Montreal Escorts

Hamas & Israel


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Despite all the news about Gaza in the past two months, many people still don't know the history of this place or exactly where it is. Here's a concise, objective analysis of the history of Gaza.

It's notable that the Muslim Arabs who have usually comprised a large majority of the population there have never been able to rule themselves successfully. Over the last few thousand years, the area has been ruled by the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, European Crusaders, Arabs from outside of Gaza, the Ottoman Turks, the Egyptians, the British, the Israelis, the PLO and lastly the terrorist group Hamas.

Gaza was never part of a state called Palestine because there has never been such a state. In the last few decades, when Palestinians and their Arab neighbors had a chance to establish such a state, they rejected the opportunity and turned again and again to terror.
Now the chance of ever seeing Gaza become part of an Arab-Muslim majority state is more remote than ever and sadly the fault lies with the Palestinian people themselves.

...The Ottomans [Muslim non Arab Turks] ruled Gaza for over 400 years. The first few centuries were peaceful and prosperous, and the prosperity extended to Jews. In his 1991 book The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, historian Stanford J. Shaw relates that there were “150,000 Jews in the Ottoman Empire as a whole at its height in the sixteenth century, approximately three percent of its population, compared to only 75,000 Jews in Poland and Lithuania at the same time.” In other words, the world’s largest Jewish population was in the Ottoman Empire, which the historian Tahir Kamran claims “provided a principal place of refuge for Jews driven out of Western Europe by massacres and persecution.” When the Ottomans took over, about 1,000 Jewish families lived in what is now Israel, and Gaza was one of the principal cities Jews inhabited. In fact, Jews had lived in Gaza since Biblical times, and Gaza is mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the five city-states ruled by the Philistines. Traces of Gaza’s old Jewish Quarter can still be found today.

The later Ottoman Empire fell into decline and neglected many of its outlying territories, including Palestine and Egypt. This encouraged Western powers to move in, with their missionaries, scholars, and merchants. Gaza became an important grain depot, with a German steam mill, and it exported barley to England to make beer. In an attempt to sever Britain’s trade routes to its colonies in India, Napoleon led an expedition to conquer Egypt and Palestine. In 1799, he personally marched into Gaza at the head of 13,000 troops, calling it “the outpost of Africa, the door to Asia.” American Presbyterian minister and historian Edward Robinson, sometimes called the “father of Biblical geography,” traveled through the Holy Land in 1838 and reported that Gaza produced soap, cotton, apricots, mulberries, and olives, and that it was a key stop on caravan routes for Bedouin traders between Syria and Egypt. In short, for much of its history, Gaza moved people, things, and ideas by land and sea, and its name was associated with geographic interconnectedness.

This began to change around the turn of the 20th century, when life in Gaza became more about surviving disasters and conflicts than pursuing prosperity through its status as a hub of goods and ideas. Gaza is situated near a geological fault called the Dead Sea Rift. In 1903 and 1914, the fault caused earthquakes that destroyed parts of the city. During World War 1, most of Gaza’s urban housing was damaged or destroyed in the First, Second, and Third Battles of Gaza, and in 1917 the British captured the city from the Ottomans. In 1920, what was left of post-Ottoman Gaza became part of the British territory known as Mandatory Palestine, which existed from 1920 to 1948. Some 135 of Gaza’s Jews were killed by Arabs in anti-Jewish riots in 1929. This forced the Jews to leave the city, although some later returned. During the Mandate, Palestine’s Jewish population doubled as over 400,000 Jews immigrated, especially from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Poland. But Gaza remained almost entirely Islamic: A 1945 survey shows that the district of Gaza had 150,540 residents (it was the fourth largest district in Mandatory Palestine), of whom 97 percent were Muslim, 2 percent Jewish, and 1 percent Christian.

Mandatory Palestine came to a violent end in 1948, after the United Nations agreed that the territory would be divided between a Jewish and an Arab state. The Arab state would comprise about 43 percent of Palestine’s area and 40 percent of its total population and would be 99 percent Arab and 1 percent Jewish. The Jewish state would cover 56 percent of Palestine’s total area and contain nearly half its population and would be 55 percent Jewish and 45 percent Arab. The Jewish side accepted this deal, but the Arabs rejected it, and thus the 1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence set off the Palestine War.

