Montreal Escorts

How to DFK


Oct 24, 2008
I have been coming to Montreal for quite a few years as well as other places in the US and it has just dawned on me that the type of so called dfk that I have sometimes received over the years has only happened in Montreal and some of the Montreal ladies really do not know how to dfk and maybe some of the guys like it that way or just havent ever been dfk'd correctly or what I consider correctly and should come naturally. .
Over the years I never pushed dfk or lfk on the ladies and sometimes I didnt even push closed mouth kissing on them but as I have gotten older I like at least a little closed mouth kissing. Over the years some of the ladies (only in Montreal) have stuck their tongue in my mouth and sort of swirled it around and I find that gross/disgusting and I dont like it and I have always thought that they do it because they really dont want to dfk but my latest experience has made me start thinking back. one year ago I saw an escort and she started sticking her tongue in my mouth and I kept trying to do it the way I consider correct but she didnt get it so she realized I didnt like it so she just close mouth kissed me. Now recently one year later I saw her again and this time when she started it , I asked her why do you kiss that way and she seemed surprised and asked me how I wanted her to kiss me so I said stick your tongue out and let me lead so she did and I eventually got her to dfk correctly but occasionally she would slip into her old habit but I would correct her and for the most part of our two hour session she dfk'd me correctly and nicely and it was obvious to me that she didnt mind dfkng me , she really didnt know how until I taught her. Now I will give you two examples of escorts that know how but may not do it correctly in montreal. several years ago I saw a hdh independent and she quickly became my atf and always saw her once or twice whenever I came to montreal. the key is she was not originally from Montreal and her primary language is spanish the first time I saw her she did the sticking her tongue loosely in my mouth and swirling it around so I wrote a review on ter (Where my handle is different than I use here) saying I would beg her to marry me if she would kiss correctly so the next time I saw her she started to kiss me correctly and I was surprised and said "when did you learn how to kiss"? and she said I read your review and I said how did you know it was me and she said by the review she could tell so that was funny and she always dfk'd me correctly as much as I wanted over the years so another example was another spanish lady not originally from montreal on our second dated dfk'd me correctly and of course I kissed her back and I said "oh you know how to kiss " and she said so do you. and at the time I thought she was just being nice complimenting me but now I think she was used to seeing guys in montreal that dont know how to kiss or they like it the other way. more recently another escort from monteal who I have seen a lot over the years but never did any tongue kissing started to give me some lfk but she did it nicely and correctly and she also is not originally from canada.. In the other cities I have visited escorts will either give you lfk or dfk and do it correctly or they will only do closed mouth kissing but I have never had any one except here in Montreal just stick their tongue in my mouth and swirl it around. So lets hear it guys how do you like your DFK and do you agree or disagree with me on this??


New Member
Aug 21, 2023
You might as well ask "How do you have a conversation with somebody?" The mouth is a sensitive area, but it's not wired for instant pleasure by touch like genitalia are. You can't just touch a tongue and get a guaranteed burst of hormones.

It's a language ("lengua"), so if both people are into it, it's going to work like a conversation. If one person is not "feeling" the back-and-forth interaction, it's hard to fake well... I would think.

"Tell me about your day without using words" would be a fun way to start a session. Unless it was a really bad day. :)


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
What did I just read?

This is odd. If you’ve met a few ladies and they all kiss the same way, don’t you think maybe you’re the one who is doing it incorrectly? Not that there really is a proper way anyways.

