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Have you ever had your signature removed...


Dec 14, 2004
Have you ever had your signature removed? I have.

I`ve always been all for the Mods and thier work here. I realize it`s not easy work to try and keep a few hundred `posters` in line with rules and regulations. I`ve always thought of us (posters) as journalistes with absolutly no experience. Imagine how the chief editor would feel. That`s probably how the Mods here feel at times.

I had a signature (I had copied Special K`s signature after getting his okay) that I thought was a good way to honor Mod2`s initiative in getting equal rights between advertisers and regular posters. For those of you who have not read his resignation thread, Mod2 had removed the posting rights of an advertiser and after having been told by Fred Zed that he couldn`t do that, he decided to resign. Well everything turned out right...
see thread for more details.

The signature was deemed confusing and BORDERED on agency bashing. I understand that agency bashing is not allowed, and that is okay. Here is my point-of-view. If someone`s opinion is removed everytime it BORDERS on being anti-board-rules, we will be left with hardly any way to convay our opinions.

I`d like to read your opinions on this, but be sure to check the board rules first ;)

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004

Your post is allowed, and there is no need to check the board rules for this.

MERB moderators set the sanction for the original rule violation, and that was a ban. Our methods of communication are very effective. If they were not, you would not have known that he was banned, right?

The first time I saw Special K's signature, I was confused. I did not know why M2 would have posted that message in that topic, then I saw it was a signature. Imagine if everyone did this. Would MERB really be that useful then?

If you want an official rule that covers this, try this:


2) Posting

v) Refrain from posting the same thread topic in multiple sections.​

If you want to post about the incident in the original topic, go right ahead.

Your signature was not your opinion though. It was Mod2's, so please do not tell me I am leaving you with hardly any way to convey your opinion.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I interpreted the signatures of SK and B1G as showing their disapproval of shilling on this Board. As such I had no problem with it. It isn't agency bashing if it is true.

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004

Standard netiquette guidelines limit a signature to 4 lines or less. The intention of a signature is to replace a business card, giving general information about a person. (Paraphrased from )

Over time, this has evolved to allow short quotes, lines from songs, etc., but to the best of my knowledge, has never been intended to be used for complete posts.

Thank you,


Dec 14, 2004
Mod 4 said:

Your signature was not your opinion though. It was Mod2's, so please do not tell me I am leaving you with hardly any way to convey your opinion.


The first line in my signature was highligthed and said....

Here is to Mod2's initiative :
(or something very close to that, unfortunatly it was deleted and I can't recall the EXACT wording)

That can be considered my opinion, the rest of the post was to show what I was refering to...

In your post here, MOD4, you emphasize the fact that my signature added confusion to my posts, and I'll give that to you.I have to admit I too had a 2 second confusion when I first read Special K's post. But I thought it was a clever way to express our appreciation of Mod2's work.

In your PM to me you also said my signature BORDERED on agency bashing and that was the point of this thread.

Mod 2


Although I am very appreciative of everyone`s support, I also concur with Mod4 that sanctions have been applied and there is no need to have a mention about Mike_Classx being banned all over the place. By adding this to your signature, it makes all posts you made, ever, show that signature, and remind everyone about Mike_Classx`s wrong actions in every single thread you have ever made a post, hence the "bordered on agency bashing". This is just not right.

Mike_Classx made a mistake, he was told about it and got banned for 2 weeks. He does NOT deserve this unfair treatment (other offenders are mentioned in that ONE thread, the "Duplicate handles, shill, etc" thread, not all over the place).

Thanks for your understanding.

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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
I am lost on this one.
All I remember about Special K's signature is something about being a piss in his pants.
Which I liked it very much. It had humor and also it was true.
Now, if SK changed the his signature then I don't know what the new (or disappeared new) one was.
But, I do agree that signature should not be used to attack/shill something/someone.

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004

Nothing in moderation is black and white. It is all grey.

When I make a decision, I look at the glass and see if it is a little more full or a little more empty. You are correct that your post said something about supporting M2 and making a step in the right direction, but that was 1 line out of 15 or so?

The primary reason that it was removed was because it was confusing. That's why I stated that reason to you first.

Had I known the word "borders" would be so significant, I might have taken more time to consider my phrasing. As I said before, M2 issued a sanction that was complete as it was. Other members have had rule violations as well, one in particular that was considerably more serious, but you did not choose to comment about them in your signature. You only wrote about the current case. If you had written

Shills beware. The moderators of this board do not tolerate your actions
(link to mod post 1 about provider x)
(link to mod post 2 about agency y)
(link to mod post 3 about provider z)
If you are caught shilling I will not use your service

I would have little to say, but you just picked on one. Had you picked on the member with the most flagrant violation, to make that the example, I would have less to say. If you had just made a post in the original topic, we would not be here discussing it, becuase I would not have removed it.