Jewish Zionist militias swept through Palestine and took 78 percent of the territory, far more than the 56 percent in the UN plan. By the time Israel and Egypt signed the 1949 Armistice Agreements that ended the war, some 6,000 Israeli Jews and over 10,000 Arabs had been killed in the fighting. Many of the 700,000 fugitive or expelled Muslim refugees crossed the Armistice Line from Israel into the Gaza Strip, which was then administered by Egypt. Meanwhile, in the three years that followed the war, around 600,000 Jews immigrated to Israel, including 260,000 from neighboring Arab states.

Israel took Gaza back from Egypt in the 1956 Suez Crisis, then returned it again—only to retake it once again (along with the West Bank and other territories) in the Six-Day War of 1967. Israel hoped to trade these captured Palestinian territories with its Arab neighbors in exchange for peace, but a deal never materialized.

Many other attempts at a two-state solution have been made, including the Oslo Accords in 1993, in which the Palestine Liberation Organization recognized Israel’s sovereignty. But Gaza’s chances of being part of a two-state solution evaporated with the election of Hamas in 2007, the last election ever to be held in Gaza. Hamas has never wavered from the purpose stated in its founding charter, the 1988 Hamas Covenant:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it. … [Hamas] strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. … The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

In 2005, Israel unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Strip, removing its military and all 21 Israeli settlements. In 2017, Israel offered that if Hamas demilitarized, returned Israeli captives and MIAs, and recognized the State of Israel’s right to exist in peace, then Israel would invest heavily in turning Gaza’s refugee camps into the “Singapore of the Middle East,” including building a seaport and airport to make Gaza a high-tech international crossroads. Hamas refused, and today, according to the UN, the average Gazan lacks potable water and lives on two pieces of Arabic bread a day.

Privately, Israel has asked Egypt to allow Gazans to escape the humanitarian disaster of the Gaza Strip and move into refugee camps in Egypt’s Sinai region. But the prospect that a mass exodus of Gazans might bring Hamas onto their soil has made Egypt and other Islamic countries wholly uninterested in taking Gazan refugees. The political geography of Gaza has thus remained a lose-lose stalemate since 1967: its Muslims are stuck in an isolated corner of a Jewish state, while Israel is stuck with a hostile territory it has never really wanted to govern. Israel’s former prime minister Levin Eshkol called Gaza “a bone stuck in our throats.”

The bustling prosperity of Gaza’s past and the impoverished confinement of its present illustrate how differing societies can shape the same landscape in starkly contrasting ways. And they show how the same geographically-blessed site can be connected or isolated, recognized or overlooked, fought over or abandoned, developed or wasted.

The philosopher Aeneas of Gaza wrote that “soul’s nature is so great, just because it has no size, as to contain the whole of body in one and the same grasp; wherever body extends, there soul is.” Today, the body of Gaza is cramped between heavily-guarded border walls and a coastline off limits to maritime exports. But as a bridge between seas and continents, Gaza will always have geography on its side. Many waves of prosperity, cultures, and empires have come and gone. It is hard to imagine now, but there will be a time when the body extends again, and travelers bound for foreign shores will once more sail out over the waves of Gaza.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
There can be no doubt that Hamas is nothing but an Islamic terrorist organization that is a threat not just to Israelis, but to anyone who does not accept their absurd, violent, intolerant, backwards ideology and way of life.

German authorities say they have made four arrests of suspected Hamas members linked to an alleged plot to attack Jewish sites.

Prosecutors said the suspects intended to store weapons in Berlin for possible use in an attack.

Danish authorities also said they had arrested three people accused of preparing an attack.

Denmark's intelligence agency said the Danish and German investigations were not directly linked.

German prosecutors said in a statement that three suspects linked to Hamas were arrested in Berlin and one in the Netherlands. Hamas, which runs Gaza, is banned across Europe as a terrorist group.

The arrests came after police raided five apartments and a restaurant in Berlin, German media reported.

The three held in Berlin were Lebanese and Egyptian, according to German prosecutors.

The fourth suspect, a Dutch national, was picked up in Rotterdam by Dutch police who were acting on information from the German authorities.

All four are believed to be long-standing members of Hamas.

The German prosecutors said the four were "closely linked" to the leadership of Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Here is a short interview by Piers Morgan of famous writer Sam Harris about the Islamist mindset that motivates Hamas and similar terror groups.

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Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
Amazing how the propaganda was able to shift the narrative. In fact….

