Montreal Escorts

I have a copycat?

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
That feels so wierd. I did a goolgle search with "Lilly" "escort" "montreal" to see if I came up anywhere. I was happy to see I did. Unfortunately, there was an add somewhere using the text from my old FKS profile and my ads almost word for word, of another Lilly (not Lombard, fortunately) located in Montreal also.

I knew that I had been having some agency "name sisters" for about two years (reason why I use Lombard to be distinctive), but never did I think someone would actually steal my text. At least they didn't steal my pictures.

This is mine : Lilly Lombard's profile on Cuties Montreal

This is hers :Copycat Lilly's profile on Punter Canada

According to that site, she posted her ad in February 2008. I wasn't even available at that time.

Any one has reviewed her? I'm very curious! Well, maybe someone should try and see what happens. I even wonder if that's for real!:rolleyes:

All I ask for is please, if you book her, don't expect me showing up.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Who Wrote the Text

Lilly Lombard said:
That feels so wierd. I did a goolgle search with "Lilly" "escort" "montreal" to see if I came up anywhere. I was happy to see I did. Unfortunately, there was an add somewhere using the text from my old FKS profile and my ads almost word for word, of another Lilly (not Lombard, fortunately) located in Montreal also.

I knew that I had been having some agency "name sisters" for about two years (reason why I use Lombard to be distinctive), but never did I think someone would actually steal my text. At least they didn't steal my pictures.

This is mine : Lilly Lombard's profile on Cuties Montreal

This is hers :Copycat Lilly's profile on Punter Canada

According to that site, she posted her ad in February 2008. I wasn't even available at that time.

Any one has reviewed her? I'm very curious! Well, maybe someone should try and see what happens. I even wonder if that's for real!:rolleyes:

All I ask for is please, if you book her, don't expect me showing up.


Who wrote the text? If you actually wrote the text and can prove it then you may have a point. If someone else wrote the text and for a fee or for free let you use it then unless it was clearly stated that it was for your exclusive use then you would be out of luck. They can "allow" it to others without limits.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
eastender said:
Who wrote the text? If you actually wrote the text and can prove it then you may have a point. If someone else wrote the text and for a fee or for free let you use it then unless it was clearly stated that it was for your exclusive use then you would be out of luck. They can "allow" it to others without limits.

I am pretty sure I wrote it. To an extend it could have been Fks management but I doubt it. I wrote all my texts so far exept for my old pink website which was written by the webmaster. Surely never paid anyone for that.

I am not thinking anything serious of it, nor claiming copyrights ;) . I just found funny the lack of imagination and the obvious plagiarism. If at least the girl had a diffenrent name for pete's sake!

oliver_kloseoff said:
ya now what
if your hot
give a great service
and at a good price
you would not have to advertise anywhere
your door would be beat down with clients from word of mouth!!
thats a hint

Word of mouth works wonders I coudn't agree more. I guess it's a good 90% of people I've met. That's also because of word of mouth that I usually am able to advertise 6 months, then semi-retire 1-2 years. I've been working that way since 2003.

But new blood, people who don't know about these message boards, is always good to bring into the equation. Yep, they still exist, they are still out there those people who use Google to find an escort. New blood is good for any business. I remember Canbest was very small compare to today's communities. That's been lots of new blood flowing in!

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
SeeCupRider said:
Hmmm. I am thinking this was very deliberate...
it could even be a guy running a bait-and-switch deal using
your name and reputation, no?

If you book through that other email, who knows what happens?

Good to have pointed it out...just imagine how angry you would
be if "you" got a bad review. Recipe for some frustrated clients
who would would be truthful in relating their bad experiences.

YOU understood my point. I just thought that needed to be highlighted! Thanks SeeCupRider.
Hopefully now, that ad will go down. I don`t know if I could contact the admin of that website. Would they do anything about it? I can only imagine another story like Red Door Escorts I was reading yesterday on this very board.
Last edited:

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
HigherLover said:
Seriously, you should "somehow" take this as a compliment...You usually try to "copy" from the best....You have a "niche" name and service that others are jealous of... the say the VERY least....

Regards, HL xxx

Oh... that is sweet! Thanks for the ego boost! :D

Je devais changer ma signature par "souvent imitée, jamais égalée!" Haha!

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Lily I know how you feel...

About a month ago, I was perusing the ads on Eros Montreal.. Out of curiosity I followed the link to a well reviewed Montreal SP's website because I had never seen it, only to find that she had copied word for word an entire page (a long page!) from my site as well as my FAQ's! She even used all of my answers, only making small modifications to a few of them.

Not impressed :mad: But what can you do? I wondered if I should be flattered or mad. I think I might have found it flattering if the SP had requested permission to use my text or at least quoted me.:rolleyes: (yes, I wrote it, I write all of my ads and website content)

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
C'est pour cela que maintenant j'utilise un logiciel exprès pour contrer le plagiat..A moins que la personne ai la patience de retranscrire mes textes mots à mots à la main Je lui souhaite bonne J'ai déjà eu affaire à du plagiat par le passé par 2 fois .... que je sais ...Un à Québec et un en france...Les textes et mes propres photos.. je peux dire que j'étais dans tous mes états...Alors Tu vois tu n'es juste pas chanceuse Ou pourrais-je dire que tes écris sont trop fabuleux Et que c'est plutôt un compliment que tu as reçu.....Si tu veux le voir comme cela..;-))

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
mazingerz said:
Ça va te prendre plus que ça pour éviter le plagiat car il suffit d'utiliser Opera ou de désactiver JavaScript pour pouvoir copier ton site. Il existe des programmes qui permettent d'encrypter ton site, ce qui rend la copie plus difficile. Mais encore là, la meilleure façon d'empêcher de te faire voler le contenu de ton site, particulièrement les images, c'est de le convertir en flash. Par contre, c'est plus lent à charger
Merdouille !!!!!!!!!
Je comprends....;-)) ...
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