The choice that you made, putting a quote from a mod specifically about one agency in your signature, was over my line. It was not hardcore bashing, so I used the word "borders". It was however, something that I wanted to point out to you.

Thank you,


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Okay, I can sort of see the Mods' points. Mike got caught shilling but he was not the only one and it's sort of unfair to single him out. In truth XXXtase and Emotion Montreal engaged in a much more far reaching shill campaign. So I would agree that B1G should drop the signature. Mike has been punished and let's hope he has learned from it.

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004
EagerBeaver said:
In truth XXXtase and Emotion Montreal engaged in a much more far reaching shill campaign.


XXXtase was never accused of shilling. The accusations there involved one provider, not the agency.

Thank you,


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Correct me if I am wrong but LCS exposed one guy, 5 different handles posting bullshit in the XXXtase thread. At no time did XXXtase management ever say that any of those reviews/posts were bullshit. In fact one of those shill handles attacked one of my posts in the thread which was 100% accurate. I knew then and there that shilling was going on which was not hard to conclude since XXXtase initially wasn't paying for advertising yet they had all these reviews. The readers can all draw their own conclusions.

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004

If we were to suppose that XXXTase was shilling, why did he do it for only one of his staff, and not all? It does not make sense to me. Thus, I believe it was initiated by that provider, not by him.

Is he then guilty of knowingly allowing shill posts to be on the board without saying anything? If she did it behind his back, how would he know?

From a technical standpoint, using all available tools that we have, I tried to prove that it was him. However, I could not, because the evidence was not there. I did find the other evidence of multiple handles, which was clear, and I exposed them for what they were.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You may be right, and I may give XXXtase another chance. However I posted some very valid criticism about this agency after I attempted to use it, and the response from both the owner and one of the shills who was later exposed was just plain stupid. Now I'll allow for the fact that this Martin or Monaco or whatever his name is maybe does not understand or express himself in English very well. But I think the point of not answering phones on a Saturday afternoon and losing business (including mine) as a result was pretty clear. Whether that has changed since then I don't know. To be fair I may try this agency next time I am in town. But let it be known that he won't know it's me calling, all he'll know is I am some American dude by my accent, and hopefully the service will be good. If it is I'll post about it, and if it's not I'll post about it.


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Jul 15, 2003
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Within a 48 hour period, we have had two intentions of resignation from our moderators. Luckily one, Mod 2, has decided to remain on board. Now, we have Mod 4 deciding to step down from his post.

Well, I certainly hope some of you are happy. All you do is bitch and moan about their actions. Some of you have asked Fred Zed to provide unconditional support to the moderators. The question then becomes: What about us? Should we not afford them our complete support as well?

Perhaps some of you are conspiring to be critical of them so that they would give up their positions so that you could run amok on this board.

I have always worried about losing our moderators, and now, to a degree, it has become a reality. I truly hope Mod 4 will come back. Don't let the vocal minority push you to the edge. Then again, I can understand your not wanting to supervise some spoiled children who behave like a bunch of cry-babies.

As for me, I really hope you will reconsider Mod 4. Ignore all those who are into semantics and try to make issue of your statements.
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Best Lover

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Sep 27, 2004
Los Angeles
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Mods, you are greatly appreciated!

You make the board much more enjoyable and more pleasant and positive.

Please don't let the complaints from a few "problem children" get you discouraged or upset.

We "quiet members" appreciate you!! And we need you!!

Best Lover


Dec 14, 2004
I totally agree with you guys. I never should have questioned Mod4's reason for removing the signature. Or at least I should have questioned it myself. After reading his replys here in this thread I realized the problem with the signature. It was repeating over and over what I was trying to say (by showing up in all threads I write) which is somthing I've always tried to avoid before. I'm all for saying what you have to say and letting the readers make up thier own mind. This signature was doing the opposite and I get it now.

Guys, this is going the wrong way. This is not about B1G, this is about me (ok, and a few of you). Please do not single him out. I took my decision before he posted his message. If you think he is the only one who ever questioned a moderation decision, please stop dreaming.

Regardless of what others tell you, this board does not try to censor your every thought. We simply ask that you express yourself reasonably, as a gentleman, and within our rules, vague as they are sometimes. B1G, I am glad you understand.

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