For 75 years Israel was subjected to destruction and anhilation attemps by multiple arabs countries without succes.

For 75 years Israel was able not only to survive but to thrive in such a hostile environment creating a country like no other in the arab world.

For 75 years israel had to deal with terrorism, suicide bombing, rockets, stabings, shooting etc

For 75 years Israel and jews could have been terminated without any remorse if arabs were able to do it. As a matter of fact they tried many times.

For 75 years israel could have done to palestinians what turks did to kurds and syrians to syrians … moraly they didn’t

For 75 years the arab world, the UN and UNWRA kept the palestinians problem an ongoing problem.

For 75 years the so called palestinians had many chances to build a country and thrive next to Israel..

For 75 years not only they want it all but they also want death and charia …

For 75 years Israel proved that peace is possible. Egypte, Jordan, Abraham accords..

For 75 years this whole area could have been a HongKong model had they accepted the 1948 partition plan

It seems to me that Israel is the one “resisting” the occupation and genocidal attemps and it happens that so far they are pulling it off

Bad things has been done both sides. It can’t be undone. It’s time to move on. Jews and muslims aren’t some kind of cousins after all?
I wish for this messy war to end and for a 2 state solution but compromises needs to be made and the narrative from the river to the sea needs to end

open your eyes for god’s sake
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Amazing how the propaganda was able to shift the narrative. In fact….

For 75 years Israel was subjected to destruction and anhilation attemps by multiple arabs countries without succes.

For 75 years Israel was able not only to survive but to thrive in such a hostile environment creating a country like no other in the arab world.

For 75 years israel had to deal with terrorism, suicide bombing, rockets, stabings, shooting etc

For 75 years Israel and jews could have been terminated without any remorse if arabs were able to do it. As a matter of fact they tried many times.

For 75 years israel could have done to palestinians what turks did to kurds and syrians to syrians … moraly they didn’t

For 75 years the arab world, the UN and UNWRA kept the palestinians problem an ongoing problem.

For 75 years the so called palestinians had many chances to build a country and thrive next to Israel..

For 75 years not only they want it all but they also want death and charia …

For 75 years Israel proved that peace is possible. Egypte, Jordan, Abraham accords..

For 75 years this whole area could have been a HongKong model had they accepted the 1948 partition plan

It seems to me that Israel is the one “resisting” the occupation and genocidal attemps and it happens that so far they are pulling it off

Bad things has been done both sides. It can’t be undone. It’s time to move on. Jews and muslims aren’t some kind of cousins after all?
I wish for this messy war to end and for a 2 state solution but compromises needs to be made and the narrative from the river to the sea needs to end

open your eyes for god’s sake


I think you're confused. It's not the propaganda. It's the reality in front of our open eyes that has destroyed the propaganda and the ready made narrative it supports. Personally, nothing's changed as I saw this from 2008 Operation Cast Lead and when the reports for all the investigations were released, there was no mistaking the horror.

This one, when those who are still alive are interviewed and their stories documented - its going to be really awful. It's already too awful but I know when there's no cameras, or internet (like now, and many times when Israel decides to cut it off), even worse things happen. You're just unwilling to see it and you've apparently decided not to even investigate what people are reacting to. Just own it, it's fine. But don't act like everyone else is somehow not seeing what's there and having a very normal response to it. I don't know you but there's another layer of deep indoctrination some people have to deal with. That makes people come up with weird reasoning and beliefs.

I'm really not sure how anyone who is honestly evaluating what they're seeing and curious enough to actually look deeper into it - beyond what they believe or have been lead to believe, can come away and seriously talk about some moral superiority. Like, saying this, now? Is a big wtf.

I mean, of all moments you could have chosen, this is really the weirdest one to be claiming Israel has any moral authority or superiority. Hello? I mean there's lots to say about the rest of your interpretation because you seem to be missing rather important details.

I'm very sorry but it's a pretty shit time to be talking about Israel's moral standing. I'm kind of baffled. I mean, apparently I was really naive when I just assumed that there are so many things, that even on their own, are so fucking evil and horrific, that I believed it would be a really obvious.

But, really, it turns out not only killing mostly kids and women, literally starving them, forcing them to live on the street, with no water to drink, let alone to wash, no sanitation and purposely destroying every hospital and preventing not only food and water but also medical supplies. Killing people point blank or a sniper killing elderly ladies sheltering in a church that has been surrounded by tanks for days. Like I literally could go all night.

