is so true! I've been saying for many years, in my 40's I will move away from civilazation and buy a dozen cats. I will become some village's wierd cat lady. :p

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
HornyForEver said:
Što sam pronaći isključite je ako je pretjerano SP je pregledan, bez obzira na one članove koji je napisao recenzije. Mnoge su recenzije, tako i oni dopust grafičkih ništa mašte. Mislim da sam prestao gledat SPS dan sam započeo čitanje odbora. Vidim jednog na jednom dok i ja ne odabrati ih od onih koji se pregledavaju ovdje. Ja uglavnom ček ako ima bilo kakve negativne recenzije o ženi sam iskušavao u susret. Ako postoje takve recenzije, mogu prebaciti na drugog providera. Ako ne mogu naći recenzije o njoj, ja još uvijek nazivati gospođa. Tako je u osnovi i zajednice mi pomogne da se odlučite koji se izbjeći i koji se ne ispunjavaju.

Huh, from the little Polish I still understand, it doesn't seem like this text is the translation of the previous one.
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