I am still scratching my head at this post

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I have been coming to Montreal for quite a few years as well as other places in the US and it has just dawned on me that the type of so called dfk that I have sometimes received over the years has only happened in Montreal and some of the Montreal ladies really do not know how to dfk and maybe some of the guys like it that way or just havent ever been dfk'd correctly or what I consider correctly and should come naturally. .
Over the years I never pushed dfk or lfk on the ladies and sometimes I didnt even push closed mouth kissing on them but as I have gotten older I like at least a little closed mouth kissing. Over the years some of the ladies (only in Montreal) have stuck their tongue in my mouth and sort of swirled it around and I find that gross/disgusting and I dont like it and I have always thought that they do it because they really dont want to dfk but my latest experience has made me start thinking back. one year ago I saw an escort and she started sticking her tongue in my mouth and I kept trying to do it the way I consider correct but she didnt get it so she realized I didnt like it so she just close mouth kissed me. Now recently one year later I saw her again and this time when she started it , I asked her why do you kiss that way and she seemed surprised and asked me how I wanted her to kiss me so I said stick your tongue out and let me lead so she did and I eventually got her to dfk correctly but occasionally she would slip into her old habit but I would correct her and for the most part of our two hour session she dfk'd me correctly and nicely and it was obvious to me that she didnt mind dfkng me , she really didnt know how until I taught her. Now I will give you two examples of escorts that know how but may not do it correctly in montreal. several years ago I saw a hdh independent and she quickly became my atf and always saw her once or twice whenever I came to montreal. the key is she was not originally from Montreal and her primary language is spanish the first time I saw her she did the sticking her tongue loosely in my mouth and swirling it around so I wrote a review on ter (Where my handle is different than I use here) saying I would beg her to marry me if she would kiss correctly so the next time I saw her she started to kiss me correctly and I was surprised and said "when did you learn how to kiss"? and she said I read your review and I said how did you know it was me and she said by the review she could tell so that was funny and she always dfk'd me correctly as much as I wanted over the years so another example was another spanish lady not originally from montreal on our second dated dfk'd me correctly and of course I kissed her back and I said "oh you know how to kiss " and she said so do you. and at the time I thought she was just being nice complimenting me but now I think she was used to seeing guys in montreal that dont know how to kiss or they like it the other way. more recently another escort from monteal who I have seen a lot over the years but never did any tongue kissing started to give me some lfk but she did it nicely and correctly and she also is not originally from canada.. In the other cities I have visited escorts will either give you lfk or dfk and do it correctly or they will only do closed mouth kissing but I have never had any one except here in Montreal just stick their tongue in my mouth and swirl it around. So lets hear it guys how do you like your DFK and do you agree or disagree with me on this??

First, no shade at all but this is feedback I was given a long time ago and it made sense: please use paragraphs. Otherwise it's really difficult to read all this text on a screen. :)

Now, to the topic. I find it interesting that you call it the "correct way" because there's no such thing. Everyone's idea of what the correct way to kiss varies. Having said that if I were to write a kissing manual, I agree with you that the tongue invasion swirly thing would not be the top technique.

Of course it comes down to personal preference but I think that is probably the way most of us assumed kissing was supposed to be. Most people stuck to it. I had a boyfriend who absolutely hated it, so I learned to kiss really differently. It's kind of made my life difficult because there was no going back after that. I never went back to enjoying forceful, rapid, repetitive or invasive tongue swirls.

I honestly can't do it, even if it tried. It feels mechanical to me and I can't deal and can't pretend. I find lips + some tongue far more sensual and enjoyable. No idea if that's what your "correct way" is but it's one of many existing ways and it would be the #1 technique recommended in my kissing manual, if I wrote one. But I guess everyone would say the same about the way they like to kiss.. :p
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
What did I just read?

This is odd. If you’ve met a few ladies and they all kiss the same way, don’t you think maybe you’re the one who is doing it incorrectly? Not that there really is a proper way anyways.

I am still scratching my head at this post

I don't think everyone kisses the same way. But maybe it's something you notice more when there is specific things you dislike? I don't know. But I definitely notice a difference.

Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
What did I just read?

This is odd. If you’ve met a few ladies and they all kiss the same way, don’t you think maybe you’re the one who is doing it incorrectly? Not that there really is a proper way anyways.

I am still scratching my head at this post
I am with you on this one LC, although there may be some similarities from partner to partner, every kiss is unique in its own way. What constitutes a perfect kiss, there are a multitude of events that must be involved here. Technique, tong(sorry, i couldn't resist, Tongue) action, too much tongue and its a slush fest, lips, too much lips and its a hoagie eating contest, pressure, too much pressure and you wind up with a bruised lip and lets not forget teeth, i don't particularly enjoy teeth in BBBJ, nor when I'm kissing. Sometimes the ladies like to bite my lip, to a certain pressure okay, but when you draw blood, now this can be erotic to a certain point or not!!

I do like when a lady sucks my tongue, its just showing me the fun we can be having in other areas(hint hint) and of her talents. I am no Casanova, but i have been around the block a few times and i consider myself a decent kisser, so i have been told. And again, we have to gage our experience with whom we have these kissing sessions with, sometimes we are compatible and the kissing is really nice and then there's those times that are a disaster.

Sucking face is what we use to call it back in my day and time. I guess we can go as far as saying that kissing is a talent that we need to practice to accomplish success, like anything else. Then again, some of us are just naturals at it.;):D

I have been in relationships and kissing was not an option, this is not okay with me. But i will not force the issue, its time to move on before its too late.

Kissing is a great fore-play initiative, and i love fore-play. :p

Now, all this talk about kissing really has me hyped up, time to schedule the weekly activities.

Enjoy your night beautiful ladies and horny gentlemen..