You ever seen a dissemboweled little girl slowly dying while people around her can't help? How about a little boy who's face is literally gone? A baby with a skull cracked almost like a nut, brains mostly outside of her little head? You think morality can even enter that conversation? Because I do not. Don't talk to me about humanity or morality, even less when it's disproportionate, intentionally indiscriminate and literally serves no purpose towards the stated goal - which we all know is bs and they can't eliminate or eradicate hamas. Its an excuse to kill as many civilians, even though they'd much prefer chasing them out (their words, not mine) but that's apparently the only line they won't be allowed to cross.

In the end, it's going to be the same thing because the Americans are allowing them to destroy Gaza. It will not be livable. They've destroyed most homes, most structures, every hospital, many schools, mosques, churches EVERYTHING - every cultural institution, the archives building, the university, they've destroyed cemeteries, absolutely everything. They've looted, stolen, vandalized and set food and water on fire (they posted it online). Morals are not in the picture here.

I'm sorry to break it to you, guys. But either I refer to them as terrorists (even the Pope called it terrorism, and a Cardinal called it cold blooded murder), or I'll accept genocidal.

At this point, y'all look like fools being outraged about Oct 7th without even knowing what really occurred - considering half of what we've been told was lie. About 30-35% of casualties were military personel who died as a result of the military targets, which as you know *are* legitimate targets to hit. And of the rest of the casualties, there is a yet unknown exact but definitely significant number that were killed by "friendly fire", when soldiers in tanks and in the air had no one in command (!) for hours and used "massive firepower" when it was unclear who was inside the home or car they were firing at. If you've seen the burned house, the totally burned dozens and dozens of cars and people that were in the cars, it's obvious hamas didn't have that kind of fire power.

But there are actually testimonies from survivors (multiple), from pilots and apparently a tank with women soldiers who didn't actually train with that equipment and everyone was firing into houses not knowing exactly who was in there. (So no, Hamas didn't set kids or homes on fire, the idf did, and killed civilians and hamas or other groups. So there's no beheading, no baby in the oven, no kid hanging on clotheslines, no setting anyone or house on fire, no cuting up àny pregnant woman's belly and pulling out fetuses, the claims of sexually assault are another story I won't get into but there are many reasons to be skeptical so I'll wait but I won't be surprised if it's again a small detail that is true but then spawned all sorts of insane bullshit - because some of what has come out sounds a lot like babies on ovens and fetuses cut out of bellies. It's wild to me how people even make up stories like that but anyway)

Also testimony from high ranking people in the military. It's not internet conspiracy, it's taken from Israeli media interviews in Hebrew. The most shocking, barbaric sounding claims that were made, which got everyone to stop thinking, has been confirmed to be false by Israeli officials. There are no doubt some horrific things that happened and no one deserves to die but considering it was used to unleash a disgusting rage and vengeance fueled massacre, and more specifically to get all of you to let them do it, it's important that we know the truth.

Because there's also the fact that hamas weren't the only ones who went into Israel but they are the only ones who actually had a very detailed plan, one they'd trained for and according to Israelis who were aware of the plan, Hamas stuck remarkably close to the plan, which like I said, involved hitting specific military targets and getting hostages in order to free hostages in Israeli prisons. There were other groups so it would be good to know who was responsible for what. I have a feeling that's why they don't want to say anything.

The fact is it's a tragedy no matter what and as far as I'm concerned there's no justification for what Israel's doing. But if people says it's justified because of what happened on Oct 7th, then I'd like to know exactly what happened. I've witnessed Israel tell lie after lie after lie, often unbelievably stupid lies - I don't trust them one bit and for good reasons. People were stupid to go along with the lies about weapons of mass destruction, you'd think they would be more cautious this time. Apparently not. We even have the revived Islamophobic moral panic a little higher on the page.

So I'm very sorry but you're not gonna come tell me there's anything remotely moral, especially not superior about Israel. While this is definitely the most extreme they've done, it's been a pattern for a long time. I'm going to assume you're misinformed.

What's even stranger to me is how the masks are coming off and many of what would have only been said in the Hebrew press or to a Hebrew audience, now has also come out in English. It actually contradicts the talking points people have repeated over and over for years and decades. And while it was obvious to everyone else who wasn't drinking that Kool-Aid, even hearing Israelis tell you themselves, it's like people can't compute.

I think it wouldn't hurt you to take your own advice because there's nothing particularly impressive about not committing their crimes in a specific way when they've just created their own system of control, cruelty, dispossession and humiliation that's apparently palatable enough for certain countries to not protest about it. That's not some big moral accomplishment.

To be continued lol
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Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
.So there's no beheading, no baby in the oven, no kid hanging on clotheslines, no setting anyone or house on fire, no cuting up àny pregnant woman's belly and pulling out fetuses, the claims of sexually assault are another story I won't get into but there are many reasons to be skeptical so I'll wait but I won't be surprised if it's again a small detail that is true but then spawned all sorts of insane bullshit - because some of what has come out sounds a lot like babies on ovens and fetuses cut out of bellies. It's wild to me how people even make up stories like that but anyway)
Allow me to disagree, I happen to watch All the news chanel even Al-jazeira, BBC, Sky, CNN, Tf1, I24, CBS, Euronews etc etc.. and yes I do see Gaza horrors as well. No child or innocent should pay this price.
What I also see is that deafening non comdenation of the oct 7 masacres as if it was in any way explainable and justified.
Even more troubling , I see people trying to deny what happens or desesperatly attempting to minimize the worst , the worst barbaric filmed and live documented progrom of the modern era.
It is also an intelectual twist to claim that Hamas had just military targets but some unknown civilians people infitrated with them to comit rapes and torture civilians. Actually you might be right because we did see what appears to be peacful civilians gazans spitting on half dead half naked raped women in a back of a truck, we also did see a young women pulled by her hair bleeding from her back and brutally taken in a back of an SUV. maybe it was propaganda you might say.
It is also extremly disturbing that any women would defending those barbars knowing what they thing of you and how they'll probably treat you if your were in their hands.
Hamas is responsible for all of it. They are the one who rule Gaza with Charia, no elections for 16 years, they are the one hiding in Qatar with billion of $ of humanitarian aid, they are the one who are hidding in hospital, UN schools, mosques, they are the one who oppressed civilians and using international aid to build tunnels, they are the one endoctrinating for the past 25 years children to kill jews and erase Israel from the map, they are the one who would never accept peace talks. More twisted...they are the one who want you to see dead civilians and get outraged... yes you are unfortunately falling into their game...
you want to help palestnians don't support Hamas and their islamic ideology. it is a very dangerous game
I am curious to know how do you think Israel was supposed to respond to that... what should they do at this point? I'm very curious to hear concrete logical ideas.

there is no 'lol' here in my opinion


Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
One of the people who was invited to see the video of the horrors committed by the Hamas terrorists was Graeme Wood, a political scientist and writer for The Atlantic magazine. He was interviewed on the CBC network and wrote an article about it in The Atlantic.

This afternoon, at a military base north of Tel Aviv, the Israel Defense Forces held a grisly matinee screening of 43 minutes of raw footage from Hamas’s October 7 attack. Members of the press were invited, but cameras were not allowed. Hamas had the opposite policy on cameras during the attack, which it documented gleefully with its fighters’ body cams and mobile phones. Some of the clips had been circulating already on social media in truncated or expurgated form, with the footage decorously stopped just before beheadings and moments of death. After having seen them both in raw and trimmed forms, I can endorse the decision to trim those clips. I certainly hope I never see any of the extra footage again.

It was, as IDF Major General Mickey Edelstein told the press afterward, “a very sad movie.” Men, women, and children are shot, blown up, hunted, tortured, burned, and generally murdered in any horrible manner you could predict, and some that you might not. The terrorists surround a Thai man they have shot in the gut, then bicker about what to do next. (About 30,000 Thais live in Israel, many of them farmworkers.) “Give me a knife!” one Hamas terrorist shouts. Instead he finds a garden hoe, and he swings at the man’s throat, taking thwack after thwack.

Graeme Wood: What is Israel trying to accomplish?

The audience gasped. I heard someone heave a little at another scene, this one showing a father and his young sons, surprised in their pajamas. A terrorist throws a grenade into their hiding place, and the father is killed. The boys are covered in blood, and one appears to have lost an eye. They go to their kitchen and cry for their mother. One of the boys howls, “Why am I alive?” and “Daddy, Daddy.” One says, “I think we are going to die.” The terrorist who killed their father comes in, and while they weep, he raids their fridge. “Water, water,” he says. The spokesman was unable to say whether the children survived.