Oct 24, 2008
I don't think everyone kisses the same way. But maybe it's something you notice more when there is specific things you dislike? I don't know. But I definitely notice a difference.
I don't think everyone kisses the same way. But maybe it's something you notice more when there is specific things you dislike? I don't know. But I definitely notice a difference.
I don't think everyone kisses the same way. But maybe it's something you notice more when there is specific things you dislike? I don't know. But I definitely notice a difference.
I am sorry , about the no paragraphs. I can see it myself it is hard to read. I have probably tongue kissed hundreds of girls over many years and several cities and I have only found two ways to tongue kiss regardless if its dfk, lfk or mfk
its either just sticking your tongue in some ones mouth and swirling which I find gross/discusting and I have only received it in montreal or what i call the correct way which is hard to describe but seems to cum natural to me and most other women . in fact I think the swrily way is only done deeply because they seem to shove their tongue pretty far in
I hope you read the one lady that complimented me when I said to her "you know how to kiss" and she replied "so do you" and she was working in montreal but not from montreal so i imagine she encountered guys that just wanted her to shove her tongue in their mouths. I think its pretty amazing because "deep FRENCH kiss" and here we are in quebec and a lot of french ladies IMHO dont know how to French Kiss or their right and the rest of the world is wrong. LOL


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
@Thor Jr it can all be very fun. If there’s something you don’t like, just stop kissing, breathe and then go back to kissing. Sometimes people understand the message. It can mean “hey relax you’re swallowing my face”


Oct 24, 2008
First, no shade at all but this is feedback I was given a long time ago and it made sense: please use paragraphs. Otherwise it's really difficult to read all this text on a screen. :)

Now, to the topic. I find it interesting that you call it the "correct way" because there's no such thing. Everyone's idea of what the correct way to kiss varies. Having said that if I were to write a kissing manual, I agree with you that the tongue invasion swirly thing would not be the top technique.

Of course it comes down to personal preference but I think that is probably the way most of us assumed kissing was supposed to be. Most people stuck to it. I had a boyfriend who absolutely hated it, so I learned to kiss really differently. It's kind of made my life difficult because there was no going back after that. I never went back to enjoying forceful, rapid, repetitive or invasive tongue swirls.

I honestly can't do it, even if it tried. It feels mechanical to me and I can't deal and can't pretend. I find lips + some tongue far more sensual and enjoyable. No idea if that's what your "correct way" is but it's one of many existing ways and it would be the #1 technique recommended in my kissing manual, if I wrote one. But I guess everyone would say the same about the way they like
I find it really hard to explain how I think it should be done but when you say lips and some tongue, it makes me think yes start with lips regular kiss then you both insert your tongues into the others mouth and kind of rub the tongues together.
if you read my recent experience where I taught the woman how I like it. I said stick your tongue out and then i closed my mouth over her tongue kissing her lips and rubbing my tongue against her tongue and she pick it up immediately but every once in a while she would slip back to what she was use to and I would remind her but it really does come naturally.
again i can honestly say the sticking your tongue loosely in some ones mouth and swirling it around is only a monteal thing or possibly all of quebec or canada but the only canadian city I have ever been to is montreal and I always thought it was because the lady just did not want to kiss me.

Rosie Sparkles

Sep 14, 2016
If a client kiss me ''badly'' I will usually just follow his lead and not tell him. Full honesty here. Usually it's when they force their tongue inside my mouth or use too much saliva. Best tip I could give is to slowly build to DFK and listen to the moves of your partner. It's like a dance. Someone can lead but you don't go throwing your partner on the wall lol


New Member
Mar 30, 2016
DFK varies as you adapt to the different women you're with. Especially, in a first encounter . Science says that men and women have their nerves in lips connected to genitals . Therefore the turn on. It's all case by case if DFK with her is good or not. I mean if she is tearing half your face off DFKing or just tongue twirling..its all subjective. It's about what you want at a given time or regularly. Then there is chemistry...when that happens all is great and no questions!
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I am sorry , about the no paragraphs. I can see it myself it is hard to read. I have probably tongue kissed hundreds of girls over many years and several cities and I have only found two ways to tongue kiss regardless if its dfk, lfk or mfk
its either just sticking your tongue in some ones mouth and swirling which I find gross/discusting and I have only received it in montreal or what i call the correct way which is hard to describe but seems to cum natural to me and most other women . in fact I think the swrily way is only done deeply because they seem to shove their tongue pretty far in
I hope you read the one lady that complimented me when I said to her "you know how to kiss" and she replied "so do you" and she was working in montreal but not from montreal so i imagine she encountered guys that just wanted her to shove her tongue in their mouths. I think its pretty amazing because "deep FRENCH kiss" and here we are in quebec and a lot of french ladies IMHO dont know how to French Kiss or their right and the rest of the world is wrong. LOL

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