The videos show pure, predatory sadism; no effort to spare those who pose no threat; and an eagerness to kill nearly matched by eagerness to disfigure the bodies of the victims. In several clips, the Hamas killers fire shots into the heads of people who are already dead. They count corpses, taking their time, and then shoot them again. Some of the clips I had not previously seen simply show the victims in a state of terror as they wait to be murdered, or covered with bits of their friends and loved ones as they are loaded into trucks and brought to Gaza as hostages. There was no footage of rape, although there was footage of young women huddling in fear and then being executed in a leisurely manner.

Edelstein said that the IDF chose to show the footage out of necessity. It is not every day that snuff films of Jews are shown at an IDF screening hall. (The original site of the screening was a commercial theater, which would have been even worse.) “What we shared with you,” Edelstein said, searching for words, “you should know it.” And he said he struggled to understand how some journalists could present the IDF and Hamas as comparable. This footage would refute that false equivalence.

“We are not looking for kids to kill them,” he said. “We have to share it with you so no one will have an idea that someone is equal to another.”

Graeme Wood: Hamas’s hostage-taking handbook says to ‘kill the difficult ones’ and use hostages as ‘human shields’

To me the most disturbing section was not visual at all. Like the clip of the father and his boys hunted in their pajamas, it was upsetting in part because it showed a relationship between parent and child. The clip is just a phone call—placed by a terrorist to his family back in Gaza. He tells his father that he is calling from a Jewish woman’s phone. (The phone recorded the call.) He tells his father that his son is now a “hero” and that “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands.” And he tells his family, about a dozen times, that they should open up WhatsApp on his phone, because he has sent photographs to prove what he has done. “Put on Mom!” he says. “Your son is a hero!”

His parents, I noticed, are not nearly as enthusiastic as he is. I believe that the mom says “praise be to God” at one point, which could be gratitude for her son’s crimes or pure reflex, indicating her loss for words to match her son’s unspeakable acts. They do not question what their son has done; they do not scold him. They tell him to come back to Gaza. They fear for his safety. He says, amid rounds of “Allahu akbar,” that he intends “victory or martyrdom”—which the parents must understand means that he will never come home. From their muted replies I wonder whether they also understand that even if he did come home, he would do so as a disgusting and degraded creature, and that it might be better for him not to.


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Jul 11, 2003
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I was wondering where the problem solvers are in all of this and it seems like Egypt has stepped to the plate to take swings in that regard. I don't know if this proposal will fly but it sounds like the kind of thinking and international diplomacy that needs to be done to make some type of progress. It's not clear to me but it seems like this would be the end of Hamas, and as such it should be a starting point, if nothing else:
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Apologists for Islamic terrorists resort to many strategies to justify their crimes but when nothing else works, they scream "Islamophobia"! Writer Sam Harris explains how Muslims use Islamophobia to try to disarm critics of Islam and its followers.

What is Islamophobia? Someone once said on the Internet, it’s a word “invented by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons,” and that’s not far from the truth. There is no question that the term has been designed to confuse people. Its purpose is to conflate any criticism of Islam, which is a doctrine of religious beliefs, with bigotry against Muslims as people. In fact, it equates secularism itself—the commitment to keeping religion out of our laws and public policy—with hatred. The term is now being widely used in the mainstream media, and it is making it impossible to speak honestly about the consequences of dangerous ideas...

..And while every religion has its fanatics, there is only one religion on Earth where even its mainstream members of the faith seek to impose their religious taboos on everyone else. There is only one religion that has made it unsafe for people to criticize it—or indeed, for its own members to leave it. Only Muslims routinely fear for their lives when they decide to leave their religion—and this is true, even in the West. If you doubt this, just read some books or listen to some podcasts by ex-Muslims.

Anyone who wants to draw a cartoon, or write a novel, or stage a play that makes fun of Mormonism is free to do that. In the United States, this freedom is nominally guaranteed by the First Amendment—but that is not, in fact, what guarantees it. The freedom to poke fun at Mormonism is guaranteed by the fact that Mormons don’t tend to murder their critics. They don’t start riots and burn embassies in response to satire.

When The Book of Mormon became the most celebrated musical in the United States, the LDS Church protested by placing ads for their faith in the program. That might have been a wasted effort: but it was also a charming sign of good humor. Yes, there are crazy and dangerous people in every faith—and I often hear from them. But what is true of Mormonism is true of every other religion, with a single exception. Can you imagine staging a similar play about Islam anywhere on Earth? No you cannot—unless you also imagine the creators of that play being hunted for the rest of their lives by religious maniacs. You also have to imagine Muslims by the hundreds of thousands, in dozens of countries, going absolutely berserk.

At this moment in history, there is only one religion that systematically stifles free expression with credible threats of violence. The truth is, we have already lost our First Amendment freedoms with respect to Islam. We lost them decades ago—and anyone who is tempted to cry “Islamophobia” at this point, shares the blame for this. This status quo is intolerable—and, most important, it should be intolerable to Muslims themselves. They should be mortified that their community is so uniquely combustible. So uniquely uncivil. So incapable of self-reflection and self-criticism. So dangerously childish. So desperate to make the whole world it's safe space.

Consider what is actually happening: Some percentage of the world’s Muslims—and it is not just extremists—are demanding that all non-Muslims conform to Islamic law. And while they might not immediately resort to violence in their protests, they threaten it. Carrying a sign through the streets of London that reads “Behead Those Who Insult the Prophet” might still count as an example of peaceful protest, but it is also an assurance that infidel blood would be shed if the thug holding the sign only had more power. Wherever Muslims do have real power, this grotesque promise is always fulfilled. To make a film, or stage a play, or write a novel critical of Islam in any Muslim-majority country, is as sure a method of suicide as the laws of physics allow. There is only one religion on Earth that has normalized this level of fanaticism. And it isn’t an expression of bigotry to notice that this is totally antithetical to everything that civilized people value in the 21st century...

...There have been nearly 50,000 acts of Islamic terrorism in the last 40 years—and the French group that maintains a database of these attacks considers that to be an undercount. Ninety percent of them have occurred in Muslim countries. Most have nothing to do with Israel or Jews. There have been 82 attacks in France and over 2000 in Pakistan during this period. Do you want France to be more like Pakistan? You just need more jihadists. You just need more people susceptible to becoming jihadists. You just need a wider Muslim community that won’t condemn jihadism, but pretends that the theology that inspires it will be true and perfect until the end of the world. You just need millions of people who will protest Israel for defending itself, or call for the deaths of cartoonists for depicting the prophet Muhammad, and yet not make a peep about the jihadist atrocities that occur daily, all over the world, in the name of their religion...
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2019

Terrible isn't it ? This is what the nazionists of this forum are condoning. A child-killing bloodthirsty ideology


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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
It is evident that the IDF has been employing a forceful approach towards the Palestinian population, primarily due to the unfortunate tactic used by terrorists like Hamas who hide among civilians. As previously mentioned, the actions carried out by Hamas on October 7th were not solely for the benefit of Palestine, but rather to serve the interests of various Islamic extremist groups. Their intention was to provoke a strong response from Israel, fully aware that innocent lives would be lost in the process. This calculated move was aimed at garnering support from individuals worldwide, with the ultimate goal of inciting a global movement against Israel and its Jewish population.

It is important to recognize the deliberate manipulation at play here. Hamas intends to falsely portray Israel as the perpetrator of genocide, when in reality, it is Hamas and other extremist factions that seek to eradicate Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. Unfortunately, many individuals are not well-informed about the true meaning of genocide, leading them to blindly join the anti-Israel movement. Furthermore, there are those who, having fled their own troubled Arabic countries, latch onto this cause as a means of preserving their ethnic identity, even though their actions are far from beneficial to their own communities.

One must ponder the consequences of this dangerous path. If the Jewish people are targeted today, who will be the next victims? The answer is quite obvious. It is almost as if the Islamic and Hamas groups are attempting to instigate a new worldwide holocaust. However, it is crucial to remember that the most influential figures in the world are predominantly Jewish, making it highly unlikely that these attempts to recreate the horrors of the past will succeed. When referring to these influential individuals, I am not referring to mere celebrities who fear losing followers by standing up for Israel, but rather the powerful individuals who control governments and financial institutions.

It is disheartening to witness the prevailing misconception that when people think of Palestine, they immediately associate it with Israel killing innocent babies. This notion is pure nonsense. Israel does not possess the heart to harm innocent infants; it is Hamas who callously hides behind civilians, including babies and children’s.It is worth noting that I have always maintained positive relationships with my Muslim friends, and my parents had close ties with Muslim individuals as well. However, it is disheartening to witness the rise of antisemitism among the younger generation.
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